Friends, pagan, Wiccan, HooDoo, Druid,
whatever....please listen to an old woman who has 42 years experience
as a professional psychic and Druid.
Every 5 – 8 years I see the same
thing happen in the metaphysical and even, believe it or not, in the
Fundamentalist Christian churches. We go from having open psychics,
workshops, meet-ups, businesses and whatever your grouping is:
church, grove, coven in every city with a growing audience, clientele
and social circle to maybe one business, psychics hiding in the
closet, hidden groups of 2 or 5 people meeting in dark corners in
less than a year.
The last time this happened was 2008. I
know from personal experience that the most popular and successful
company hawking their flawed wares knew exactly to the day when the
market was going to crash because they timed their last sales push to
the minute. They also bankrupted stores across this country, leaving
them with merchandise they paid more for wholesale than was now being
sold for in mass market bookstores. I tell you this because you
should not feel like this is an isolated movement by a couple of
psychic condo commandos. It is nationwide and it effectively destroys
everything we spend 5 to 8 years building and it is afoot again,
right on schedule.
Step one is to break the community
apart from within using the oldest trick in the book. We need to
police ourselves because there are evil people doing bad things in
our community. There are con artists in every single profession. We
don't have a disproportionally large number though you would think
there was one on every street corner. There must be over a hundred
psychics doing legitimate readings in my county and there are two
groups of “gypsy fortune tellers”. Newsflash: the cops are on to
them. They know they are trafficking in humans. They are slowly and
carefully creating a case against them and just like the Marks in
Miami, they will meet a jail cell and be forced to give millions back
to the people they cheated.
These people fire bomb each other. Do
you really want to go up against them? Maybe I should ask if you want
your home and business burned down and to wind up dead. Let the
police do the job of policing. That's what they train for and get
paid to do. It's not what you do and the old excuse of the poor
mundanes can't take care of themselves, insults you and them.
Trying to play Psychic Condo Commander,
does nothing for our community. If you want to get rid of the
non-psychics, those poor deluded people who had one experience that
seemed psychic and set up shop, the way you do it is through
education and through providing an exceptional service. I have people
come to my shop and say, he's a nice guy but not psychic. The
“mundanes” as you call them, know real psychics just like they
know the difference between playing piano in a bar and being a
concert pianist. They also know con artists. Give them some credit.
Face it, either your predictions come true or they DON'T. If they
don't, people do not return and spend money on you.
Even the people who get conned know
they are being conned. No woman looks in the mirror and sees someone
marginally attractive and thinks the guy with a Barbie doll on each
arm leaning against the Corvette is going to fall madly in love with
her and whisk her off to Paris for a life of luxury even if some
psychic is telling her that. She may buy the love spell but she knows
it isn't going to work. I have women tell me they knew when they
spent 25,000.00 on a love spell, it wasn't going to work and they did
it any way.
I know one person who scared people
into sending him between a few dollars to a few hundred a month. He
doesn't know he was recorded, the recording was taken to the cops and
the cops in that state reached out the cops here and he is being
watching. Someone always goes to the cops and the fraud division sets
their sights on them. They don't need you playing cop. You just
bungle it up for them.
So, instead of trying to set everyone
in the community at everyone else's throat, let's try something new.
Don't try the old 'if you have nothing to fear' crap on me. It gets
to the point in a couple of months that even when your best friend
takes you out for coffee, you afraid you will be the next victim of
the psychic police mafia and you are walking on egg shells watching
every word. That is very stressful and psychics don't preform well
under stress. What we need to do is support each other, not tear them
down and particularly not on Facebook, people. I constantly say if
you want to know what I am doing, ask me. And if I know, I will tell
you. Some days, your guess is as good as mine.
Not every person wears the same style
clothes. Not every person likes the same food. Not every psychic is
going to click with every client. You like some people. You don't
like other people. It is simple. Often the client tells tales just
because they didn't like or click with the psychic. Some times the
psychic has already discovered the client is delusional and it may
take you a few weeks to make the same discovery. So, take most of
what you hear with a grain of sand and a wait and see attitude. You
never know when the person may have issues with the person and not
the psychic and be out to ruin their reputation and if you are
honest, you will admit it has happened to you.
While we are admitting these things to
ourselves, you also have to admit that you are suspicious some people
in our field are out to destroy the whole community and I am going to
tell you, you are right. That is why this happens every few years on
schedule like a bad case of the flu. The people who finance this have
deep pockets and they troll the communities for someone respected,
personable and needing money or with something to hide. I saw guy go
from 2nd hand beat up car living in a trailer park to
Cadillac, condo on the intracoastal and TV ministry in ONE WEEK. The
guy didn't even believe in any God. It's not just us, that get this
But if we support each other, we reduce
the number of vulnerable people to be picked on and used, because
when they (those doing this) get the desired result, you will be
living in a camper because it is all you own and you also will have a
legal gag order preventing you from warning anyone else. They will
throw you away like last year's garbage.
So how do we support each other? When
you decide to hold that psychic fair remember you are running things.
Bring in the psychics you know are honorable, hard working people and
leave the con artists and borderline schizophrenics at home. It's
better to have a few good people than several dozen half baked
psychics. Use your fair to educate people. Print out handouts
explaining your fair is providing a SAMPLE of what a psychic reading
is and that is why the price is lower. Then, don't go too low and
always set time limits. People like to pay in one location, know when
they are going to get their reading and how long it will take. People
are busy and their time is as valuable as yours. People hate to stand
in line in this country. So have a sign in table, a schedule for
every psychic and keep the people out of the reading area because you
never know who is listening and who knows who. If you are a store,
remember you are making your profit off selling product and the
psychics are really advertising.
