The Mother of ALL
Conspiracy Theories
I am not going to
throw words like Deep State, New World Order, etc, around because I
prefer John Lopez who lives at 6666 SW 6 Street in Hidden City, New
Hole, United Psychopaths and can be reached at 666-666-6666. There is
no amorphous organization meeting at midnight to sacrifice a baby
before turning on their computers and contacting the Reptilian
Overlords for instructions. There are very real, breathing people
reading reports written by the best people money can buy making
decisions designed to kill us all. The only questions are who and why
and there is nothing woo-woo about it.
Fact: Humans occupy
less of the world's habitable area than ants, cockroaches, mice,
rats, etc. We occupy a tiny portion of the world smaller than the USA
when you actually take all us and put us shoulder to shoulder.
Fact: We can feed
every human on earth several times over.
Fact: We have enough
resources to last ad infinium.
So why are we
running in circles screaming the world is ending?
Because it is and
the reason is, as Spock the Vulcan would say, fascinating.
We have all this
land that no one lives on because we are social creatures that like
to clump into groups but, psychologists and sociologists will tell
you, not that close. Here is a fascinating fact and it involves no
drugs. Our closest social model is a rat. Yes, they organize
themselves into communities and families just like we do except they
are actually successful at it. So what happens if you give a rat
everything it desires which happens to be unlimited food and mates?
You would have a happy rat. Now, what happens if you build the rat a
city with everything it wants except more space? They go extinct. Now
remember, they can't eat all the food, like the water, it is
unlimited. Some poor lab tech cleans up after them every day. They
get medical care and are healthy little suckers, so why go extinct?
The answer was when the population reaches a certain density, the
rats lose all interest in everything. They curl up in a ball and stop
living. They stop eating and breeding. They actually become
infertile for no apparent reason. They go extinct because they never
recover from this.
Scientists have
known this for at least a century.
So, we build cities,
stack people on top of each other and make laws to prevent them from
living in the countryside where they would have space and make sure
the economy keeps crashing to increase the stress on city dwellers
who have no way to actually take care of themselves. All anyone has
to do is say, no, this is too dense a population, let's increase the
living space. All ANYONE has to do is say no and NO ONE does.
Let's say you are a
smart, hardworking businessman. You are making computers. They are a
tad slow. Someone comes to your office and says, we can make them 5
milliseconds faster and the battery last fifteen minutes longer using
the rare mineral that no one has ever heard of and increasing the
price by several hundred dollars. How fast will you toss them out?
First off, how did anyone even get a sample of this super rare
mineral? It's so rare you don't even know the name or where it is
found but it will involve invading several countries that might just
fight back and all for what, a few milliseconds? You don't even know
how fast a millisecond expires. Who does something that stupid?
Well, that would be the current computer and telephone company heads.
The men are a geniuses and they make that kind of a business
The oil company
executives were told over 60 years ago about global warming. The best
minds in the world said there would only be one outcome if we
continued to use fossil fuels: extinction. We can assume these
captains of industry knew what the word extinction meant. Now, as a
businessman with two brain cells functioning do you (a) start pumping
as much oil as you can, pollute the environment as fast as you can
and build even more inefficient vehicles to use the dwindling supply
of fossil fuels OR (b) do you start looking for another industry to
go into that does the same thing and doesn't use fossil fuels like,
solar, wind and hydro power which is unlimited and FREE! Either the
heads of the oil industry are incredibly stupid or brain damaged or
there is something we don't know and it all leads to, just like the
mega-cities, extinction.
Now how do we feed
everyone? Simple, you stop wasting food and water feeding things to
kill them to eat them. The only reason man eats meat is man is lazy.
Go hunt, kill, eat but eventually you run out of things to hunt
because they are all eaten, by you. That was when you started raising
animals to eat but, the very people you made fun of, the vegetable
growers, now have to grow vegetables to feed the animals you are
growing to eat. Now, the fun fact here is that you can eat the
vegetables with no problem and have plenty of water, land and food
with no animals dying and no wasted resources. Unlike, say the cat,
you can process vegetable protein. It actually keeps you alive longer
than eating animal protein which is harder to digest and has more
toxins in it. So you come up with 101 ways to cook chicken and
disguise it as something new. Let's look at facts. You have chicken,
beef and pork. That is three main meats and three tastes. You have
potatoes, broccoli, tomatoes, beets, squash, lettuce, kale, cabbage,
beans …..... shall I go on? The tastes available from plant matter
is almost unlimited when you add in flowers and herbs and they cost
less to produce, you can grow them in your kitchen and eat for free.
So, if you want to feed the world many times over, just switch to
vegetables instead of meat. Vegetables don't poop and pollute.
It is simple things,
like cooking oil that really get you asking questions. Grape seed oil
is a high temperature oil that can be used to cook everything. It can
be produced by cold press which uses little energy except for a
really heavy rock in primitive times AND here is the clincher, do you
have any idea how many grape seeds are in the landfills? Let me
explain, take a look at that bottle of wine. Wine is made from grapes
and much to your shock, small grapes with BIG seeds. You have to
crush the grapes and then filter the seeds out or the wine is awful.
