Tuesday, October 29, 2019

How to cut social security & medicare

The Real Cuts to Social Security & Medicare

Make no mistake about it, tRump and Moscow Mitch intend to cut Social Security and Medicare and there is nothing you and the Dems can do about it. Here is how it works.
The new budget shows cuts to both programs in the amount they will pay out. The Dems will rally against the cuts, GOP'ers will get on board and a budget the same as last year will pass with everyone murmuring, “just wait until we get him out of office and we will fix this.”
So, the checks remain the same but here is where the money gets cut. The amount Medicare pays for a procedure and whether it pays, is not determined by Congress but by a private agency which has been stuffed with Insurance Providers and the AMA Doctors, all appointed. That agency sits under the control of one Eugene Louis Dodaro who is the comptroller of the USA. He was appointed for a 15 year term in 2010. He was already serving as the acting comptroller so it was a no brainer for Congress and you know how they love no brainers. His service as second in command of the agency actually started under George W. Bush. Mr Dodaro is a conservative who has been screaming the government is going broke since the beginning of his career and proposing massive cuts to programs to save it. What you do not understand is this is the second most powerful man in the country because he controls all the money, where it goes and what information is presented to the president and Congress. He is appointed for a 15 year term! You never see that appointment. You probably never ever heard of him. You probably had no idea what his office does.
He controls who gets paid and how much, who know what and how much.
So to cut Medicare all you have to do, for a totally hypothetical example, is decide not to pay for diabetic testing supplies. This is the second most expensive item in diabetes. So the last little cut, decreased the amount they would pay for Type 2 diabetics strips. Type 1 coverage remained the same. You never even saw that bus coming at you. Don't cut the amount paid for insulin, but cut the amount paid for syringes. Suddenly, your diabetic uncle is trying to figure where his social security check is going because he has no money for food. By limiting the amount paid for items they effectively cut Medicare and since you are paying more for your supplies, copays and medications, your social security check now covers less expenses because the expenses on one side of the equation just got larger.
NOW, you remove the deduction of medical expenses from your income taxes and abracadabra, you have cut Social Security and Medicare without doing it in the budget you present to Congress and no one is any the wiser.....because they aren't even adding up those figures any more since they can't deduct them....

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