Sunday, November 30, 2008

Forecast and Faery Finder for 12-01-08

Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder and Bitwit the Magnificent.
Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.
Today’s Tarot Card is the Moon: gratification. Constant oscillation in your moods and emotional state confuse everyone around you and is not conducive to success. Is your lifestyle hurting others and yourself? Be honest and make changes.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, for about a week, social events are well organized and orchestrated and take on a decidedly networking flavor. Learn to listen and sit still. This is are really good day. In the morning you find a way out of this paperwork, red tape and restrictive atmosphere that has been smothering you for months now. Then news of money or expansion comes you way if you have done your homework. Social events line up so get your calendar out and what ever you do, don’t mistake or play games.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say to follow your dreams. Life is too short to postpone the things that make you happy.

Today’s Cat Comfort card is Temple Cat. “Tap into your intuition. Wisdom will follow.”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for Topsie Turvets. All you need is a bit of confusion and they are there with bells on. Now, don’t try to blame them for the muddle you are in. You created it. They are just attracted to it. They just want to remind you to take another look at another angle. Someone is seeing things as they want them to be, not as they really are! And keep in mind, these little guys are prolific, they live everywhere and there is no way to completely get rid of them except to straighten things out. That won’t completely work but it will get you a bit of a rest.
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 4 and the element is wood. The snake finds conflict today but the Horse is having a great day.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I know that peace on earth begins with my own inner peace. I release all negative thoughts I might have about myself and others. I rediscover the purity, the simplicity and the power of the Divine Child within me.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
These messages are helping so many people that I am setting each day’s card up in a picnics generator so you can tap into the energy during the day. Just think of a rainbow and the energy will come to you.
Actually, Bitwit has been a pretty good girl today. The same can not be said for the Kitwits. For weeks now I have been absolutely certain I have all the Kitwits out of the bedroom and I return and they are on the bed. I was beginning to totally entertain the idea that Napoleon can teleport. I would search the bedroom and no Kitwits and yet, even with a locked door, they would get into the room. That was just plain freaky until last night when I saw Napoleon stick his head out of a suitcase by the door. I have always kept my rolling suitcase by the bedroom door for no other reason than it fits there. It is zipped up. Napoleon has unzip one side and zips in and out of it so fast, he is a blur. Of course, it is black and he is mostly black. Then this afternoon I saw Josephina with her head in it, so all the Kitwits know about it and that is where they have been hiding!
The caffeine monkey is still on Purdy von Sweets’ back. After George opened the new bag of coffee he caught her licking the edge of the bag. Addiction is a terrible thing!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Forecast and Faery Finder for 11-30-08


Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder and Bitwit the Bad.
Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.
Today’s Tarot Card is the Lovers: discrimination. In order to truly find your soul mate you must rid yourself of outworn ideas. The first is that you are separate from everything else in the Universe. Once that is gone you will see your other half in the mirror, the same as you yet complimentary and know that you have been the completion of yourself the whole time. Now you can truly enjoy others.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, there are no aspects today, so try to not sleep in until Monday.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say VACATION! Take a mental one if the physical isn’t available. Go to a lush tropical place, abounding with flowers and flitting faeries. Enjoy the cool breezes and the rustle of the waves lapping at the shore. Now wasn’t that nice?

Today’s Cat Comfort card is Angel Cat. “Know that you are loved and protected.
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for Unity, the first of the Singers. Unity is the first and last. We have the illusion of duality in the physical realm but the first is the last. Is the acorn the beginning of the tree or its end?
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 5 and the element is Wood. The
Dragon finds conflict today but the Ox and Tiger are having a great day.

Today’s Message from the Universe is:
“The universal law of justice and freedom rules in everyone, for everyone and through everyone. Being harmony with the will of my Soul, neither a person now a situation can prevent me from attainting my highest good. I trust God’s infinite wisdom.
Everything is now working out perfectly now.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
These messages are helping so many people that I am setting each day’s card up in a picnics generator so you can tap into the energy during the day. Just think of a rainbow and the energy will come to you.
Oh yes, she has been bad. George has already given her two time out in the bathroom today and she is going for the third. We had a sudden outbreak of fleas and as you pet owners know, it comes on suddenly. Well, Bitwit is blaming the fleas for all the evil things she has done. Since the Advantage, I don’t think she is going to have an excuse!
Napoleon slept in my arms all night and begged to never see the evil Bitwit again. I don’t. As soon as all the hormones are gone from the neutering, will he ever actually move again? It is doubtful.
Last night we got a beautiful bird bath for the Faery Garden. It was used and has some damage, but a moth has already had a drink and I just filled it!
We’ve talked about the economic mess we are in and that Out sourcing our jobs to other countries have hurt all of us. I never thought it would happen in the Salamander, but alas, it has. Loki has out sourced his cash register duty to the Bitwit and I have the photo to prove it! Not only that, but he broken several child labor laws. What is this world coming to????

Friday, November 28, 2008

Forecast and Faery Finder for 11-29-08

Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder and Bitwit, the talker
Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.Today’s Tarot Card is the Seven of Wands: fortitude. Illusion attempts to cloud the truth making it hard to hold onto your principles. People desert you for the quick buck or satisfaction. They are weak and were dragging you down anyway. Hold onto your principles and hold your head high.
Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.Astrologically, the Moon enters Capricorn at 12:48 PM EST. Let the party end! For the next week, although networking events may be a pain in the neck, they allow authorities and elders more leeway in interactions that will benefit you. The end of all these restrictions is near. The winds of change are blowing hard today, so work on the elimination of bad habits.
Deck: Healing with the Fairies.The Faeries say nourish your inner child today. Do something nice for yourself and maybe just a tad silly. Yesterday I bought myself one of those Kooky’s pens that looks like King Tut and I am enjoying it every time I have to write something. Under three dollars and I am amused. Do the same thing for yourself.
Today’s Cat Comfort card is Catamaran. “Stay balanced. Ride out the storm.”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBethToday’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for the Singer of Connection. We haven’t had a Singer in a long time so to refresh your memory, the singers are the least “human” of all the Fae. For the most part they are pure energy and this one sings a song that connects all things. Once you realize all things are connected and a butterfly in Thailand affects the weather here, you will understand why we are all in this together and had better start working together.
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 6 and the element is Water. The Rabbit finds conflict today but the Rooster is having a great day.
Today’s Message from the Universe is: “The plan of my life is now unfolding step by step, according to the will of my Higher Self. I acknowledge each one of its stages with serenity, detachments and joy, knowing that I am always lovingly and wisely guided on my path toward the full realization of my true potential.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time. These messages are helping so many people that I am setting each day’s card up in a picnics generator so you can tap into the energy during the day. Just think of a rainbow and the energy will come to you.
Yes, the Bitwit has begun to talk. I swear she said hello to someone today! However, I can now expect a commentary on every action. Take her off the cash register, I hear about it. Pick her up, I get an opinion. My quiet life has ended. Not only that but she now minds the cash register when Loki is napping.Addiction is a terrible thing. Last night I poured all the coffee out of a bag and left it on the counter for a moment. Next thing I knew, Purdy von Sweets had her head stuck in the bag and fell off the counter before I could reach her. Prior to that I caught her with her head in the coffee pot. This caffeine addiction must be cured….I don’t know how Black Friday went in your neck of the woods, but I went to Staples to pick up a couple of chairs and they not only had them left but I had no trouble getting in and out. On the way back to the shop I passed Wartmart and it was nowhere near full. That is not a good sign! I sure hope things improve.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Forecast and faery Finder for 11-28-08


Welcome to Black Friday. This is the day all retailers hope to be in the black. Me, too! Believe me, I will be at the Cosmic Salamander because you couldn’t pay me to get anywhere near a store parking lot today!

Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit


Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.
Today’s Tarot Card is the Three of pentacles: foundation. Things have changed. Look around you are the world and get yourself updated. Get rid of old habits and your disposition will change.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, for the next couple of days, social events give elders and authorities the ability to say thing they never could express before. The morning bring unexpected information that heals an old wound. Suddenly in the afternoon, you discover someone has no interest at all in fairness, just getting theirs and it might be yours! This evening work and paper work pile up and demand attention. Dive in because is your later in the evening. Starting later tonight expect a couple of days of non-stop communications.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say there are blocks to enjoying the magic of nature. For some of you it is snow and cold. For other of you it is being inside a Mall. Take some time and enjoy and deep breath of fresh air today.

Today’s Cat Comfort card is Cat Goddess. “Ask for help and you will receive guidance.”

Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for Iris of the Rainbows. Iris bring hope and the knowledge that light is finally breaking through the storm clouds of our lives.

Today’s Lo Shu Number is 7 and the element is water. The Tiger finds conflict today but the Dog and Boar are having a great day.

Today’s Message from the Universe is:
“I forgive totally and freely. I let go of any resentment or guilt. I am free and I let everyone around me be free. Peace now reigns within me and around me. I trust the great wisdom of the Universe and the present situation of my life is divinely healed for everyone’s good.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
These messages are helping so many people that I am setting each day’s card up in a picnics generator so you can tap into the energy during the day. Just think of a rainbow and the energy will come to you.