That produces pounds of seeds that could then be crushed and the oil
extracted and used for cooking and frying and the hulls can probably
be used for something but the question is why grapeseed oil is so
expensive when it is made from garbage from the wine industry? It is
healthy. It can be used at any temperature. It is cheap to produce.
But we grow rape seed to make an unhealthy oil to market cheaper
than grapeseed oil and we still have the hulls except this time they
are toxic. So, all you smart business people out there, do you make a
product you have to grow and process and then dispose of toxic waste
or make a better product out of garbage and its by products are
non-toxic. That is no growing, no harvesting and nothing to get rid
of....which one? Why, the rape seed of course because we are stupid.
And the choices just
keep multiplying over and over.
Let's keep people
from going off the grid to live on their own land because after all
it is more expensive and polluting to produce large amounts of power,
purify water polluted by producing the power and then try to get rid
of all the poop rather than each family passively producing their
own power, filtering their own water and composting their poop for
fertilizer to grow the veggies they are eating without a farmer
spraying the crap out of a monocrop with poisons, harvesting it and
trucking it to market all with lovely fossil fuels that are causing
more pollution....wait a minute! Stop the insanity! Why are we doing
everything the hard way? Are we suicidal?
Are we suicidal or
is someone trying to kill us?
Sustainability is a
dirty word. It means living a lifestyle that sustains us, society and
the planet. It means if you produce it, you use a minimum of
resources and you return to the planet an equal amount of equivalent
resources. We have stopped doing that and gone to taking from the
planet to produce a product at the highest cost and pollution with
the end product being something that can't be used again and actually
poisons us. Are you going to tell me all these captains of industry
are so stupid they don't know that they are killing their own future
generations? What kind of world are they leaving their children and
No one in their
right minds would do this, except psychopaths who only care about
what happens to them and no one else. Fortunately, psychopathy and
intelligence go together. You seldom find a stupid psychopath but on
the other hand, you don't always find rich psychopaths. I proved in
another series of postings that none of the billionaires of today are
actually “self-made men”. They ALL come from money, have
excellent educations and were given every opportunity. You do not
find a rags to riches story among them and every one of them is
crazy. Most of them, without rich friends or family, would be serial
killers roaming the back roads of the world looking for people to
dismember alive.
Harsh? Oh let's look
at the infamous twins. They completely dumped their entire family
leaving them with little money to produce the most defective oil
pipes in the world while abusing their wives and children. I mean,
what do you call it when a man who is an expert skier takes his
novice wife, the love of his life and mother of his children, on a
skiing trip and puts her behind him on an expert slop from which
there is no exit and where she can die in a horrible accident at any
moment because of her novice status? Would that be a loving husband
or a psychopathic potential killer? As the MEME's say, just saying.
She thinks it is pushing her potential. So would pushing her off a
cliff to teach her to flap her arms and fly. I say it is abuse on
many levels. Would they be a billion dollars low producing a quality
product that didn't consistently leak and pollute the earth and
water? No, they wouldn't. So why does anyone buy their pipes? They
are the sole producer of pipes in the world. They eliminated all
competition in the field. There is no choice. Why didn't someone,
some government stop them? They will stop you from installing your
own water piper, for your own good, of course.
Here is what we know
or I know. Everyone of these psychopaths got a hand up to become the
billionaires they are. Someone whispered in their ear with a deal
they couldn't pass up. The only people they care about is
themselves. No one else really exists. They are geniuses but like
practically all geniuses, they have a single focus and are unable to
see either long range effects or the effects on other things from
what they do. They all have excellent educations at the best
universities where most of them dropped out and followed their
“dream” in Daddy's ten car garage with a small, quarter of a mil
loan or more, from a relative or friend of the family using their
former school mates as slave labor with the promise they might be
brought on board when they made it big. The school mates are probably
flinging burgers because they are nowhere it be seen. Oddly, any one
of the schoolmates would have made a better product and were better
people..... I wonder if that is why they are flipping burgers with a
Harvard degree. Once you step on that train, there is no exit and you
are expendable. You will do what you are told or everything will be
removed from you or you will suffer the Epstein fate.
So whose name am I
looking for that isn't New World Order or Deep State? I am looking
for the person who provided the money the investors gave them to
start the companies. I want the name of the person who gave some
dupe the rare minerals no one has ever seen in their lives to shave
those milliseconds off your download. I want the person who provided
the whiskey the afternoon those captains of industry decided to run
the energy industry into the ground, start wars over oil and destroy
the entire planet. I want to know who the head psychopath is and why
they want to kill me. Yes, it is personal and you should want to know
why they want to kill you. Why have they made sure we don't have the
future we were promised? Why have they made sure we are disease
ridden, stressed out, poisoned and overworked? Why have they caused
us to waste our lives on a hamster wheel in a rat maze with no cheese
at the end? And when we find them, instead of waiting for the answer,
let's just throw them to sharks and let nature take its course.
Sharks have to eat, after all. It is all every environmentally
I've done a bit of
the legwork for you. So here are a few hints. It's not any head of
banking, industry, country or royalty. These people are the
expendable public faces of the monster. Remember one thing, the kings
were originally chosen in this demented economic system to rule via
divine right. Now, who determined what the divine right was? Now you
have your starting point so delve into some genealogy and find out
who and what the current families are. For all you know, they are
living next door.
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