Someone, whom I would truly like to
have as a friend, is very upset today and ready to throw in the towel
where writing is concerned today as his work was completely stolen by
a radio host and read over the air with no credit, payment or
anything. It must be the internet. It must be Facebook. Sorry my
friends, it is neither.
I started writing pretty much from the
moment I learned to read so I have a bit of experience going here. My
first 'professional' offer came from a nationwide metaphysical
magazine. There was not payment because back in the 70's everyone
operating in this “New Age” field was on a shoestring that
frequently broke. It was a themed issue and I was asked to write an
article on hypnosis because I was a licensed hypnotherapist working
in the medical field. I would give a little credit to the magazine
When you outright steal a person's
work, you really shouldn't send them a copy of it. Imagine my
surprise when I found direct quotes from my article interspersed
throughout the magazine as though they were written by the editor. As
to my article, two rather poor paragraphs were taken out of context
and printed on a tear away insert for which I was actually given
credit. Since they were taken out of context, they made little sense
and they actually came from a section on Biofeedback rather than
hypnosis causing them to make even less sense. This was 25 years ago
and there was no internet and no computers.
When I mentioned it to other people the
answer was...why would the publisher and editor of a nationwide
magazine steal YOUR work???
I learned that day to get payment up
front and the next editor that needed a freebie got the heave ho.
Then there was the six months I spent
hand typing and compiling a Tarot course. I also copyrighted it and
the copyright was on the bottom of each page. Back then you had to
pay money to copyright something and fill out forms. If I must say so
myself, it was a masterpiece of a beginning course on Tarot. I
intended to turn it into a book. I charged $50.00 for the course and
it was worth it or you could pay $10.00 a class for 6 classes. My
very first class, I had a retired Doctor take the course. As soon as
we finished the course, he took my course, cut the copyright off the
bottom, went to Office Depot and copied it. Then he began teaching it
at the yoga center a couple of miles away for $5.00 making certain I
would not attract any students to my course. One of my students was
also a student at the yoga center and he was angry. He stormed to
office with my course in hand and confronted the owner of the yoga
center. It was obvious the copyright had been cut from the bottom of
the pages because back then, if the paper you copied wasn't 8.5 x 11;
the missing piece copied as a gray/black area.
So what was the great spiritual answer?
Why would a retired, independently wealthy Doctor steal a course from
a poor witch across town? He didn't need the money. He was just
teaching for fun. I must have stolen his work. My student attempted
to prevail with the black line across the page as proof. Finally, he
came to me, disheartened, and wanted to know what to do. I suggested
he attend the next class, stand up and ask the Doctor to give him a
Tarot reading right then. It should be no problem if the course was
in fact his. He was thrown out of the yoga center, but the point was
not lost on the rest of the class. Once again, the yoga center was
hoping to make money off the doctor and I was poor collateral damage,
just like the editor knew I didn't have the money to sue her.
Then again, what goes around, comes
around. Someone then stole the course from the Doctor and began
teaching it for free at another store taking all his students. I
decided never to teach Tarot again.
My friend had her entire book copied on
a copier (they didn't even bother to retype it) by a company and
handed out to thousands of phone psychics to read over the phone. It
was, like my course, a key word Tarot book, so you could actually do
a layout and just flip through the book and get a full reading. She,
however, was a retired executive with lot's of money and the ability
to fly to Switzerland and sue them because that is where copyright
infringement cases were tried back then. She won, but they simply
went out business and she got nothing.
Other friends have had their products
copied or the over runs from manufacturing their products, sold on
the open market. One friend found her product selling in stores for
the wholesale price because when she had it manufactured in China to
get the cost down, the manufacturer just made lots of extras and then
sold them to stores for the same price he sold them to her. Thus
everyone was selling them at the wholesale price she was trying to
get. It happens to everyone who sends a product overseas for
manufacture. You must make your money on the first offering because
the second one finds someone undercutting your price.
So, you think is just you? Think again.
You know Cannon, the big manufacturer of towels. Every once in a
while something goes wrong and stuff fails quality control. It goes
in the dumpster and to the dump. Well, that is what they thought was
happening. It turned out their towels were being sold by the garbage
men, shipped to Florida and sold in the linen outlets. They were none
the wiser for over a year until I called to complain about some
towels I bought that just kept bleeding on me every time I showered.
If the outlet had been smart, they would have taken them back, but
they left an angry customer to call the manufacturer or maybe they
didn't know Canon puts a serial number on the tags. They are no
longer in business.
Bottom line: I don't care what it is,
it will be stolen simply because the number of hacks outnumber the
number of talents. All you can hope for is a little credit because
you sure aren't getting any money and if you pin your financial hope
on a product, the odds are you won't be eating next month. That is
reality. Even if you have the money to fight them, you are probably
going to get nothing. Learn to live with it and join the club or get
out of the business.
Yes, it still makes me angry and that
doesn't do me a bit of good. It doesn't hurt them in least. In my old
age, I have learned anger doesn't work for me. So, I don't even
bother with copyrights or trademarks or patents. I figure sooner or
later karma will get them.
Which leads me to the last group of
thieves. They stole a product from a nice guy and even managed to win
a prize and get on national TV with it. Then, they actually had to
make one and demonstrate it. All the time they were doing the TV bit
and were the big stars, he never said a single word because he knew
the product they stole from him didn't, couldn't work. They couldn't
build one from his mockup. They had to admit on national TV they had
stolen the product and it didn't work. Karma is a bitch and sometimes
she has puppies. And sometimes the nice guy gets the last laugh.
So dear hacks, steal away. If you
actually manage to improve my product, I will steal it back. Fair is
fair. And to those who steal people's artwork or writing, you might
have to prove your expertise and that can become a really big problem
if you have none. Not only that, but the more well known a person
becomes, the more people begin to recognize their work. Every writer
has a style and voice. Every painter has a brushstroke. Every
photographer an angle. In the end, people will see you for exactly
what you are: a thief and a hack and a really poor copy.