Just for the record if anyone keeps one, I couldn’t even chew the turkey stew. Well, I am thankful for my cats, my friends, my home and my business. Dinner can fly. Bitwit sure can. She was diving for the salad, the dinner plate, anything that might have food. You would think I never feed her.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Forecast and faery Finder for 11-27-08



Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder and Bitwit, the Protector.


Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.
Today’s Tarot Card is the Nine of Cups: satiety. If that’s not a card to draw for Thanksgiving, I don’t know what is! Heavy partying and denying your problems can cover up a dear of success and self-defeatism. Destiny plays a role in our life. Go with the flow today but don’t abandon your principles.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, it is not only the New Moon at 11:54 AM EST at 5sagittarius49 but the Moon enters Sagittarius at 12:14 AM and Uranus goes Direct at 11:08 AM EST in Pisces. The New Moon will give these energies a real kick in the pants. Expect old outmoded and useless ideas, people and things to disappear from your life with a bang and new, wonderful changes to enter. Today is a playful day in which you shine, communications abound and energy is really high. Have a great Thanksgiving.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say there are blocks to laughter today. Loosen up for the day. Forget the problems and be thankful for what you have. Laugh!

Today’s Cat Comfort card is Fat Cat. “Be generous: share your abundance with others.”

Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for the Journeyman. Of course he would arrive with these energies. He and you have learned the lessons and now you are ready to leave the master and begin your own life’s journey! Enjoy.

Today’s Lo Shu Number is 8 and the element is Metal. The Ox finds conflict today.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I let go. I free myself from any attachment, illusion and restlessness of everyday life. I look at people and things through my Soul’s eyes in a calm, detached and loving way. A new and powerful energy emerges within me. I am intuitively guided toward the appropriate action and I easily succeed in everything I do.” Annie Marquier, creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
These messages are helping so many people that I am setting each day’s card up in a picnics generator so you can tap into the energy during the day. Just think of a rainbow and the energy will come to you.


Well, thanks to the Dentist, a throbbing jaw and pain pill, Bitwit was not able to wake me up for her 4 AM meal. You have no idea how insane she was by 7 AM. She was flying around the shop, knocking everything over and being deftly ignored by George. I fed her. Now, wait until lunch. I have half my breakfast left and you know how she loves eggs! Well, think baked eggs with sausage and ham and you have some idea how wild she is going to be. I think I will drop a piece for her and eat the rest outside!
I will be around all weekend and the store will be open just remember to not wear sandals because Bitwit likes those toes! Hopefully, we will get some work done on the Faery Garden. George has been sneaking all my statuary from home into the garden area and once the Fae get it, you aren’t getting it back. I got a gift card for my prescription at Target and bought a set of the solar mini lights with it for the garden! The little houses will have lights! Remember: do not enter the Faery Garden for you are big and slow and they are small, fast and have sharp pointy objects. I think they stole a package of toothpicks and some of the tacks off the bulletin board.
Have a happy Thanksgiving! I will be with you spirit as I sure can’t chew anything! However, thanks to Panera, I have some turkey lentil soup! I was so desperate I was almost willing to try turkey tofu.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Forecast and Faery Finder for 11-26-08

Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder and Bitwit, the Guardian.
Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.
Today’s Tarot Card is the Eight of Wands: velocity. You feel like you need to be somewhere but no one left you a map. Use this energy to get things organized and established. While the trend is in your favor, don’t hesitate. Get others involved who are working along similar lines. Use your intuition.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, Pluto enters Capricorn at 8:03 PM EST. Dreams bring unexpected answers to your emotional problems and questions. You may even have the answer to getting around a limitation or rule first thing this morning. Authorities are smiling on you and money may just be on the way. Then you survive the rush hour and everything gets really fuzzy so make certain you wrote your brilliant solutions down this morning. The rest of the day is going to pretty much be a loss.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say there are blocks to creative expression today. Face it, when the Moon is void of Course we just don’t talk so well. So stick to practical things today. Finish up loose ends.

Today’s Cat Comfort card is Black Cat. “Lady Luck is with you.”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for Ffaff the Ffooter. Who else would arrive when the entire day is void of course? Ffaff is here to make certain we stay grounded. SO….Slip your shoes off, stand up touching the ground and place your hands at your sides. As you raise your arms in a circle up and over your head, take a deep breath and feel the earth energy entering your body. Bring your arms and hand down to the center of your body as you exhale, placing your hands with the middle fingers touching parallel to the ground and feel the grounding energy. Then shake your hands and return to work.
Oh, and if you feel a little tickle between the toes, better stop and get some medicated powder. Ffaff forgot to wash his hands again. If you feel a chomp on your big toe, please return Bitwit to the shop.
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 9 and the element is Metal. The Rat finds conflict today but the Dragon and Snake are having an easy day.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I quiet my mind and everything becomes silent within. I listen to my intuition. Without expectations or worries, I invoke the divine solution, which comes to me naturally and clearly in the peace of my Soul.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
I am still recovering from the Dentist yesterday. He was so far into jaw with that drill I swear he could have given me a pedicure. I feel like I took and upper cut to the jaw but I could actually chew soft food today. You may wonder about Thanksgiving. I have a turkey and lentil soup, stuffing and cranberry sauce. It may not be the traditional dinner but it is soft and the spirit will be there. Poor George had to have is tooth pulled when the filling and root canal didn’t work out.
You might wonder why so much is happening to me or around me. Unfortunately, I think a lot of negative energy aimed at me is bouncing off and hitting the people around me. I am actually faring pretty well. So, next time you get ready to hurl a curse or to pay someone to do it, take into consideration you may just hurt some totally innocent people if you are dealing with someone of power. And then, you may find you aren’t enjoying your life very much.
Now, I decided to take a nap before I opened for the day as the pain pill was still making groggy almost 12 hours later. I discovered my little Bitwit sleeps on my shoulder and watched the shop from that vantage position. I sleep on my side. When she tired of that, she uses my hip as a chaise lounge but she doesn’t leave my side. Of course I have Ra and Isis guarding the rest of me. I just wonder what is going to happen when Bitwit grows up and won’t fit any more. She has actually doubled in size since last week. I know because I was weighing a package for mailing and she got on the scale. She did the same thing this week and her weight is double last week. She is growing fast.
I was just wondering. Before I draw my Veves or cast my circle, I always have a ceremony to consecrate my chalk. Do you do that, too? Would you be interested in magnetic chalk? I am working on a way of making it.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Forcast and Faery Finder for 11-25-08

Forecast and Faery Finder for 11-25-08 by Janice Scott-Reeder and Bitwit, the thief
Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.
Today’s Tarot Card is the Hierophant: intuition. There a people who would pull you down today. It will take endurance and the fulfillment of promises to win in this situation. Seek a deeper meaning to what is happening.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, for the next couple of days do not take yourself so seriously but get out there and advertise yourself. This evening is made for socializing but be aware much is going on behind the scenes. Do not get involved in back biting or old hurts will surface and you will find yourself miserable. Just remember, if they trash one person, when you leave, you may be next.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say there are blocks to family harmony today. Some times you just have to take the disharmony to be yourself. Decide which you want most today.

Today’s Cat Comfort card is Democat. “Stand up for what you believe in.”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for Taitin the Sylph. Her faery dust energizes the mind and we could sure use some in the mornings. She is awfully stingy with it! She is pure idea and as such cannot be confined or controlled. She always wants to know why. She brings more ideas than you can shake a stick at but not all of them are worthwhile so be discriminating.
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 1 and the element is Earth. The Boar finds conflict today but the Rabbit is having a great day.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I follow my intuition. I don’t have to struggle, not even in my mind, to improve this situation and to achieve my goals. I listen to the guidance of my Higher Self and the good I desire is near and within reach.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
At some point last night, I took my eye mask off and laid it on the night stand while I got up. When I returned, blurry eyed, I reached over and got a Bitwit instead. I still have not found my eye mask!
What a morning! I got all the cats breakfasted and discovered Precious had escaped last night and was outside all night. Now I have to find the Advantage and put it on him and everyone else, because you know he brought fleas into the house. He was out gallivanting with the cat next door. They named her Slip for where they found her but at this point Berth is a better name. She is one big Momma! I had scared her opening the door on Saturday as I am not supposed to be up early or so the cats tell me. So, I know there is communications going on and play!
I have the dentist this afternoon (Monday) which means pain and suffering. Then I am coming home, curling up in a little ball and whining for a really, really long time.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Forecast and Faery Finder for 11-24-08

Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder and Bitwit, Supreme ruler of the House and Shop…..Of course, Lady Jayne doesn’t know about the coup.
Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.
Today’s Tarot Card is the Moon: gratification. Fix your lifestyle. You are damaging yourself and everyone around you. No one can survive in constant confusion.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, the Moon enters Scorpio at 12:54 PM EST. The only aspect today is one making change easier and more lasting. So, go for it!

