Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Forecast and Faery Finder for 06-11-09


Forecast and Faery Finder
by Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit

According to Llewellyn’s Spell-a-Day Almanac, today’s color is green and the incense is clove.

Today is the Festival of Mater Matuta in honor of the Greek Goddess Eos or the Roman Goddess Aurora. Her job is to open the gates of day so the Sun God can ride across the sky each day.


Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.
Today’s Tarot Card is the Moon: gratification. You can just have so many toys. Take a good look at your lifestyle and how it is affecting those around you and yourself. Being moody and constantly changing you opinion is getting really old fast. Stop repressing and say what is really on your mind. Clear the air.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, the Moon enters Aquarius at 4:52 AM EDT. This will be a frustrating day when social and work events just seems to go badly. You are having trouble focusing and arguments over property, finances and how to do thing abound. Best to just keep your head down and mind your own business. This is when you wish your cubicle not only had a door, but a top!

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say there are definite blocks to romance. Wait for a better day.

Today’s Cat Comfort card is Angel Cat. “Know that you are loved and protected.”

Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for Myk the Myomancer. Myk discovers the future by studying the patterns in the moments of mice. Now, you don’t need to adopt a mouse when he shows up. He just wants you to pay attention to the small things and to the patterns in life.

Today’s Lo Shu Number is 9 and the Element is fire. The Snake finds conflict today but the Dragon has ease. This is NOT an auspicious day for haircuts.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I need not worry about difficulties as I realize that they are opportunities for me to grow in love and wisdom. I accept what is. I follow my intuition and wisdom. I accept what is. I follow my intuition and I step into action without delay. Wonderful and unexpected solutions appear to me, and I bring my personal contribution to the world with enthusiasm and joy.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.
These messages are helping so many people that I am setting each day’s card up in a psionics generator so you can tap into the energy during the day. Just think of a rainbow and the energy will come to you.


Ah the cat wars…if only I were not the territory they were fighting over. Napoleon wants to use my hip as a pillow. Lady Jayne wants my pillow. No kidding, she is the worst pillow hog since Prescious. Last night she decided Napoleon must have something really special so when I lifted the covers she shot down beside me not like a bullet but more like a guided missile. She way too big for a bullet. The Napoleon resumed his location and now she was under him. That lasted about four minutes before she shot out to retake the pillow leaving me with a huge scratch down my arm. It’s always the disputed territory that suffers the most. Wait until tonight. My special bed wedges have arrived. Let the games begin!
Do you ever make a mistake when typing, try to backspace over it and just keep plugging in wrong letters and symbols like you have some sort of brain disease? Between doing that and the caps lock key, I am, some days, ready to start screaming.
I bring the little boy Microwits into my bedroom for some fun and they play and access forbidden sites on the laptop. I have no idea how they do this. I bring the little girls in and they settle on my chest and watch TV. Yes, they watch TV. Their little eyes are glued to the TV screen.

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