Sunday, February 28, 2010

Forecast for 03/01/10

Forecast and Faery Finder
By Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit

According to Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac, today’s color is silver and the incense is Narcissus. Today is the Roman Matronalia.


Astrologically, Mercury enters Pisces at 8:28 AM EST. The Moon enters Libra at 7:31 PM EST. Don’t put too many I’s in your sentences or someone’s feeling will get hurt this week.
The morning may start with a cancelled social engagement which will upset you more than usual. It’s not the cancellation but what it does to the rest of your schedule that upsets you. By lunch there are harsh words and people who have been pushing other around get it back in spades. Afternoon finds everything fuzzy and there is no clarity on anything and for no reason whatsoever old pains come back for a visit. By evening your energy is high again and you just so happy to feel good again, you are not watching what you say and whap, someone has a temper tantrum.

Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.

Today’s Tarot Card is the Knight of Cups: conviction. Don’t judge hastily as everyone sees the world differently and yes, some people are living in a fantasy. Just consider them entertaining and move on.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say:
Your inner power feels blocked today. Don’t push as you don’t want to explode. Rest and recuperate.
Today’s Cat Comfort Card is:
When the Cat’s Away: “Enjoy your freedom.”

Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for:
Iris of the Rainbows is here today to remind that there really is silver lining in every cloud. Okay, it may be a bit tarnished, but it is there. Leave her some purple flowers to thank her for appearing today.

Today’s Lo Shu Number is 1 and the Element is Water. The Rooster finds conflict today but the Rabbit has ease. Today is an auspicious day for haircuts and births and but not for starting construction.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “This is a period of divine accomplishment for me. Closed doors are now opening before me. Everything I undertake leads to success in accordance with the highest of possibilities of my destiny.
I celebrate the abundance and the kindness of the Universe.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.


I have never in the 51 years I have lived in Florida seen it this consistently cold and this cold into the first week in March. The first two weeks of March are usually our best weather and they are going to be cold next week and warm the next and the weatherman is not guaranteeing the third week. Summer is going to be horrible when the global warming causes us to swing the other way.
At least it is not an earthquake. I decided I can handle hurricanes and 150 MPH wind much better than they earth moving under my feet. In a hurricane you can always lay flat on the ground and eventually it will stop. You probably can’t levitate for an earthquake.
I am trying to convince Purdy von Sweets she is a ticked tabby not a ticked off Tabby. She begs to differ and gave me the tail twitch on the way out the door. That is the equivalent of the cat finger.
Another of those weeks is on the agenda. George has his doctor’s appointment on Monday and it is nothing you guys like to have done. I felt legs crossing. I must be psychic. My birthday is Wednesday. Friday I have extensive dental surgery. In the meantime I intend to squeeze in some gardening.
Today I managed, with George’s help, to get one of the Topsy Turvy strawberry planters up. I had six little strawberry plants which I thought was enough and discovered it holds 15. So in went a couple of peppers, a petunia, some dills and a lettuce. It going to be an interesting garden. I managed to transplant the little fig tree I bought into the pot that will be its home fore several years. They do not grow fast. I am lucky to have the wasp that pollinates them in the area. Then a tomato and pepper found a new home. I haven’t started tucking the beans in yet but they will come. I have found that Parkseed carries a French grow tube that is 1/3 the price of the Topsies and is supposed to last 3 years at least. I am going to try a bunch of them With the raccoons, getting the plants out of their reach is putting them out of temptation because I am certain they have been getting my little tomatoes. They will eat them green! Thus, please don’t call the DEA, part of my gardening with be almost hydroponic. One thing I will tell you is George didn’t believe how much these things weigh totally loaded. He learned I was right today. 30 pounds would be a guess on the light side.
I am in my battle with GERD or acid reflux disease. As the medications are not going to work on me, I need an alternative and found some good literature. What I have discovered is that how you eat your food is more important than what you eat. If you take small bites, chew thoroughly and drink lots of water (16 ounces) at a meal, you will not have the pain and feeling that everything is stuck in your esophagus. It really works. On the downside, by the time you get to the end of your meal, everything is stone cold and an hour has passed. To eliminate the gas I have been taking a Beano before meals and it is working. I have found that some vinegar (I use apple cider) in water helps with the acid. I know, and so did the recommending party, that vinegar is an acid, but it works. Fight acid with acid.
Tonight’s dinner was a lettuce and tomato salad with balsamic vinegar dressing, turkey patty with carmelized onions, a little zucchini and a lot of Chinese Okra (young luffa sponges). Yes, you can eat them when young. They taste like a nutty and slightly bitter zucchini and I am certain I got my week’s worth of fiber…maybe next week’s, too. The only thing you really have left after cooking them is the seeds and the rind.
The father of the Microwits has found his way to my house from the shop. I used to chase him off the shop grounds when old Blue was still alive. Blue was on his last legs and not up to fighting off young stud cats. Well, the neutering people have nailed he who we now call Bootsy and I find him peering in the living room window and howling at my bedroom window. I leave a little dry food out for him as he is still really wild. He is calming down and I fear for the worst which is defined as he dashes in the front door when I am not looking and never leaves again. Even Napoleon’s mother has found the house and is peering in the living room window. Who says they don’t know their family. She recognizes her grown kittens and they know her. The neutering people got her, too. I am really grateful to them as the population of cats in the neighborhood has finally leveled off and not a moment too soon for my dwindling bank account. I still have two spays to pay for.
You know you are old and in trouble when the high point of your weekend is finding a coupon in the paper for a 10.00 gift card at Target with a new prescription you put on auto refill and you know you will have one by the end of the week. I think I have one in my purse. It’s equally bad when Target is cheaper than the mail order pharmacy your insurance company insists you use with your insurance payment. Health care reform, who needs it?