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say kick up your heels. Yes, this is the perfect day to spend a little time playing hooky and get out side and have a little fun. Do something unexpected. Buy some flowers and give one to everyone you encounter.

Today’s Cat Comfort card is The Cat’s Out of the Bag. “Oops! Quick thinking needed.”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for Ilbe the Retriever. Ilbe has a vial of not-quite-there juice that he smears on things, like your keys. Then after you tear the house up, you have no choice but to get organized. Aside from driving us nuts, he has one very important task. He is the keeper of our lost hopes and forgotten dreams. He may hide your keys but you have to admit, no one else could find them and steal your car. Soooo, he really is protecting your property. Next time you lose something, look at where you find it. It is probably a message from Ilbe about at forgotten dream or idea you should now put into action.
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 2 and the element is Earth. The Dog finds conflict today but the Monkey and the Sheep are having a great day.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I let go of all criticism. I open my heart to tolerance, sympathy, patience, humility and tenderness.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
I do not expect you to believe this because I am still having a little trouble with it. I knew my password was easily hacked on the credit card machine, but what are they going to do, settle my account for the day?, but I never expected the cat to do it. Yes, folks, I forgot to settle the machine yesterday. In the middle of the night, Loki hit the settle button, managed to hack my password, hit yes and settled the account! He will be ringing you up when I get the cash register on line the first of January. Heck, I don’t have to work any more. The cats are doing it all!
That was not the only cat thing of the night. Here I am shaving my legs in the bathroom when this disembodied white paw reaches out from the side of the cabinet and grabs my knee. Well, I did what any normal person would do. I screamed, jumped and cut my leg half off. When I got my stomach out of my brain pan, I saw George had put the lock on the cabinet to keep the cats out. He didn’t notice he had locked one in there. She had pushed the faux drawer front to the side and was sticking her paw out grabbing me.
Bitwit has mounted the Bitmobile and returned to the shop for the week after terrorizing Napoleon and Purrbah for two days. Now Isis is on the list…..

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Forecast and Faery Finder for 11-23-08

Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder and Bitwit, the toe biter.
Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.
Today’s Tarot Card is the Hierophant: intuition. This is a complicated card. You are at the point in your life where people are making demands of you and if you do not rise to the occasion and give what is expected, they will use it to drag you down. Sacrifices will have to be made. You are in the vulnerable position. More stuff falls on you demanding endurance and at the same time you have to remain polite, patient and forgiving like a saint when you want to scream. Look deeper into this situation. Reconciliations will give you insight into what is motivating your aggressors and enemies and allow you to finally defeat them once and for all.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, Mercury enters Sagittarius at 2:09 AM EST and communication lighten up, the truth comes out and we are ready for play. Two air signs in the morning let you balance your residual feelings about old hurts and move past them into the future. You know the past does not need to dictate your future. A surprise emotional announce midafternoon puts a kink in plans and annoys you for some time. Authorities or elders do not come through with the money they promised and you find once again, you are deciding what to do without. The evening is the perfect time for both romance and psychic reading. The veil between worlds is thin.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say it is time to awaken your true self. Some times it take a lot of trial and tribulations to let you see that you are playing a part and not being true to yourself. Spend some time today asking yourself what you want to be when you grow up.

Today’s Cat Comfort card is Aristocat. “Classy and understated, you’ll attract many admirers.”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for Death. Doesn’t that just leave you with the warm fuzzies? Yes, Death is one of the Fae. Keep in mind, Death clears the way for the new. Without death we would be overrun with mosquitoes, cockroaches and relatives. Are you feeling better about death? This Fae is telling us that something has reached its natural ending and it is time to let go and move on.
Today’s Lo Shu Number is three and the element is Fire. The rooster finds conflict today but the Rat is having a great day.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I let go of my past and the past of others.
I forgive totally and unconditionally.
I stop all the dramas now and fill my life with playfulness, humor and joy, whatever the circumstance.
I celebrate life.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
It was another forced nap for the Bitwit shortly after she discovered a customer’s toes. It was the sequins on her sandals that poor Bitwit just could not resist. I also had my toes safely encased in my mules. My Momma didn’t raise a dumb kid.
The drive for coffee is becoming too strong in the Kitwits. I caught Purdy vonSweets with her head in the coffee maker. It was empty but she was going to lick the basket. Bitwit has tried to get coffee but so far I have managed to keep her from that first taste. You’ve got to admit, these kittens have interesting genetics.
I finally got some time to work on the Faery garden and at 7 this morning, my neck popped and the pain went through my shoulder. Now I can barely turn my head. Getting old sucks big time.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Forecast and Faery Finder for 11-22-08

Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder and Bitwit
Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.
Today’s Tarot Card is the Moon: gratification. Time to take a really good look at your lifestyle. Is it damaging you and those around you? Your constant fluctuations in mood are really upsetting others. Get rid of the repressed feelings, make decisions and stop confusing everyone if you want help.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, the Moon enters Libra at 3:20 AM EST. Late night bards may have disrupted your sleep. By the middle of the night you realized there was nothing you could do or change so you go some sleep. The good news is all of this angst has to up and ready to tackle the world and make some changes. The first one might be getting rid of the person who keeps verbally skewing you.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say feeling safe is your motivation, but can you ever really be safe. An asteroid might hit you! Learn to use this motivation in moderation, so you can take advantage of opportunities that involve taking a chance.

Today’s Cat Comfort card is Curiosity Killed the Cat. “It’s not nice to pry. Stay out of other people’s business.”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for Laiste. She is back and she was really active last night. Take those dreams and check them out. You have the answer right there.
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 4 and the element is Fire. The Monkey finds conflicts today but the Horse is having a great day!

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “Everything that does not contribute to my highest good now vanishes from my life. I let it go. The will of God expresses itself clearly and strongly through the qualities He gave me.
The path of my life is radiant and free.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
I’m typing fast because for the moment the DSL is up. I can’t get the mobile to work. I finally got someone from ATT to come out yesterday. Prior to that, something in the shop was causing the phone to go dead. Well, the guy quickly determine the problem with my phone was the upgraded DSL they put in against my wishes. The phone now works but the DSL is spotty so I am working as fast as I can before something goes south.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Forecast and Faery Finder for 11-21-08

Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder and Bitwit, the land shark.
Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.
Today’s Tarot Card is the Three of Cups: abundance. I just love this line: “Sorrow hides behind the pleasures of the world”. A comedienne once said the only difference between the problems of the rich and the poor is better scenery. This is a day to look the gift horse in the mouth. Make certain those tempting offers are really good. And more than that watch out for string attached. Unseen obligations are cemented onto offers today.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, the Sun enters Sagittarius at 5:44 PM EST. For the next couple of weeks, restrictions lesson, money is still tight but responsible and authorities are more likely to smile upon you after you complete the 5 pages of paperwork. Expect people to balk at being told to clean up their act, literally and figuratively, this morning. Hurt feelings abound. It is a paperwork nightmare with details burying you. But the light is finally shining and you see a way out. Authorities loosen the purse strings. However, by lunch, anything not clear in black and white is going to find a hard time going. So be very, very clear about everything.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say rise above your problems. Sure, it’s hard to do, but only by stepping back and looking at things from a new view point can you solve the problem. If this way was working you wouldn’t have the problem. So, climb out of the box! And most importantly, don’t take your problems out on the innocent.

Today’s Cat Comfort card is Cat’s Eye. “Open that inner eye. You’ll see what’s really happening.”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for Laiste, Moon’s Daughter. Laiste is one of our paradoxical faeries. On the one hand she brings light to darkness like the Moon and like the Moon, her light also conceals a lot of things. Thus like the Sphinx, she loves riddles. Follow her little hoof prints to enlightenment but beware, when things get fuzzy, she is about to give you a detour into the swamp. Then she will sit on the shore, laugh and tell you should have been paying attention. So just because you are certain you are seeing things clearly doesn’t mean you can start coasting. Pay attention!
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 5 and the element is wood. Sheep find conflict today but the Ox and Tiger are having a great day.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I am now committed to living my life with impeccability, rigor and awareness. This is my challenge and I accept it. By expressing these qualities I find my path and my inner power, and I fulfill my destiny.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
Now that the weather has turned cooled, the cats have invaded our beds. Even spooky Solstice has been spotted sleeping on feet. Bitwit wait until I am asleep and then she crawls into my hand or on my head. When I wake up and try to move, she purrs loud enough to vibrate the bed. You just know she hates being disturbed once she is comfortable. If the shop food bowl goes empty, I have a complaining Bitwit who escalates from crying to climbing my leg to just plain landing on the keyboard!
I have to close up today (Thursday) to go to the Dentist. I am looking forward to that like a root canal. Well, I do have to get one root canal. OUCH!
I bought some industrial strength Velcro to put the power strips up off the ground. Well, I never considered the front of the package was open so you could feel the hook side. I dropped it and it hit the carpet. You know what side landed down! The carpet is now a little thread bare in that location. That stuff should have a warning label!
Which brings me to an interesting magick note. Did you know that the velvety sticker burrs are often used to bring and keep things? You can coat a doll with them and stick money to it so your finances improve and you start saving. The really sticker ones, are often used to create discomfort and stick bad things to a person: Sort of like little karma helpers. A rather painful love spell involves taking them and the name of your intended in your hand and closing it into a fist until you bleed. Not exactly my cup of tea if you know what I mean…pain is bad.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Forecast and Faery Finder for 11-20-08

Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit
Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.Today’s Tarot Card is the Universe: consecration. This card indicates the beginning of a journey, of major change and moving forward. Lay your foundation today for the rest of the year.
Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.Astrologically, this is an easy, social day filled with rather staid communications.
Deck: Healing with the Fairies.The Faeries say this is a day to honor your true feelings. Stop lying to yourself, take off the rose colored glasses and take a long look at yourself.
Today’s Cat Comfort card is Catalog. “Treat yourself to some retail therapy.”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBethToday’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for G. Hobyah. All his power lies in our imagination and unfortunately we will imagine the worst before the best. He is the beast in the closet, the monster under the bed and the slime in the horror flick. Turn the lights on and he doesn’t exist. Only truth frees you from his grip. Everyone in Faery Land knows he is a sham, but we let him magnify our fears until we are paralyzed. Only by facing what we fear can we free ourselves.
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 6 and the element is wood. The Horse finds conflict today but the Rooster is having a great day.
Today’s Message from the Universe is: “Every time a door closes, another one opens up toward wider and more beautiful horizons. The space naturally created in my life now brings me even greater possibilities for growth. I welcome any change in my life with confidence and joy.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
If you want the strong feeling a huge black cat is looking over your shoulder, eat shrimp for lunch in the shop. You will get either Loki or Solstice. Loki prefers his with mayo in a salad or fried and Solstice will take his straight up. Bitwit doesn’t like them proving once again, she is related to George and not me. Last night I awoke with my knees almost pressed to my chest and discovered the foot of my cot was covered in cats. Ra and Loki had put their differences aside to sleep together. You sure can tell it was the first really cool night of the year! Bitwit was actually asleep in my hand.More and more complaints about Paypal are coming up. It is very unfriendly to sellers and as such, has allowed the number of buyer scams to multiply. One basic rule I would think anyone with half a brain knew by now is: Don’t sell anything to Nigeria! That country’s only product is scams. Yet, constantly there is someone in the news that has fallen for one. If you are wondering why you are not getting fast shipping on items, it is because if you used Paypal, sellers are checking you out and waiting to make certain the money is totally cleared and the grace period is over. We have no choice. Small merchants can not take losses and even 10.00 cuts into our bottom line heavily. So, as usual, everyone suffers. Makes you just want to smack some people!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Forecast and Faery Fidner for 11-19-08

Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder and Bitwit, the grownup
Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.
Today’s Tarot Card is the King of Swords: purification. Did you know that smoothing out the rough edges of your personality, psyche and actions will not only make life easier with other people but make you more spiritual? Think about the great spiritual leaders. Were they rough, biting and sharp?

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, the fourth quarter of the Moon begins at 4:31 PM EST. A very prophetic dream may awaken you this morning. Now, if only you could either remember it or interpret it! Hurt egos create harsh words this AM and beware of road rage! The evening is the time to make changes in yourself. The Moon enters Virgo at 8:12 PM EST.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say: make music. The weather is getting everyone down. Sing, dance, skip, hum, get some rhythm going there! Get the chi moving! Keep dancing. Maybe you can keep your feet away from Ffaff.

Today’s Cat Comfort card is Suncat. “Feel your own sunshine radiating within.”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for -Oh Goddess not a again! - Ffaff the Ffooter. We must really be getting ungrounded because he just keeps coming around. Maybe all these winter boots are starting a nasty case of foot fungus? What ever it is, clean up your act! Ground yourself. Get a pedicure!
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 1 and the element is water. The snake finds conflict today but the Rabbit is having a great day.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I let go of my personal worries. My outlook on life expands and I dedicate all my energy to give and to serve. There lies the true source of my happiness.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
Ah yes, it has happened. The Bitwit has picked out her personal sleeping spot. She now uses only the big cat kitty pan. She eats from the big kitty bowl. My little baby has grown up!
Last night for the first time, I saw the owl on the monitor. He is very black on camera unlike most animals that show a lot of infra red. You can tell it is him by the lazy way he flies and banks.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Forecast and Faery Finder for 11-18-08

Forecast and Faery Finder for 11-18-08 by Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit
Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.
Today’s Tarot Card is the Page of Cups: reduction. Time to free your emotions from inner conflict so can grow.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, it’s your basically annoying day. Old hurts don’t set you free, they tie you tighter. Let go of them and both or you can grow.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say your dreams are coming true, you just have a little prep work.

Today’s Cat Comfort card is Cool Cat. “Pride comes before the fall. Humility is needed today.”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for She of the Cruach. She is the great mother and today she can bring you nurturing and fertility. Let her comfort her so you can move on and grow.
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 2 and the element is water. The Dragon finds conflict today but the Sheep and Monkey are having a good day.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I joyfully share the love and wisdom of my Higher Self with those around me and all of humanity. I am one with the Universe.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
The Bitwit pulled a sneaky last night! She managed to get into bed with me and sneak up to Ra and go to sleep. Around 3 AM, I woke Ra up getting out of bed and she had that nice cozy, warm look on her face until the moment she noticed the warmth was coming from the Bitwit. Then, it was a rapid deflate and growling. Bitwit then took to her personal chaise lounge: me. She now tells me every time the cats’ food bowl is empty in the shop. Pretty soon she is going to be running the place!
Napoleon and Purrbah are enjoying the day free of Bitwit. Last night poor Napoleon was pretty worn out and sent Purrbah in as a substitute. Even though Bitwit was dead tired, she put up a chase and finally they both collapsed. She is growing up and sitting on my lap peacefully.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Forecast and faery Finder for 11-17-08

Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit.
Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.
Today’s Tarot Card is the Three of Wands: cohesion. Your ideas have valuable insights. Meditate on them.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, the Moon enters Leo at 4:07 PM EST. Dreams are confused and mixed up tonight. The early morning is the time to shine so get out there and advertise your accomplishments. By midafternoon, changes at home just don’t seem fair to everyone. Energy peaks in the evening when you finally get things straightened out. For the next couple of days, communications are mixed up. People are whispering but they don’t have their fact straight. You might be able to find the humor in it, that is if you don’t flatten someone over it.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say detoxification. It is time clean up your environment, mind, body and energy.

Today’s Cat Comfort card is Cat Suit. “Be daring. Be wild. Be bold.”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for the Fee Lion, king of the of’s. He rules the could of, should of and would of. You are always late for whatever he is doing. So you have to decide with him to lead your life without guilt unless you are perpetually late. Then, clean up your act.
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 3 and the element is metal. The Rabbit finds conflict today but the Rat is having a good day.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I was born to contribute and make a difference. All of my doubts and fears vanish. Each day I express my highest qualities in every aspect of my life. I now choose to serve with selflessness, simplicity and joy.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
This is the high point of my weekend. We returned to the shop tonight. I have a torch that sits about 3 feet from the door. At first I thought George had put the fake the owl and then I realized it was too small. I was looking at a baby barred owl no more than two feet away. It was about 6 - 8 inches high. When George came up, it flew off. Now that is a real WOW moment in nature!
Oh Goddess, I let Fae come with me to Home Depot to shop for the faery garden. It went something like this: No you can’t have a 149.00 bougainvillea tree! What’s wrong with that plant? The 4.00 bricks won’t work. What plant do you want???? We are not getting 15.00 stepping stones! No you can’t have all the Christmas lights. Pick a color! Finally I left with 3 flowers, an herb (stevia), the beginning of a headache and no trim. The only way I shut the whining up over the tree up was to threaten not to take them to Lowes. The garden is way too small for a tree. They wanted the Christmas village and I had wanted the bird houses painted brightly. We compromised and they pick the colors. I’m going to bed after I finish this horoscope.
Though I have to admit it fun to watch the Muggles when the Fae are around me. They know they hear something. They know they see something flitting around me, but they can’t quite decide what it is. I get the strangest looks and then their eyes start darting to and fro trying to focus on the Fae.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Forecast and Faery Finder for 11-16-08

Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder and one exhausted Bitwit.
Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.
Today’s Tarot Card is the Six of Swords: ascendancy. Delve into your subconscious and you will find new comprehension of your creative projects. Yes, it is very subtle, but very important you discover these things. Free yourself from anxiety, repetitious thoughts and ideas that box you in. The future is change and it will be challenging.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, for the next couple of days, hidden things pop into view and lies are exposed. People are appreciative and say so and money is coming your way. You, water and earth signs, will get news of some sort of a legacy, refund or settlement. Mars enters Sagittarius at 3:26 AM EST and let the justice begin. Also expect paperwork to finally clear up and way around rules and regulations to pop up! Once again we are clear of aspects until the late afternoon. There is still some nagging aggravation with past hurts that you need to release. An unexpected emotional announcement has you feeling so much better. You are loved. It is hard to get money for domestic items so wait a bit. Late tonight work on budgets and paperwork that you have been hiding under the pile of stuff on your desk. You will get a late call with the information you have needed that has been hidden.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say this is day for positive expectations if you want good things to manifest.