This doesn't mean several of us can't
get together and have little fair or you have an open house. Just
about every Saturday, I offer abbreviated readings for 20.00 in the
parking lot. They are short and to the point. It lets those who have
no experience with me or readings, get to know me and experience a
reading. It lets my regular customers drop in and get that one
question answered when they don't need a whole hour reading. It
doesn't hurt anyone. You can do the same thing as an open house if
you don't have a store and work at home. Keep things fun.
Educate.....that should be in capitals.
Tell people the one free question or 10.00 card reading is a con to
separate the gullible from the skeptics. They can go through a 100
people for free because the con artist is looking for the one they
are going to fleece for thousands of dollars. They can pay thousands
of dollars in license fees out of petty cash because they fleece
people out of a minimum of 15,000.00 each up to millions. How do you
think they can afford an office on a main highway in a business
district and a big car and several security men on 10.00 readings? Do
the math.
Tell people flatly the 200.00, light 7
candles in 7 churches will bring back that lover is a ruse. First
off, are there actually 7 churches you can light candles in where you
are? I'm in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and there aren't. Actually most
churches down here use LED votives because of fire ordinances and
If your money needs cleansing, why not
just take it to the bank and have them give you new money? If I
thought that dollar, it's been a slow week, in my wallet was cursed
I'd just spend it or get it exchanged at the bank.
Be honest. Some times the spirits talk
and some times they seem to be on vacation and Uncle Harry isn't any
smarter dead than he was alive. Not everyone has a past life as a
king or queen. Not everyone will be able to access their past life.
Some times the Universe refuses to show us the future. Be honest and
tell people that. They need to know we are just people who have a
TALENT.....we don't have anything more special than a concert
pianist, a baseball pitcher or a surgeon.
It is not a 6th sense. It is
an augmentation of the same five senses that everyone has. You see
more, hear more, feel more, taste more and smell more. That's all.
Everyone has those five senses but only around 18% will have any
degree of psychic ability and some people will actually be negatively
impacted. They are the clumsy people who don't ever have a clue about
other people and are black and blue from running into coffee tables.
It is just like singing. Some people can't carry a tune in a bucket
but most people can sing. There are only a few that are going to make
records, be on stage or sing opera. The distribution of talent is the
same across everything: doctors, lawyers, plumbers, singers,
musicians, artists, mechanics, engineers, cooks and Indian chiefs.
People need to know that it takes years
of study to become an astrologer or a Tarot reader. I started
studying the Tarot at 16 when I saved up for my first deck and I
studied and practiced every night because it beat homework. I don't
think I was truly competent until I was 23. I spent 2 years in class,
yes a real class, learning the basics of astrology. Then you interned
under an astrologer and maybe after 5 years of study and internship,
you got to actually interpret a chart. Admittedly, a lot of that time
was spent learning the math and constructing a chart because we
didn't have computers but it was long time and a lot of learning to
know whether aspect a or b was the most important. People need to
know that your psychics have put in as much time as most people spend
on a B.A. learning their craft. I know, I have a B.A. and it was
easier than Tarot Cards.
People need to know they are paying for
the psychics' time. If a plumber fails to unstop your toilet, you are
still paying for him trying to do it. If you get a second opinion
from another doctor, you are still paying the first doctor for his
opinion. You are paying for time and expertise and if you don't like
the answer, well, you aren't paying for the answer. You are paying
for the process.
Our only defense is an educated
consumer and in the end, the more educated the consumer, the easier
our job.
So, if you don't like a presenter at a
show, don't attend or don't go to their lecture. But, don't smear the
event and the presenter all over Facebook, because you aren't winning
any points, you are just giving the enemy ammunition to shut everyone
down. The same with other psychics. These silly little wars are
destroying everyone not just the guilty. I read some of these things
and wonder how anyone in the general area makes any money after
people read this stuff. After last years VooDoo wars I was beginning
to think the qualification for being in that religion was insanity.
Have a little compassion. People fall
in with the wrong people. I know more than one psychic who goes from
marriage to marriage looking for a man to promote them and what they
get is worn out and used up, dropping from exhaustion and then they
repeat the cycle until they have no talent left. If a guy pitches 12
hours a day, that arm wears out and it may not recover. I have
actually been pushed in a commercial environment to do so many
readings my hands could not shuffle cards for a couple of days and I
have carpal tunnel syndrome from it. Miss or over use your ability
and you will lose it. If you lose it at the top of your career, you
are going to try to fake it and you will fail. We all know the
failures. Don't be afraid to ask if you can help and don't be afraid
to ask for help. Know your limits and know the limits of your
Support rather than tear down. Clients
want to feel good. You want to feel good. No one can feel good if
they think they are constantly on trial. So let's try to avoid losing
everything this cycle, refuse to embrace the holier than thou and get
together and have some fun and support. We can do this. This time we
CAN change the world for the better.
And please try to remember, at least
for now, in this country, you are innocent until proven guilty. If
someone has not been proven guilty in a court of law, they deserve
the same benefit of the doubt you would like to have. If some people
were actually guilty of what they accused, they would be in jail by
now. The cops aren't stupid and they read the books. The cops are
always somewhere and always looking for a nice collar to earn a
reputation. Remember that.