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Forecast for 02/28/10

Forecast and Faery Finder
By Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit

According to Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac, today’s color is gold and the incense is marigold.

Today is Purim.


Astrologically, the Full Moon is at 11:38 AM EST in 9Virgo59.
The morning nitpicking makes it impossible to make money or expand your influence. Wait until things die down in the afternoon and evening to work on things. Although you really want to take care of details and get everything just so, another part of you is saying, why bother? Try to find balance.

Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.

Today’s Tarot Card is the Queen of Cups: fascination. Focus on just plain joy and positive thinking because other thoughts border on obsession and will be your downfall.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say:
Honoring your true feelings will be very hard today.
Today’s Cat Comfort Card is:
The Cat that Got the Cream: “Spoil yourself. You deserve it.”

Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for:
Tabaira of the Waters oversees all water, healing springs and well and even the oceans. You can ask her help with healing while holding a glass of water in your hands. She will infuse it with her energies to help heal.

Today’s Lo Shu Number is 7 and the Element is Earth. The Rabbit finds conflict today but the Dog and Boar have ease. Today is not an auspicious day for haircuts but it is for medical procedures, signing contracts, starting construction and births.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I now joyfully share love and wisdom of my Higher Self with those around me and all of humanity. I am one with the Universe.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.


It has been a disappointing day. It rained and the temperature is 49 and dropping. But far more than that, the doctor gave me a new medicine which I had hope for. I awoke, bloated and in so much pain I could not sit up. Then the gas began coming up. Once I was able to actually move, I went on the net and pulled up the old medicine that had put me in the hospital and the new medicine. I know the drug rep sold him on this miracle drug. They didn’t sell my mail-order pharmacy on it as it quickly became apparent they would not pay for it. They suggested you buy over the counter. So I pulled up the old drug and discovered the difference between the two drugs is one Sodium atom and 50.00. I can get the sodium out of the salt shaker. In other words, I was taking the same thing that put me in the hospital. That is why I always try the sample before I buy the prescription. It really had a nice coupon, though. Next time I am checking the chemical formula. A little hint for those of you non-chemical speakers. If the chemical name has the same ending, the drug is a variation of the other one. In this case, not much of a variation at all except for the 50.00. The other drug costs around 4.00 for a 90 day supply. This stuff is around 50.00 for a 30 day supply and all that over sodium. You know how much salt costs.
Speaking of having nice coupons, so did the sample face cream the other doctor gave me. Too bad I awoke with my face completely broken out from it. Folks, if the drug company is offering you a great coupon, like 30.00, you really want to tell them where to put it because it sure looks to me like it is on something that is a bunch of crap and may really screw you up. That was two 30.00 or more coupons on crap I got yesterday.
So, as you can guess, my mood is not so great. I just hope my face calms down when I use the other cream so I am at least presentable on Monday. No makeup is going to cover these volcanoes I have going on my cheeks.
A new site is coming up on the net shortly: . You can go there and check the facts to see if the candidate is telling the truth or living in fantasy land. It rates the accuracy of statements made by candidates.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Forecast for 02/27/10