Today’s Cat Comfort card is Catnip. “You could do with a pick me up. Try something you really like today.”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for the friends. Once again, celebrate the differences. We all have different talents, not necessarily better ones. Every person’s contribution is needed to make a difference. The Chef needs someone to grow the food, someone to transport it and someone to eat it.
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 4 and the element is metal. The Tiger finds conflict but the Horse is having a great day.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “This is a period of divine accomplishment for me. Closed doors are now opening before me. Everything I undertake leads to cusses in accordance with the highest possibilities of my destiny.
I celebrate the abundance and the kindness of the Universe.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
I finally got a goodnight’s sleep! This is how it happened. I took the Bitwit home so she could have a night of fun and play. She began deviling poor Napoleon until she ran him in the ground. What she did not realize is the Kitwits work together. Napoleon passed her off to Purrbah. When Purrbah got tired, Napoleon was up and running. They ran her into the ground. She slept until 10:30 when she gave me a half hearted nose slap to wake me up and get her breakfast. It is now after 2 PM and she is asleep in the bathroom on her bed, willingly. She even asked to be put to bed. I am still giggling.
Well, good progressive called George with an offer. It all hinged on him being stupid enough to take 60% of the liability for the accident. Okay, let’s look at it. He should not have been in the intersection turning left on a yellow light that turned red as he crossed two lanes of stopped traffic. However, the other guy was doing way over 80 mph in a 45 mph zone, swerved around the 2 lanes of stopped cars and ran a red light. He got the ticket. Insurance companies think you are stupid. I called Gieco and my adjuster said: No Way! Now for some reality, folks. If you admit to the majority of fault in an accident, you open yourself up to civil suit. This guy was already making noises about suits because the cop told me so. No one is signing those papers. If you don’t have the time and the money to deal with insurance companies when they try this, call one of those sleazy lawyers advertising on late night TV. They actually know what they are doing. Do not sign any papers and do not give your rights further medical attention away unless you are 100% certain you are not going to need it!
Let me give you my background. I spent 10 years working in a psychiatric office as a pain management specialist, hynotherapist and biofeedback therapist. I spent every working day of those 10 years with accident victims. I know the system. It is not set up to work in your favor.
True, we just want this whole thing to be over. I’m not out to jack the insurance companies up, but, I am not going to open myself up to being bit on the lower posterior in six months or six years. Don’t you do it to yourself! Be careful out there. And, we all love you. Drive the speed limit. Stay behind the white line until you have enough room to make a left turn. Let them honk. It gives them something to do. Pay attention to driving, not eating, drinking, listening to the radio or talking on the phone. You are in a several thousand pounds of metal, but there is always something bigger out there. George was in a good little truck, a Chevy S10. The other guy was in a small SUV, but because he was doing over 80, the truck took the brunt of the force. His SUV is barely damaged and totally drivable. This happened because of the laws of physics. I can take a 2x4 piece of lumber and break it with one hand because I know the martial arts. My hand is way softer but not hurt. The 2x4 is way harder but in two pieces. This is because of the speed equaling force that I can hit with. The same thing will happen to you if some speeding idiot hits you. You will be the one totaled, not him!
My friends are always amazed at how I see animals and birds and flowers on the side of the road. The only thing I am paying attention to when driving is what is around me, so I see more of what is around me! Watch the cars at least three cars in front of you. If they hit their brakes, you are going to have to stop. Catch the blinking pedestrian signals. If they are already on caution, your light is about to change! Slow down! Don’t tailgate. Expect the guy next to you to covet and try and take your lane. They usually do! And down here, remember, a red light seems to just be considered a suggestion you might want to stop if its convenient at the moment.
And the Bitwit is still sleeping…..

Friday, November 14, 2008

Forecast and Faery Finder for 11-15-08

She'll never notice I took her tarot cards...cackles the evil Bitwit!

Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder and Bitwit, involuntarily napping.
Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.
Today’s Tarot Card is the Queen of Pentacles: persuasion. If you are convinced it is time to change your life for the better, then you can influence others to do the same. If you are just providing lip service, don’t expect to make any gains.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, the Moon enters cancer at 2:52 PM EST. After a night of psychic dreams you have a restful morning with plenty of time for interpretation. The afternoon aspects are not the best energy seems to ebb and flow and you have the unsettling feeling someone is out to get you. You could be right. Changes that benefit all may be seen as taking away from some people and they are holding on tight. Even social events are strained so staying home and having a relaxing night of meditation and catching up is favored over the social whirl.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say look inside yourself. Today is about starting journeys and all you need is to be found within.

Today’s Cat Comfort card is Catkin. “Think about the positive qualities you’ve inherited from your family.”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for the Journeyman. He always arrives when we are ready to start something new and untried. He has prepared us for this venture even though we may have the butterflies in our stomach. It is time to apply what you have been learning. Step away from your teacher and start your journey.
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 5 and the element is earth. The Ox finds conflict today but the Tiger slides.
Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I now face people and situations with courage. I express myself freely and all conflicts are resolved in a balanced and open way for the mutual benefit of everyone.
I proclaim and manifest the power of my Higher Self with love, understanding and respect for others and for myself.” Annie Marquier creating a world of Peace one thought at a time.
Mother was right when I asked her why little children needed so many naps. She said it was the Mom that needed the nap. Bitwit is having a nap after knocking multiple things down, biting my finger…so what else is new…and generally demonstrating she has more energy that any small thing should be allowed.
I got an incense sample in today called mogra. Yeah, that was my reaction, too. In infinitesimally small print under that it says Indian Jasmine and has a picture of a jasmine flower I’ve never seen on it. It is not as sweet as the normal HEM jasmine I buy and has a woody, almost patchouli or myrrh like, undertone. Of course, it isn’t in the catalogue so it’s going to be a few weeks before I can get any, but you are going to love it.
My first John the Conqueror plant came up today and I was insanely dancing the parking lot. Oh well, the neighbors suspect I am nuts. I just confirmed it. More are going on the trellises in the Faery Garden.
Aside from those happenings, things have been quiet with me exhausted from all the driving. You can’t trust anyone. I got a call from the Gieco agent saying the truck was officially totaled and go ahead and dispose of it. BUT…when I went out to the web site today, the pictures were up but there was no estimate saying it was totaled. Yup, trust no one and I don’t know if Progressive wants it. Eventually I will get it out of poor Sun’s parking lot. Meanwhile, the Vanwitch is happily zipping around town and I getting so good at parking it is scary.
I just discovered Bitwit has not realized she is hurting me. So, I am squealing every time she bites me and she has stopped. However, she just stole my Tarot cards in their fuzzy pouch, dumped them and stole the pouch. I finally have everything back together. So, she dumped the bowl of amethyst beads and I had to round them up. Anyone have any questions as to what I do all day?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Forecast and Faery Finder for 11-14-08

Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder, the moon struck and Bitwit, the land shark.
Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.
Today’s Tarot Card is the Four of Cups: discontent. Psychologists call it free floating anxiety. Trying to figure out exactly what is bothering you is a real challenge. Take a good look at the people around you and cut the ones that aren’t supporting free. Know who and what you are and what sort of people will be of value to you.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, for this weekend, we have to be very vigilant. Old hurts, pains and wounds can sneak up and bite us and cause us to lose out on opportunities. Don’t self sabotage. Pay close attention to why you are reacting to what! The morning is free of aspect until late afternoon. You can take a really intellectual look at things that have happened but they still aggravate you! Late tonight, emotional outbursts do not serve you well. Think before you yell. Finance and elders prove to very annoying. And the cherry on this sundae will be rules, limitations and paperwork! However, you will have pleasant dreams of a very prophetic nature.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say self reliance is the key. You are strong enough to break free. You can do it! Have faith in yourself!

