I shall tell you a story about being a
nice person. It doesn't pay.
A lady arrived for a reading and a
spell I don't do. She wanted me to keep the man she was with, with
her. I refused because I don't do love spells and then she explained
what had happened. She just wanted him with her for 3 months so she
could get her house in order to leave. She was planning on neatly
splitting everything down the middle, getting a small apartment and
going her way peacefully. I wondered why she was being so nice when
he was the one breaking up with her and she admitted it was because
he had so many friends that she was frightened of retribution.
When I laid out cards, he had no
friends. So I asked her to make sure she was seeing the situation
correctly. I just didn't see her as a nagging bitch. I did see
another woman. Oh, I had to be wrong, but she paid for the spell and
I did it and I emphasized one more time to pay attention.
She came back to tell me I was right.
He would have these sport's day
extravaganzas with all the men in his sales department and she was
expected to cook and clean and keep everyone happy. Normally she
would prepare the snacks and hide because she hated sports. Then she
would come out to replenish things because she was forbade to
interrupt the game. Half her money had even gone to pay for the big
screen TV because she actually made a bit more than him. She got
commissions in her sales job.
Come big game afternoon, she decided to
stay out instead of in the bedroom and she started watching the
dynamics. It was apparent from the greetings a lot of these guys
didn't like her love. So, she stayed in the kitchen puttering around
and eventually one of the guys came in. She learned with a little
flirting that her great love who was always broke had just given the
new receptionist one of those diamond eternity bracelets. Whoa, where
did the money come from, she wondered. So she asked the guy why they
were all here for game day when it was obvious they didn't like him.
Oh, he is the top salesman and every once in a while he throws a
client their way which really bumps up their commission check. Since
they were now conspiring, it was easy to discover her love got two
checks. He got a base salary he deposited into their joint account
and then because it took more time to verify the commissions, he got
a second check she had never seen in the 6 years they had been
together and in his case, it was a lot bigger than the base salary.
Then the guy asked if she might be interested in dating him when she
got away from this guy. Oh yes, but it was going to take X amount of
time to prepare. That was when the guy said he would do this a lot
faster because according to the rumors, her great love was moving in
with the receptionist the next week and would be bringing the
furniture to their new house. What to do as she was totally
unprepared? The guy handed her a card and said that these guys did
moving really cheap.
She was in shock. This man who had
shared her life and bed for 6 years had been ripping her off the
whole time and now, he was even taking the furniture! As it was, he
had just put his paycheck in the bank, so Monday morning she told him
how busy her day was going to be at work, took the day off and made a
stop at the bank to take all the money out of the account. She had a
small one room apartment she been looking at on the beach where she
wanted to live more than anything. Her income would just pay for it.
Free now, she started flirting with the bank manager and took a
chance because one thing I always tell clients is to play dumb and
gather information. She quickly told him it was her partner's idea to
move the account to a bank that paid interest on checking and she
didn't want to move the money but had to. So she was closing the
checking and small savings account that was for the down payment on
the house they lived in. Then she faked searching her purse and
became all frantic because she lost the piece of paper with the third
account on it and she had to move it across the street or he was
going to be so angry. Dutifully the manager looked up the other
account she didn't know existed and transferred half the money to her
account she had just opened across the street. She only took half
because she figured he had automatic deposit on this one, too and
closing it would raise a red flag. She, oh so thankful, would let him
transfer the rest of the money in case incompetent little her was
transferring it to the wrong account. Now she had a nice little nest
egg to work with and that let her call the moving guy after renting a
warehouse to store everything in. The bank manager was also ready to
kill lover boy. She had the cash as she was smart enough to close the
account across the street as soon as the money cleared.
She offered him a couple hundred extra
cash if his guys could pack everything and put it in the warehouse by
afternoon instead of the usual 5 PM. He cracked the whip and they
started moving but while supervising them, he asked what was going
on. So she gave him the whole story. Well, he knew a friend who
needed to sell a condo really fast and would she mind if they stopped
there on the way to the storage unit just to check it out.
Reluctantly she agreed. The condo was a
couple of blocks from the little apartment she was going to rent
right on the beach. But how could they finish the paperwork that
fast. Turned out the seller was the owner of the whole complex who
had reserved this one for his mother who had died. He would hold the
mortgage, the payments were lower than apartment's rent and if she
would help with management and sales, she could move in today! He
needed to leave for his mother's funeral that afternoon. She jumped
at it, got everything unloaded into a nice condo with an ocean view
by nice men who even unpacked for her while she got a crash course in
condo sales and management.
A couple of days later she was feeling
a bit guilty about taking half lover boy's hidden account but more so
because the guy they had been renting from had given them a lease to
purchase agreement and was waiting for the down payment. So, she
decided to call him and at least pay half the penalty since they
weren't buying the house. The man was totally confused because a few
hours after they signed the agreement, the love of her life had
returned to say she had cold feet about committing to buy but he
loved the house and would buy it, could they remove her name from the
agreement. The man had agreed and 3 months ago, the date the new
receptionist was hired, Lover Boy had paid the down payment and was
now buying the house. Now she was livid.
However as she ranted and wanted a
curse, I reminded her that time wounds all heels and he was one. The
cards said be patient and date the other guy. The first date was to
a really nice restaurant with the new man unlike the cheap places
lover boy took her because he had no money and her new friend became
really talkative. Lover boy was really angry over the one account she
half cleaned out but going to do nothing because he didn't think the
bitch was that smart and the bank was now angry at him which put a
damper on his ability to finance the new car for the girl friend he
had co-signed for.
Date two which was really showing her a
nice side of Ft. Lauderdale, she learned the receptionist had dumped
lover boy as soon he co-signed for the car, stopped the payments and
being a cosigner, he now had to make them. If you cosign a loan, you
are responsible if the first person stops making the payments. He was
also paying off a houseful of expensive furniture and a load of
jewelry he had bought her and the receptionist had gone on to another
better paying job with a new company.
Seems the user got used well. Far more
than that, my client was doing so well with sales and management of
the condo, the owner had given her the job which was paying double
what she had made at the previous sales job and now she could even
afford to have her daughter move in with her to share the work.
Everyone but lover boy was as happy as clams, though I admit I have
never asked a clam if it is happy.
What was truly evil about this was the
woman was in her 60's and this man had promised her a nice
retirement, home and relationship. She was really looking forward to
retiring and 30 years ago, you could on the money you had saved and
SS. He spun tales of how they were going to travel and see the world
so she never got the little dog she wanted. It would interfere with
that trip to Paris. Everything was a sacrifice for a future he no
intention of giving her from day one. That is how users work.
The lesson here is that if someone is
using you, you are probably part of a long line of suckers. Never be
afraid to take what is yours and then something for damages. The
minute you break with them, you are going to find allies because face
facts, they can't find an infinite number of people as nice, trusting
and fair as you are. There are just so many suckers in the Universe
and most of them already have a taker attached to them. Users depend
on isolating you and convincing you that no one is going to be on
your side because you are such a pathetic being. Nothing could be
further from the truth. It is you who are a very special, loving
human being that someone else is just waiting to find and hold in the
highest esteem. They are pathetic leeches.