Forecast and Faery Finder
By Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit

According to Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac, today’s color is Black and the incense is Sandalwood. Today is Threepenny Day.


Astrologically, the Moon enters Virgo at 7:52 PM EST.
The next couple of days are excellent for channeling and mediumship. Be sure to ask how to solve old problems and let go of old hurts as you will be able to get the answers.
The morning is pleasant but aggravation starts afternoon. Some will be cheering as others get their just rewards but more revealing will be those who aren’t cheering. Expect some explosive outbursts. Then everything goes really fuzzy. There are arguments. Vague uneasiness prevails and you may feel unexpectedly ill. By evening you will be better so just take a nap and don’t push yourself.

Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.

Today’s Tarot Card is the Art: verification. Go back over your recent choices and see if they are valid. You need moderation in all things and a detached attitude to succeed.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say:
Try to rise about your problems today and have a little fun.
Today’s Cat Comfort Card is:
Cheshire Cat: “Smile! Share your joy with others.”

Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for:
Arval Parrot is around to remind us to communicate clearly and his could not be a more timely message. It might be a good idea to ask people to repeat back what they think they heard today.

Today’s Lo Shu Number is 6 and the Element is earth. The Tiger finds conflict today but the Rooster has ease. Today is not an auspicious day for haircuts, medical procedures, signing contracts, gambling, starting construction or births.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I let go of my personal worries. My outlook on life expands and I dedicate all my energy to give and to serve. There lies the true source of my happiness.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.


