Good Morning.
Welcome to Monday morning in Janiceland. It is a strange place and
you only need to visit it for a brief time, so let's get on with it.
First of all, have
you killed anyone today? I know the day is young but is that in your
plans? Nope, I didn't think so.
Then, have you taken
anyone's food away from them? I am willing to bet that if you have
sandwich and someone walks up to you and says they are hungry, you
will give it or at least half of it to them.
Have you stolen
anything this week? Have you beat anyone up? Did you kick someone out
of their house?
In the whole course
of your life, how many of these things have you done and did you make
amends if you did any of them?
So why do you
believe you are a sinner when you aren't committing any sins? You
aren't hurting anyone. You are just trying to get along, taking care
of your family and enjoying your life. Is being happy a sin and what
god came up with that one?
Oh, probably the
same guy that sold you pie in the sky after death....hey...anyone
come back from the dead lately and tell you how wonderful it is in
that heaven you have to die to get to? Read your book carefully,
little ones. No one ever came back and testified to how wonderful it
was after they died because no one has never come back from the dead.
Have you ever heard
of snake oil? It keeps you young and cures everything that ails you.
Just 9.95 for a bottle of this stuff but how do you know the contents
of the bottle are what keeps him young and healthy? He might just
naturally be young and healthy. Think about it before you buy.
You are so convinced
of your own evilness, you can't see what is in front of you.
God is omnipotent
and omnipresent. In other words he can do anything. He can be
everywhere. He knows everything. Now let's say I have a worshiping
relationship with coffee and every morning I thank the coffee pot for
that wonderful cup of Joe. How could my worship or enjoyment of
coffee in any way diminish an omnipotent and omnipresent god? If he
doesn't like what I am doing, he can just wipe all coffee out. He
doesn't have to kill me or direct you to break his own commandment
and kill me. What would it matter to him who you worshiped? Don't you
think he ought to be a little more evolved than that? Shouldn't he be
capable, this supreme being, of teaching you right from wrong without
smiting you? I mean, he's not sounding quite so supreme to me. He's
sounding like a jealous two year old having a tantrum that if I can't
have the candy, no one else can.
Jesus didn't die for
your sins. He died for a political cause trying to feed the poor,
stop the bankers from taking everything from people via loans and
interest, and spreading the horrible concept that all people were
created equal. For that the Romans executed him as a thief. If anyone
had any sins to die for, it was the Roman Emperor, not you.
Take a look at the
book you clutch as the holy of holiest. Constantine the First took
all the books loosely associated with a small religious sect that
called themselves followers of Jesus, edited out the ones he didn't
like and created the religion of Christianity. Do you know what else
good old Constantine gave you? He gave you the Feudal system where
serfs (slaves by another name) worked their master's land for which
they got a place to stay and maybe food while their master took as
much of the fruits of their labor as he wanted and their daughters,
sons, wives...pretty much anyone he wanted to do anything with under
the blessings of the Church. Wow, and you thought you were a sinner.
Missed that boat, friend. Guess how you got into the Master's club.
You had to be born into it. All wealth was inherited via bloodline.
Serf could never leave the land where they were born. You and your
children and your children's children belonged to the land of the
Master. There was a small Merchant Class allowed to exist because
traveling with commodities was a dangerous thing the 1% didn't want
to do. They were the only people that were allowed to freely move
between these 1% Master's lands. Nice system, if you are the right
You sit here scared
to death the guy down the street is going to take your things away
from you. The guy who is going to take your things, your house and
the food and medicine out of your mouth isn't the guy down the
street. Heck, that person wouldn't live in your neighborhood on a
bet. Ever see Papa John's castle? It is small in comparison to the
armed compounds the 1% have created to protect them from you. You
don't even know where they are. They are the ones robbing you blind,
not anyone in this 10 square block area and this man with the
reversed collar is here to tell you that the sinner you are, you
deserve this. You deserve to lose everything you work for because you
are bad. Just die and maybe with forgiveness and a good donation in
the plate, and you'll go to a better place.
Do you really
believe him? They say misery loves company. Well, I'm going to tell
you misery pays really good if you can convince people to inflict it
upon themselves. Think about it.
I happen to think
you are a good decent person doing the best you can in current
circumstances. You are free to disagree with me.
Have a nice Monday.