Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Forecast and Faery Finder for 12/02/09

Forecast and Faery Finder
By Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit

According to Llewellyn’s Spell-a-Day Almanac, today’s color is yellow and the incense is lavender.


Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.

Today’s Tarot Card is the Four of Swords: recuperation. Rest and healing are here today. This is not the time to be the champion. This is the time to be the observer.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2009 Daily Planetary Guide.
The Full Moon is at 2:30 AM EST in 10Gemini15. Oh poor President Obama. His plans are about to be taken apart ad nauseam. Ear plugs…where did I put the ear plugs????
The daylight hours are ruled by the full moon, but come evening, things settle down. Money is there to be made. Help is found for lingering wounds. But all this activity comes with a price and you are getting really tired. Be careful. You will say more than intend and make some announcements better kept to yourself.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say:
Rise above your problems.

Today’s Cat Comfort Card is:
Catastrophe: “What a mess! Get that problem sorted out today before it escalates.”

Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for:
The Journeyman arrives again or did he ever leave. He is telling us it is time to move on. We are protected. We can take the leap. We can succeed. One thing is for certain, if we remain as we are, stagnation and atrophy occur.

Today’s Lo Shu Number is 7 and the Element is Metal. The Boar finds conflict today but the Dog has ease. Today is not an auspicious day for haircuts, medical procedures, writing, gambling, construction or births.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I let go. I free myself from any attachment, illusion and restlessness of everyday life. I look at people and things through my Soul’s eyes in a calm, detached and loving way. A new and powerful energy emerges within me. I am intuitively guided toward the appropriate action and I easily succeed in everything I do.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time


I’ve been noting something strange in bee land outside. They leave in the morning and then return en masse around 4 in the afternoon. Now, when my uncle raised bees they were in and out of the hive all day. Do I have union bees or are they just goofing off at the bee spa all day. Then George pointed out they won’t return until they have enough pollen and it must be taking them all day to find enough. OH NO! Well, I spent some time pondering the situation and decided on my way home from the doctor tomorrow, I shall find something with lots of pollen at one of the Depots and toe it into the front bed randomly. I just am not up to planning a formal bed. Maybe I can even find a Bee Sage plant; I can’t spell the real name. Since I set the washing machine up to drain into the bed and water all the plants…why wash good water????…they should grow well all season until it gets so hot it melts them. I wonder if, since they are descendants of the domestic bees that used to winter across the street in the farms (now a big shopping center…not an improvement) if I buy them a hive, they will move into it. Hum…worth a try. I know they are domestic because they are not in the least bit aggressive. They let George work all around their hive all the time and never come near him. They do sneak over and buzz me but I have red hair and bees and horse flies cannot resist red hair. I found that out from the DOA agent…that’s Department of Agriculture not dead on arrival. By the way, the best defense against a huge horsefly is a …get ready….tennis racket. Yup, it really is the only thing you can hit them with.
Today I managed to take advantage of Boogaboo and put ear medicine in his satellite dishes. He was not a happy camper. He ran over to Napoleon and Nappie cleaned him up. Napoleon is such an old man and he isn’t even two years old. The good news is; his ears are no longer bothering him. A few more doses and the ear mites are toast. For those of you who wonder what is effective…it is expensive and you have to get it from your vet but…Tresaderm always works. It even works on ear infections but it is twice a day for 10-14 days for mites, 5-7 days for infection. So, I am on the ear quest for the next 10 days. Once the kits figure out it works, they come to me for their dose. Heck, Lady Jayne is always first in line for Advantage because with all that faux Persian fur, fleas really bother her. The ones I didn’t raise…well…it cat hunting time. I open it and cats disappear.
Don’t forget the wonderful shopping and readings experience awaiting you on Saturday in a nice comfy Bank Building. You know me…I like my ac and comfy chair….http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/event.php?eid=183664117396&ref=nf
Keep in mind, on Facebook I am Tarotlady. I always need gaming partners.
Folks, be careful out there. ‘Tis the season for scams, con artists, thieves and pick pockets. Use common sense, be aware of your surroundings and do not stow expensive purchases anywhere in your car. That include the trunk which is super easy to pop. Ensure you will have a happy holiday season!
There is no doubt the holidays are stressful. The key is to have a plan. Write down what you hope to achieve in very concrete terms…like decorate the house. Then make a list under it of what you need. Take each goal and their lists and determine which is most important. Take that one and gather your ingredients. Then get the task done. You will be surprised how easy things are to accomplish with planning. What ever you don’t have done by two days before your holiday, goes in the circular file: the trash can. It is then you enjoy what you have gotten done. One little hint: the less you depend on others to get things done, the less stress you will have. If you have to depend on others, set early deadlines. If they miss the deadline, set and equally early one and if that one goes by, either do it yourself or settle for it not getting done. Stressing over other people is a sure way to make yourself sick.
Oh Goddess, I found the front door open. Talk about panic! I ran out and the Microwits and Precious were outside with the Raccoons. Now, raccoons will attack and kill cats and the Microwits are still kittens, admittedly close to adolescent ones, but still small. The big raccoon was sitting up on the generator looking at me like: “Hey, I didn’t touch them!” Sure enough all the Microwits ran in the door and Old Hand Talker Raccoon was sitting up on lawn equipment looking as innocent as driven snow. So, I had to give them and the baby raccoon granola bars for being so good. My only fear is tomorrow I will notice I have a seal point Siamese in here that doesn’t look quite right. Everyone is fine without a scratch on them and talking about their adventure. I am sure I will recover but my blood pressue is probably still through the roof. Advantage tomorrow!

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