I fell for the oldest trick in the book. Oooooh, they were so sneaky. I went with George to the dermatologist for his appointment and while I was there, I thought I should get the directions on my prescription clarified. I don’t care what anyone says: Apply twice a week on Sunday does not make sense. Well, they were going to have to get my records brought back from the place they send them and the nurse would call me. Fine, I will watch the movie in the waiting room while George gets tortured. Ah, but don’t I want to come in with him and lend support? Nah, he’s a big boy. Out comes the nurse. Let me explain your prescription and look at your skin. Sure, she lured me in with samples. In comes the dermatologist and I innocently ask if my biopsies are back. Oh, yes, we have them right here. Your spots are precancerous and since you’re here, why don’t we burn them off? OUCH! I was trapped. They had already tortured George with the lidocaine. She had the liquid nitrogen in her hand, there was no escape. She made like she was looking at my skin and had that dreaded bottle in the other hand! Well, I won’t be sleeping on my back, my left side or my right side which the hurt shoulder. I think I shall have to learn to levitate by bed time. Then they placated me with samples, coupons and some more skin cream. I know the plastic surgeon tattled on me that I can run fast.
Folks, do not mess around with acid reflux. After I wound up in the ER from taking the prescribed dose of omeprazone (spelled wrong), bloated to twice my size and in excruciating pain for a day and a half, I resorted to antacids at night to solve the problem. I was only fooling myself. Every night, the pain returned and I took a few pills and it went away. Then, it seem that things just weren’t moving down my esophagus right. A few bites of food in the morning and burning began. Finally it got so bad and I felt like the food was stuck there, that I could barely eat in the morning. Then I couldn’t eat anything dry, not even a pancake. That was when I made an appointment with a doctor. He knew exactly what was wrong with me. You see, untreated, acid reflux causes the opening at the top of your stomach that you are splashing with acid to close and that is what is happening to me. It has severely restricted. It can completely close. So, in the middle of March I shall have a tube going down one end and up the other and I am looking forward to that like a root canal. Oh, I forgot, that’s next week. Guess what, a root canal even scares surgeon. Is nice to know there is something they are afraid of. I can always sic my dentist on him or better yet, my hygienist. I think she has more sharp tools.
Napoleon is extremely upset I have been missing today. I am more upset. This has not been a good day in Janice’s body land. However, unlike most days when he would get even, he has just been giving me dirty looks. I think he knows I’m hurt.
I hate to admit it, but we were lured over to Walmart by the cheap Emachine laptop. I love Emachines and still mourn the passing of mine in Hurricane Wilma when even two surge protectors failed to protect it and it was off. Well, it turns out, it wasn’t supposed to be in this weeks sales flier. It is coming in next week, all TWENTY of them, and will be sold out in minutes. This is why I hate Walmart aside from the fact I used to work for them. Trust me, that is reason enough. They advertise something and they know they are not going to have adequate stock. They just want to get you in the store and in case you hadn’t noticed, the department these “deals” are in is always in the center back of the store. That way you have to walk through the entire store and they figure they will get you on something while you are there. Unfortunately, they have the only cheap shoes George can wear. Got him two pair for less than 30.00. Now I will avoid being suckered in by them for at least another six months or so.
While awaiting the doctor, I was reading a Newsweek (I think) from January of this year. The head of the Federal Reserve was profiled. Forget the economic stuff. Buried in the article was an aside about how Bush had spent an entire meeting of the board ridiculing this man for wearing tan socks. So he convinced everyone to wear tan socks to the next meeting to aggravate Bush. Wait a minute, people. The president of the USA at that time, George Bush, when the housing bubble had already burst, the banks were going under, Wall Street was tanking and we were teetering on the brink of a Depression worse than the last one, was more concerned about the man’s fashion choice in socks than the economy and spent an entire meeting on it. Does anyone have any questions as to how we got where we were? Then reread this paragraph. What have the people elected to the Republican party as leaders: two year olds? Please Goddess, let the man have been drunk or make certain the next roll of toilet paper he gets has instructions on it.
In other news, one Republican senator blocked the extension of unemployment benefits and COBRA. People will be dropped from the rolls starting next week so there are going to be a lot of hungry children out there by the end of the month. He was very upset he was missing the basketball game that night by having to work late in Congress. Why am I not weeping for him?
I got the long awaited J.D. Robb book: Fantasy in Death. I was beginning to think it was never coming out. I’ve been checking since Feb. 1st. Along with it I got Heather Graham’s Nightwalker. I can’t resist Native Americans, ghosts and a good murder mystery. So, aside from transplanting 6 strawberries and a petunia into their hanging sock, you know what I will be doing this weekend. Oh, I have a sneaky plan. I am just going to plant green beans everywhere I have a gap in plants in the yard. I love fresh green beans and they are a pretty plant. I going to just keep tucking veggies into the landscaping. I bought some purple podded pole beans to use as a screen in front of the fence. No one said you couldn’t eat your landscaping. Some of my neighbors have, literally, acres of grass that they spend a fortune on. WHY? If I’m spending money on a plant, I want something back from it.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Forecast and Faery Finder
By Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit

According to Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac, today’s color is pink and the incense is yarrow.
Today is the Filipino Zamboanga Festival.


Astrologically, for a couple of days you are going hear a lot of talk about consequences. It is a good idea to listen but at the time consider who has the most to lose.
You may wake up late and feeling really aggravated at yourself. If you can manage to survive the morning, the afternoon is fairly aspect free so sailing is smooth. But you will end the night with more aggravation about finances.

Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.