Today’s Cat Comfort card is Something the Cat Dragged In. “You’ve been having a hard time: things will get better.”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for the Rarr. Rarr look a lot like ragged orbs. They are ragged because they are moving so fast and furiously. They are uncontrolled, unrestrained energy. They are also attracted to energy so be careful. The Rarr is what turns a peaceful demonstration into a riot, an argument in a free for all and two year olds into small monsters. I think Bitwit has attracted one or is one. Try to take deep breaths and calm yourself when things get out of hand.
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 6 and the element is earth. The Rat finds conflict today but the Rooster is having a great day.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “”It is now time for me to enjoy healthy, creative and supportive relationships based on unconditional love, respect and freedom. This is a time of divine fulfillment.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
I have to tell you, I wrote part of yesterday forecast with tears streaming down my face. Do not make the mistake I did. I have a very small mouth. Rather than using the children’s Xray equipment, the technician numbed the inside of my mouth. That allowed her position the plastic things where ever as I could not longer feel anything. Well, that all changed and my entire mouth was hurting so bad, I thought I would scream. Actually I would have, but air touching my gums hurt.
I am still in quite a bit of pain and of course, I can’t get anything for it. Every druggie in town can get a bag full of meds, but someone who really is in pain can’t get an aspirin down here. I couldn’t take them anyway as I have to drive 22 miles round trip to pick George since the truck is totaled. I get to do that twice a day. You don’t even want to see the gas bill and unlike my con artist ex-friends, I can’t find someone to rent me a car or am willing to break the law to get one. Some days folks, it does not pay to be a law abiding, working citizen. Actually, that’s most days.
Bitwit is actually napping and Isis is actually kitten sitting her. I have a few minutes of peace and non-biting so I think I’ll nap a bit and finish things later. If I am behind on getting things out or done, please keep in mind: I am exhausted.
Which may be my next excuse. Last night I checked the van on camera and there was a light in the windshield. I was going to chuck it into the reflection pool until it started going on and off. So I got George up and he looked at it and decided we had better check it out. Well, he got the front gate and turned around and told me to walk down the path. As I got closer to the light I noticed it was perfectly round and then I saw it. It was the Full Moon reflecting in the windshield. Not only that, but it was also reflecting in my backdoor neighbor’s camper. At least I’m better than the air force. I didn’t shoot it or chase it! The turning on and off was the clouds covering it. Well, I sure got to see it go full! Hail Luna! Now don’t scare me like that again!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Forcast and faery Finder for 11-13-08

Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit, a land shark.
Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.Today’s Tarot Card is the Three of Wands: cohesion. Plan to meditate. This is the only way your creativity and preparation can be expressed. Your ideas do have valuable insight!
Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.Astrologically, the full Moon is at 1:17 AM EST at 21Taurus15. The Moon enters Gemini at 3:11 PM EST. For the next week expect deceptions to backfire as you are found out. Romance may be manipulation so be careful out there. Unexpected windfalls and go aheads from authorities are received.
Deck: Healing with the Fairies.The Faeries say look inside yourself. You can’t trust outer answers or others. Only you know the truth and you must be very, very careful not to fool yourself.
Today’s Cat Comfort card is When the cat’s Away. “Enjoy your freedom.”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBethToday’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for the Ganconer. Oh yes, with this weeks aspects you can expect old Smooth Harry to be slinking around. What you want the most, you will see with the least clarity. He wears a mirror in which we see our desires and let’s us fool ourselves. The more vanity you have, the easier his work. So if it looks to good to be true, you can bet it is.
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 7 and the element is fire. The Boar finds conflict today but the Dog is having a great day.
Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I am now ready to take all the risks necessary to completely express my Soul’s qualities. I dare now.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
I swear I have never had a kitten that chews on you so much! You would think was a dog. No food bowl is safe from her. Last night she learned to eat popcorn! That was in addition to the cat food and hamburger. The moment she is fueled up, she become a real terror. She has joined forces with Isis, as Isis has figured out when Bitwit gets her cute mojo on, Mommy will open another can of food.I spent all of yesterday at the dentists. Yes, I said plural. First one cemented the crown back on I had broken and sent me to the orthodontist to get the braces removed. So, off to the orthodontist where they took some very unflattering photos of me which had better never surface anywhere. The stuck me in an x-ray machine that came down and grabbed my head, used a laser to site the picture and then another one that stuck two probes in my ears. I didn’t know if I was getting an anal probe next or a borg appliance! Then I got the really bad news. I have at least 18 more months of pain and one surgery, but it may stop the deterioration of my hearing before I go completely deaf, and it will most likely stop the ringing in my ears and the migraines. Goddess, I am going to be in braces for my 59th birthday. This is not fair! But first, back to the sadist with the sharp instruments for fillings.Seems my lovely cardiologist forgot to mention the BP medicine changes the Ph of your mouth resulting in your teeth rotting. Gee, I can’t wait to find out what the next side effect is! At least my roots are strong and really, really long.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Forecast and faery Finder for 11-12-08

Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder and Bitwit, docked into a food bowl.
Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.
Today’s Tarot Card is the Seven of Pentacles: variance. The sharing and using of assets causes arguments today. Bad feeling and limitations are surrounding you. This has been brewing for a long time and the rug has been pulled off of where you have been sweeping under today. Take some deep breaths, calm down and then both of you try some reasoning and compromise. It may take until night to calm down enough to straighten this mess out.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, Venus enters Capricorn at 10:25 AM EST. For the next week don’t expect social interactions to be fun and games. Instead they will be deeply transforming experiences. Once again the morning is aspect free. By noon, harsh words are said, territories threatened and responses are a little over the top. By evening, all the old hurts have had their buttons pushed the mood is depressive. By later night, thing suddenly improve. Authorities or elders give their go ahead on financial plans or expansion, apologies abound with sweet gestures and all that paper work flows like water. Follow your intuition because this is now turning into a lucky week for you financially if you are a water or earth sign!

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say this is day to have positive expectations and by the time of dark, when the fae rule, you will see results.

Today’s Cat Comfort card is Cat Lover. “Contact your loved ones today.”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for the Friends. These two very different faeries are the best of friends and serve to remind us that it is often our differences that bring us together. Celebrate the differences.
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 8 and the element is Fire. The dog finds conflicts today.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I stop now and I quiet all inner agitation. I peacefully and calmly take the time to appreciate the beauty of everything around me as well as the beauty of my Soul. I listen to nature’s messages and to the music of the universe. In this peaceful state, my higher self guides me gently toward the fulfillment of my destiny.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
Last night I saw something totally amazing. It was dark. The Bitwit was asleep, stretched out with eyes squeezed tightly shut. Very quietly I shook a single teaspoon of wet cat food into the her little glass bowl. Instantaneously, there was a Bitwit eating. I swear, she teleported!
I do not know what kind of parking the Vitamin Shoppe, but those round balls are a real favorite with the cats. Even Isis, who never plays, was seen pouncing one. I am really starting to wonder what they are made of. So if I have shipped you anything in them…watch out for your cat getting them.
I decided to do the forecast early today as I have an afternoon dental appointment and may not be much good to anyone after it. I broke the only crown I have in my mouth.
My new hair is still a bit strange. I was setting the surveillance cameras in the shop and almost called the cops before I realized I was looking at myself on the monitor. I keep trying to grab my hair and lift it off my neck and swing it over the pillow all night. I have to admit, I do love it. A little water in the morning and a comb through and I have a hair style. What a change from pins, clips and hair spray!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Forecast and Faery Finder for 11-11-08

Veteran’s Day: A Day of Remembrance for those who gave their lives to defend us!
Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.Today’s Tarot Card is the Queen of Cups; fascination. If the attention is focused on joy and positive thinking it is beneficial. If it moves into obsession, it can become dangerous. An interesting aside about getting this card in a reading: I had a lady who kept insisting this was her card and it represented her. I was always uneasy with this, it did not match her physically, and didn’t know why until she started stalking me!!! So when you are reading cards for someone, if they start insisting a card mean something you don’t feel right with, the Tarot may be giving YOU a message.
Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.Astrologically, the Moon enters Taurus at 3:05 PM EST. For the next week, the ability to circumvent red tape puts you in the spotlight. If you did it in an honest manner, it’s a good thing. If you didn’t, maybe you can get this forecast in prison. This morning is aggravating as you have so many things to start you just can’t see the finish line on any of them. One foot in front of the other is your new motto. After lunch, socializing kicks up a notch and people are playful. The problem with the impromptu invitations is no one know when to leave. You can make some good changes this afternoon if you can get some free time from all the chatter and fun.
Deck: Healing with the Fairies.The Faeries say detoxification. Clean and clear your space, body and mind of negative clutter or just clutter. Get some flowers for your area. Make things sparkle. You will feel more upbeat and better after you do it.
Today’s Cat Comfort card is Catnap. “Take it easy. Curl up and relax.”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBethToday’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for Ffaff the Ffooter. Remember he inspects feet, but today he is on a mission and that mission is to remind you to stay grounded, if he has to pick up both your feet at once to remind you! Take off your shoes, make certain your feet are clean and presentable and then take a deep breath drawing all the way from the earth up. Count to three slowly and exhale. Do this until your feel grounded.
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 9 and the element is wood. The Rooster finds conflict today but the Dragon and Snake are having a good day.
Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I need not worry about difficulties as I realize that they are opportunities for me to grow in love and wisdom. I accept what is. I follow my intuition and I step into action without delay. Wonderful and unexpected solutions appear to me, and I bring my personal contribution to the world with enthusiasm and joy.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
The Bitwit has adapted well to the shop life. There are Styrofoam packing peanuts to play with, adult cats to devil and let’s not forget the prize: my ankles. Not only that but she has Mommy almost all day to play with whether Mommy wants to play or not. Last night a switch flipped in that tiny brain and now I have a 50-50 chance of being purred and loved or eaten when I pick her up.As for Napoleon and Purrbah, they are jealous and on Saturday night, they were packed so close to me they were in danger of becoming internal organs. They miss having their Mommy all to themselves.Clearing the Faery garden has turned into a large than thought project as they always do. As a painter once told me: it is 90% prep and he wasn’t kidding. The painting is the easy part and in gardening, the sticking of the plant in the soil is the easy part. Before the stones and gravel can go down the area has to dug out an inch or more and leveled. Then I can begin to build the actual garden. But, once again while working out there getting some nuisance plants out, I knew I was being watched. We do have the cameras up and hope to catch some video of the faeries flitting through.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Forecast and Faery Finder for 11-10-08

Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder and Bitwit.
Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.
Today’s Tarot Card is the 8 of Cups: seclusion. We make excuses when we feel powerless. But you can change and do the right thing. Use self discipline to begin putting your life back together.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, this week expect surprise gifts that will add up monetarily. You’ll have a warn feeling in your heart. All aspects today start in the afternoon. Leave the smart remarks at home and unsaid because with these aspects you aren’t going to say what you planned and will have egg on your face. You can quickly move past old hurts to establish needed alliances. Later tonight, financial concession from authorities are impossible to come by and limitation have you upset. However, prophetic dreams tonight can show you the way.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say Dreams are coming true. Goddess, aren’t they on a global level. We have chosen hope over fear and we are all moving forward.

Today’s Cat Comfort card is Top Cat. “You’re on a winning streak.”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for Penelope Dreamweaver. Your personal Dreamweaver may have a totally different name. She is your faery of inspiration and mostly arrives in dreams. Her influence is subtle and you must act on it or she will move on to someone who will!
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 1 and the element is wood. Monkeys find conflict today but the Rabbit it having a great day.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I know that peace on earth begins with my own inner peace. I release all negative thoughts I might have about myself and others. I rediscover the purity, the simplicity and the power of the Divine Child within me.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
Got into the Vanwitch and notice one side of my sunpass holder dangling loose. So, I did what you normally do, wet the suction cup and stick it back. As expected the other end promptly came loose. I reached for it and it slid behind the rear view mirror and attached like some demented tree frog to the windshield and I couldn’t get it loose so now the Sunpass is mounted vertically rather than horizontally. If stopped, I am falling back on being dyslexic.
There is good new and bad news. George is fine, just a little sore so far. We still haven’t got the stupid X-rays approved for the accident. The bad news is the truck is totaled. So, I have to drive him to and from work every day. That hour round trip twice a day is a little hard on me, but I am surviving.
George cleared the area for the faery garden and now I have to do the digging, laying out and putting everything into it. I know the faeries are going to be happy because I saw one this afternoon. At first I thought I was seeing a dragon fly but unless we have some mutant species with about an 8 to ten inch wing span that can disappear at will, it was a faery and moving fast. So, tonight, one faery statue went into the garden!
Yesterday we were talking about doing curses, binding and other things to bend people to someone’s will for money and ethics of doing it. Well, there are always a lot of people ready to enlighten me as to my naïve approach to life. I’ll sum the argument up as I was dumb enough to repeat it to someone. It goes like this: It’s not my karma, sin or responsibility because they are deciding to do it and I’m just doing they pay me to do.
As I said, I was stupid or sleep deprived enough to repeat that and someone quickly said, “There’s even a legal defense named for that.” Naturally I asked what and should have seen it coming but didn’t duck. “It’s call the Nuremberg Defense.” Oh, yes…I guess a lot of workers and spell casters have forgotten that chapter in history in pursuit of the almighty dollar. I wonder if it has forgotten them….

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Forecast and Faery Finder for 11-09-08

Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit, an afternoon cat.
Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.Today’s Tarot Card is the Chariot: conclusion. You have finally heard the voice within. Your ego now takes second place to your higher spiritual calling. You know all things will pass and enjoy the moment.
Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.Astrologically, the Moon enters Aries at 12:26 PM EST. It is a difficult morning as the energies of justice, fairness and change are thwarted by attachment to worn out ways of doing things. The smiling face may cover a dagger in the hand. Everyone is wearing a mask.
Deck: Healing with the Fairies.The Faeries say make music. Turn on the CD, MP3 player or radio. Get out the flute, guitar or piano. Let the music carry you today. Don’t forget to have a quiet time to listen for the music of nature. It will heal you.
Today’s Cat Comfort card is Catalyst. “The time is right. Start something new today.”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBethToday’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for a collection of Pixies. Pixies are happy little critters. They dance and sing their way through the day, humming as they work. And, work they really do. They are just about the most industrious of the Fae, helping the flowers bloom, the rain get to the plant roots and sprinkling faery dust where it is needed. Just keep in mind, all my freckles are due to leaving the dark chocolate on the nightstand where they could get to it. Pixie kisses and chocolate make freckles.
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 2 and the element is water. Sheep find conflict today but the Monkey has an easy day.
Today’s Message from the Universe is: “Despite darkness and difficulties, I continue on my path with strength and courage. I persevere. Obstacles vanish one after the other and my most deep-felt wishes are no fulfilled.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
Yes, it is true. At 7:30 this morning, which is way early for me but the change off daylight savings time or vice-verse always messes with my internal clock, I discovered that Bitwit is not a morning kitten. She ate some breakfast, curled back up on her bed and gave the squinty eye turn the lights off I need a nap look. Almost an hour later, she is sort of up and eating another breakfast. Of course, this could have all been a nefarious cat plot of get an extra breakfast. They are sneaky that way.I started the morning with a little discussion of ethics. How ethical is it to do curses, bindings and love work over the internet for people you don’t’ know? Well, back in the old days, the local rootworker, shaman, witch, whatever, knew everyone in town, knew everyone’s business and could make a pretty good judgment as to who was in the right and who was in the wrong. Today, few of us know our clients and that is why much to many clients dismay, we simply refuse such work. Pretty much the maximum you are going to get out of me is a protection spell.Unfortunately, I am in a minority it seems. I know one fledgling psychic/witch that every time she dated someone was ready to magically fix their life, bind the ex, curse the boss and so forth. She still has no idea what-so-ever why her life is in the toilet. Another “rootworker” always ran the con of starting by telling his clients all about how he punished those people he was angry with and then a few minutes later would mention how much money he needed. There was no direct threat, just the implication you had better mail the money or else. He can’t figure out why his life is circling the same bowl. He never threatened anyone. They made the choice to send him money. I know another couple of nice ladies who thought it was cute to cause a waitress to drop a tray of glasses using their new found Silva power. They pulled it off after every meeting. They never considered the prank was costing the poor waitress money and they are still paying for it by a loss of control over their lives and constant losses of money.Words have power as do thoughts. Words are more powerful. That is why every religion contains some form of prayer or chanting. If what is constantly coming out of your mouth is threatening, angry or nasty, it adheres to you like a cheap suit and like a magnet, you attract more of the same. It’s called shooting yourself in the foot. Thus, you often need do no spell or working, you just have to be having a temper tantrum and you incur the energetic response. Rather than throwing, shouting and hurling insults at people, ground yourself to get rid of the excess energy and then try to figure out a way to fix the problem. If you are the cause of your state because of all you have been doing, (and it was always just in fun) put on those big girl pants and cowboy up. Take responsibility.Think of the power line outside your house. It has all that nice electricity you could use, for free, but if you reach up and touch it with extension cord in hand: fried. It’s better to go through the meter and the house wiring with your extension cord. A lot of people skip the mentor and learning phase and jump into practice without really learning the nature of the power and how to handle it. Keep in mind, a licensed electrician is a good idea and knowing your teacher/mentor is a better one.Just remember, if you do all those nice protection spells, mirroring and returning to sender when your life is spiraling into the gutter and the original problem is you, you are just going to be magnifying and returning all that negative energy right back to the sender: you! So don’t be the cat chasing its tail who finally catches that luscious tidbit and finds out it really hurts when you bite it! Some times a lot of innocent people get hurt so someone can find out just how wrong their actions and mind set are. Eventually you pay for that one, too. Remember the broken glasses???? The more powerful the system you invoke, the more powerful the response you will get.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Forecast and Faery Finder for 11-08-08

Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder and the suspected Republican: Bitwit.
Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.
Today’s Tarot Card is the Five of Pentacles: adversity. Hopelessness pervades your thoughts. Avoid excess guilt and don’t place excess guilt or blame over the loss the money or goods. Mistakes have been made but you are moving toward your objective. This experience teaches us to make informed decisions.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, you can really shine this afternoon and even get some concessions from authorities or elders. Money unexpectedly becomes available for those who have been helping others rather than themselves. You may hit evening just not feeling like dealing with paperwork, forms and applications, but the energies are too good to waste. Get to work. You can be lazy later tonight.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say new opportunities are on the way. Get ready.