Today’s Tarot Card is the Nine of Pentacles: acquisition. The power to achieve is yours today. Don’ be lazy. Keep moving.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say:
This is day in which you will finally feel safe.
Today’s Cat Comfort Card is:
Suncat: “Feel your own sunshine radiating within.”

Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for:
She of the Cruach is about today. She is the great mother. I like the imagery of the cruach, a bowl, filled with energy in which the past, present and the potential future is visible.

Today’s Lo Shu Number is 5 and the Element is Fire. Today is not an auspicious day for haircuts. The Ox finds conflict today but the Tiger has ease.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I quiet my mind and everything becomes silent within. I listen to my intuition. Without expectations or worries, I invoke the divine solution, which comes to me naturally and clearly in the peace of my Soul.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at time.


Only in my house……George bought a package of chicken feet and slipped them in the grocery cart and I looked down and almost jumped in some poor guys arms. You really need a little warning on chicken feet. The ones he deemed not pretty enough for spells, he gave to the cats. Fiona is running around the house with one her mouth trying to kill it. It is almost as gross as when she manages to get one of the Palmetto bugs.
Well, it’s cold again. I guess I can order those trees that have a chilling requirement now. Looks like they will grow down here after all.
I bought a Chinese Okra tonight. You can use that sucker as a weapon. Turns out it is a Luffa but you can eat the young ones. I also got a bitter melon and when I get up the nerve, I will try a slice. I noticed two things about it. First off, it feels really funny and I don’t mean ha ha. The skin has a weird texture. The second thing is it is really cold and I mean colder than the room temperature.
Tomorrow is another round of doctors. I have to stop and fill out all the papers so I can sail right through tomorrow. They already have my insurance. Then we get to start all over with George on Monday, my birthday is Wednesday and Friday I have dental surgery. Then I positively swear I am taking a week from this. It is too much.
I made a new resolution to pester my congressmen until health care reform is passed. Hence, each one got a call today. The Republican aide was clearly pained at getting the 100th call. The Democratic one was so swamped, they finally switched the answering machine on. Yesterday, we took the whole Washington DC phone system down. Tomorrow we will do it again and we aren’t using any of the far Right’s tricks of phone banks, auto dialers and one person on multiple lines. We are just one person per call per senator. I think they just might get the message. If not, they can just never make another phone call. I can call them daily.
I am already in fight with the dental insurance over my xrays. The doctor took a full mouth set because I had not been there before and then he did the broken tooth to get a good idea of how to proceed with the cap. Well, they refused to pay for expensive set because it was too frequent. So, if they don’t get a good picture the first time, they can just operate blind if you can’t afford to pay the S….well you know my opinion.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Forecast and faery Finder for 02/25/10

Forecast and Faery Finder
Dear Fellow Pagans
By Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit

According to Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac, today’s color is crimson and the incense is carnation.
Today is the German St. Walburga’s Day.


Astrologically, the Moon enters Leo at 8:08 PM EST.
Conflicting communications and harsh words will the morning. By lunch you will know what people really think of you and you may not like it. By afternoon, old hurts flare up and you are having a knee jerk reaction to everything. Just as you settle in for the night, your energy increases and you have trouble sleeping. But, pay attention to your dreams because they can contain the solution to a problem you have been facing.

Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.

Today’s Tarot Card is the Queen of Wands: regeneration. You can either seek revenge or rebuild. Just remember: the best revenge is living well.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say:
It is going to be hard to be introspective with everything that is going on today.
Today’s Cat Comfort Card is:
Caterwaul: “Express those pent-up feelings. Cry, scream, or sing as loud as you can.”

Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for:
Ekstasis has decided to stay with us, reminding us we are alive. Get out enjoy her.

Today’s Lo Shu Number is 4 and the Element is Fire The Rat finds conflict today but the Horse have ease. Today is not an auspicious day for haircuts, signing contracts, gambling or births.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I now let go of all my old habits. I take this opportunity to make fundamental changes in my life. God supports me totally in this action and my life is opening to new dimensions of freedom, love and happiness.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.


I really do not like how commercials on TV are programming us. There is one that talks about how jealous their friends are when they drive up in their wagon. Hey, if your friends are jealous of you and your purpose is to make them jealous, you don’t have friends, you have competitors. There is a big difference and eventually you will find out what it is when you need help.
Fellow Pagans, we have become only too complacent in our rights to the point we openly wear our pentagrams like others wear their crosses, om’s or Stars of David. We know that we can not be fired for our beliefs as long as we don’t try to force them on others, break the dress rules of the company or make a nuisance of ourselves. Everyone should know that Pagans are not evangelic. Most of our sects prohibit any form of evangelizing and most of us really wish a few other religions would adopt those tenets.
Most of us fail to recognize that the law only protects us while we are actively employed. It does not protect you once you are retired or laid off. So, find out who is going to be giving you a reference for the next job you apply for and if there is no way around a bible thumping, nutcase that took exception to you not voting for Reagan when you were 16, get a friend with a company phone number to request information about you as a potential employer. Get hard evidence. Then, file a civil law suit against the individual. Hopefully you can find a lawyer to take your case for free. If enough civil lawsuits hit these people, their leaders might rethink their position because even though you are not going to win a law suit in these lie about everything Republican stacked courts, they are not going to beat the ride through the court system and the time spent in court…hey you can’t get a job anyway, you got time….maybe it will just get them fired. Even if their leaders won’t rethink their position, you can bet they are not going to take money out of their pockets to support their puppets and the puppets may decide the strings are strangling them.
Ah, Napoleon is in the window destroying my screen because the evil gecko is teasing him. She knows he can’t get her through the glass. In Florida, our screens are on the inside of windows because we never remove them. We have bugs all year. I am just about to go out there and pull her tail off myself. Screens aren’t cheap!
Rain all day and a cold front coming through, plus my allergies are not responding to the Sudafed, led to a night of comfort food: a chicken pot pie. The Allergy Index has not dropped below 10 in 10 days! We are suffering down here.
Now, I know some people are about to say, what did you do to attract this to yourself. Oh please….babies are born with allergies. Are you going to tell me they did something to attract that to themselves in the womb? Get real and stop blaming the victim.
I ate mangos for years. I had a tree house in a mango tree I practically lived in for 4 years as a kid. I never had a problem. Then one day as an adult, I almost stopped breathing on the way to work. What happened was we had to drive through a mango grove to get to and from work from our trailer. We left and arrived at the maximum drop time for pollen. Mango pollen annoys everyone to some extent because of its physical structure. I simply over dosed on mango pollen. My body, not being stupid, from that point forward considered any tiny exposure to mango anything a threat and goes into a histamine response. That is why you take anti-histamines to get over allergies. Unfortunately, my body, being super smart, decided that if mango pollen could turn on me, there was no reason to trust the rest of the pollens. Hey, what can I say, my body and immune system are paranoid, too. I try for consistency in all things. From that day forward, headaches, post nasal drip and stopped up sinuses have been my constant companions.
Allergy shots contain a minute amount of the protein your body is reacting to and are hoping to retrain it into believing that every exposure to the substance is not going to kill it. Sometimes they work. Most of the time they don’t. They can kill you by-the-way. My ENT, may he rest in peace because he was the greatest, made you come in for the first week of shots and stay for an hour to make certain you weren’t going to have a fatal reaction. Then and only then, did you get to take the bottle home and give yourself the shots. I took three years of shots and they didn’t do diddly squat. So here I sit, suffering. I’m used to it. Hey, Napoleon’s brother, Purrbie is allergic to fleas, but his two sisters and Napoleon are not. Sometimes, it is just a toss of the genetic dice. Purrbie lost.
Now to the question of: Does anyone do their job any more? Here I sit knowing pagans who have worked their tushes off for twenty years or more getting trashed by the people giving them references just because they don’t believe in the same religion and I put up with idiots. I am beginning to think anytime the routine changes anywhere, start checking what you are getting. I spent two years going to my ENT and getting my hearing aides checked yearly. Well, one stopped working last week. The last time I went in, they had a new woman and she handed me my case back and said she didn’t need to change the tubes they were fine, but she gave me an exchange set in the box anyway. Well, I decided to change the tubes myself this week. I discovered I had one totally pinched tube that would not work as it is closed and a pediatric ear piece that won’t stay in my ear. In other words, she just threw two of anything in bag and stuffed it in my case and probably didn’t even check the hearing aides to see if they were still in sync. I managed to clean the tube and it now works perfectly. That is more a testimony to the quality of the hearing aide than to the idiot supposedly servicing it. By the way, these hearing aides cost over 5,000.00, 6 years ago.
Ladies and gentlemen, they don’t call them Killer Whales because they are nice little sweet things. I have tried to suggest, and so has George, that they paint the tanks with the same substance they use on submarines to absorb sonar. That way, their own voices won’t be constantly echoing in their heads. Can you imagine living in a garbage can? That is what it is like for them.