Today’s Cat Comfort card is Curiosity Killed the Cat. “It’s not nice to pry into other people’s business.”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for the Singer of the Chalice. From this chalice flows the energies of trust, joy, patience, creativity, hope and miracles. Once our hearts are opened to the Unity of all things, these energies flow through us in abundance. No matter how bitter the taste in your mouth at first, they always leave you sparkling clean.
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 3 and the element is Water. The Horse finds conflict today but the Rat is having a great day.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: ‘Humility is now in my heart, opening the door to wisdom, true power and peace.
I now allow the love, peace and simplicity of my Soul to shine through.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
After working all morning and getting pooped on by an iguana while sweeping the parking lot, I discovered Bitwit had accumulated a lot of my things after becoming arboreal on Wednesday. She claims she is not stealing, just relocating them to within her protective sphere of influence. I think Bitwit is a Republican.
Anyway, I am now giving you fair warning. The iguanas come out in the morning and the evening and when walking under the arches at the shop, move fast or you will have the unpleasant experience I had this morning. Not only do I have to watch out for birds…but now iguanas!
If you are a gardener, you are always looking for ways to save money and recycle things. That way, you can buy more plants! I bought two lovely noodle bowls in black and wanted to put my ferns in them. They do not have a whole in the bottom. Now, if you have ever used packing worms you know the plant will eat them or you may get the news ones that turn to starch and really gum up the works. Anyway, I need them for shipping!
I was looking at my little water bottles and last night though they would make lovely cutting starter pops. All I have to do is nip the top off and the cats love to play with the tops. Today it hit me I can take the bottom, about ¾ of inch of it, cut a V shaped hole in it and wedge them in the bottom of the noodle bowl for drainage. It works great.
Now, my African violet is in a large pot but I really needed something to protect the stems and leaves from water as that is an invitation for rot. So I cut the top off into a funnel shape and pushed it down into the soil. Now I will just pour the water in there and nothing touches the plant.
But, we still have the middle of the bottle left! Well, there sits my new tomato plant and we all know about cut worms. So, the rest of the bottle now goes around the tomato stems and with any luck, it will also discourage iguanas! All that’s left is the cap and Bitwit is batting it around the shop!
By the way, those bottles are super thin and easy to cut up with kitchen sheers, so come up with your own recycling projects! One always needs a funnel for something….

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Forecast and Faery Finder for 11-07-08

Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder and Bitwit.

Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.
Today’s Tarot Card is the Six of Cups: felicity. Give those interruptions are break but keep your eyes open for subtle opportunities. Check the vibrations others are giving off. Thoughtful compromises will win friends and settle family arguments.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, the Moon enters Pisces at 5:43 AM EST. For the next couple of days, secrets come to light. And for the next week hidden weaknesses are also exposed. It is a day of change and justice for all.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say now we have a happily ever after. Maybe not to day or tomorrow, but it is coming our way!

Today’s Cat Comfort card is Cata-holic. “Curb your excesses. Everything in moderation.”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for the Journeyman. The Journeyman brings us adventure, risk taking and generally life. Take a chance.
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 4 and the element is metal. The Snake finds conflict today but the Horse has a great day.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I follow my intuition. I don’t have to struggle, not even in my mind, to improve this situation and to achieve my goals. I listen to the guidance of my Higher Self and the good I desire is near and within reach.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Forecast and Faery Finder for 11-06-08

Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder and Bitwit
Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.
Today’s Tarot Card is the Eight of Pentacles: economy. Money is nothing more than a single link in the chain between effort and sustenance. Those are words to live by. Money is a tool, nothing more. If you want security, you have to save it. To actually gain from it, you have to invest wisely. You need to use it as the energy of your will.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, it’s going to be an aggravating morning with red tape, forms to fill out and nit picking. Romance is in the air this evening and afternoon. Get that psychic reading you have been putting off. Keep romance in the romance field because once the old sex demon gets involved, tempers flare and things can go down hill fast.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say make music cautiously today. Others may not share you tastes.

Today’s Cat Comfort card is Cat’s Cradle. “Time to untangle the knots. Don’t put it off any longer.”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for Indi. Me thinks Indi is a Libra. He can never make up his little mind,. So, no matter how sweet he looks, when he arrives you will just get more befuddled. The only way to banish him is to make a decision and stick to it and ignore the plaintiff eyes. I think Indi is related to all cats.
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 5 and the element is metal. Dragons find conflict today but the Ox and Tiger are having a great day.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “If I persevere and keep faith in my ultimate success, no power on earth can prevent it. God protects and supports me in all my endeavors.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
Believe no one! I mean it folks. Last night hubby was in a car accident on the way home from work a block away from home. Totally the other guy’s fault. However, the truck was undrivable. So, the cops called the towing service on contract with them and refused to allow me to call AAA. The man came out and said it would 105.00 to tow the truck one block or he would tow it free to their yard where it had to be held for inspection. He refused to tow it to my mechanic and claimed it could only go to an authorized body shop or their yard.
Well, I’m talking to the Gecko rep and she says, hang up and call them right now. They are going to hit you up for storage fees and who knows what else. In a couple of days you can owe them more than the truck is worth. I called. Well, we are talking 105.00 hook up fee plus storage, plus towing and now to get the truck I have pay 186.00. So I had AAA tow it to my mechanic where I wanted it in the first place and the owner of the towing company says he has no idea why the driver would have told me that. I told him I had a pretty good idea why and he has one pissed off red head looking for him so if I were him, I’d make certain I didn’t find him.
Then they started to play block the little lady in van in the tiny parking lot and I threatened to take their fence out and in a commercial van, I can do it. They backed up and let me out. Emerald towing has quite a deal with the city. You have no choice if your car won’t run after an accident but to let them tow it and then they lie like dirty dogs to get the car over to their impound lot. The Gecko said they didn’t care where their inspector came out to look at the car at. Take it to the mechanic. Park it in my driveway. They didn’t care. Currently sticking pins in VooDoo doll!
Nah, I think I let Bitwit do the claw thing on the Voodoo doll. She is so much better at it than me with a pin. There was great cartoon in the paper today. This guys opens the door and there stands a cat dressed up like the grim reaper. He looks at it and says - I guess this isn’t going to be a quick death. Here Bitwit, here Bitwit….Mommy has a doll for you….Mommy cackles evilly.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Forecast and Faery Finder for 11-05-08

Get out and VOTE!
Forecast and Faery Finder by Janice Scott-Reeder and Bitwit

Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.
Today’s Tarot Card is the Ace of Pentacles: generation. You will succeed in much greater magnitude that you dreamed and yet, you know there is more. Fame is nice but now it is time to turn your back on the material and seek the spiritual.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, the second quarter moon begins at 11:03 PM EST in Aquarius. For the next week, romance rules, intuition is on target and there is a general happy feeling in the air. Late tonight it becomes apparent that control is out the window!

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say it’s time to get out there and make new friends.

Today’s Cat Comfort card is Democat. “Stand up for what you believe in..”
Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for Ekstasis, one of the singers. She is the song of the Universe, the energy and power that fills Unity and what completes infinity and eternity. Her bliss gives the Universe harmony and order. Only our souls can truly hear her song as she brings us rapture and ecstasy at the our highest level and joy and motivation at the lower vibration. All things are part of her song.
Today’s Lo Shu Number is 6 and the element is Earth. Rabbits find conflict today but the Rooster is having a great day/

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I follow my intuition. I don’t have to struggle, not even in my mind, to improve this situation and achieve my goals. I listen to the guidance of my higher Self and the good I desire is near and within reach.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
One of the cats is wearing lipstick. It is the only possible conclusion. I can not find a single tube at the shop. Now, the frightening thing is, the only cats that get up on my desk at the two boys. Is it Loki or Solstice? Time will tell.
If you Wiccans haven’t read any of Tate Hallaway’s books like: Dead Sexy: There’s no Rest for the Wiccan…” you might want to. To get Vampires, zombies and the whole lot in a fast paced, easy to read series. Something nice to bite in to with your mind before bed.
Now that hopefully the election is almost over, I must say something that has really bothered me. Every McCain house had an American flag draped over something. The key word here is draped. One that really sticks in my mind had an over sized flag clothes pinned on a falling down old pop-up tent frame almost dragging the ground. Way to show your respect for the flag. Mine, is on a pole with it’s own street light illuminating it and my Obama banner. When it gets ragged, I give it to the girl or boy scouts to properly dispose of and buy another one.
Voting was a bit of an ordeal. I arrived at the in-between time just like suggested but still had a 1.75 hour wait. It was foggy, chilly and the UV was super high. The end result was aches and pains all over and a headache from the UV. So, I have accomplished nothing much more than voting today. Bitwit on the other hand has disposed of an obscene amount of hamburger, beaten my house shoes, torn into my purse strap and has finally decided to play with her own toy for a change.