Can't get a job: read this.

If you are having trouble getting a job, even with your excellent record, and are not an Evengelic nutcase, you might want to read this:
I have been getting notes from all over the country and since the pattern is the same, this has to be a concerted effort by these people. So, if you are close to either retirement or being laid off you need to keep one thing in mind; who will be giving your recommendation when the next company inquires about you? If it one of them, watch out!
It works this way. A new boss is transferred in or you are transferred to another department a few months before you are to be terminated or retire. You may start getting really bad assignments. One lady was assigned to jobs that literally put her mortal danger due to known health conditions two months before retirement. You suddenly get your first bad review. Many companies give termination reviews and as one person put it, with twenty years of sterling reviews, the last review totally trashed their record and the person writing it had only been a supervisor for 4 months.
Then, you walk out with your retirement and the knowledge that if it isn’t enough, you can always get a job as a greeter at Walmart, that is until they check your references and your last supervisor is one of these nut cases. She and another person learned potential employers were sort of being told that they had done nothing for the last two years but wait for retirement. Of course, because they belonged to “alternative religions” and a union, management was afraid to do anything but the new supervisor isn’t afraid to say something. In fact, you have very little recourse except a civil lawsuit against the individual if you are already out of the job for other reasons. You can’t claim unfair termination. I don’t even think there is a legal category for this. Unless someone clues you in, you have no way of even knowing your job record is being trashed.
I have seen this done before. In grad school, I saw an excellent student get turned down for one grad school after another until a helpful secretary informed her that the professor she had spent two graduate years slaving for was writing that she had mental problems brought on by her obesity that she was trying to work out with experiments to learn the causes of obesity in rats. He had actually suggested the thesis to her. It had not been her idea. She sued him in civil court because as she was no longer a student at the university, she had no recourse through the University. I saw grad students trashed and prevented from getting into doctorial programs because the professor was stealing their research and didn’t want them to find out. You pretty much had to be in the University system before the internet to find out these things. There were three civil suits in court while I was a student, one professor being sued by two different students.
You can’t sue a company for what their supervisor or personnel person is saying unless you can document it, document the company approved it and in many states, unless you are still employed. Under today’s distort the facts and say anything about anyone publicly Republican legacy, you would even have trouble suing for defamation of character.
So if you can’t get a job, get a friend to pose as a company seeking a reference to employ you and find out exactly what is being said about you. You may be in for quite a shock.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Forecast for 02/24/10

Forecast and Faery Finder
And things you should never do…
By Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit

According to Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac, today’s color is yellow and the incense is lavender.
Today is the Roman Regrifugium. See, I told you they had a holiday for every day!


Astrologically, early morning ideas and encouragement from loved ones has you feeling good about yourself. An opportunity knocks early in the morning and more money is forthcoming. Expect a lovely night with friends and good times.

Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.

Today’s Tarot Card is the King of Cups: transition. This card indicates an encounter with a person who will be ruthless if you do not do the right thing.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say:
Enjoy the magic of nature today.
Today’s Cat Comfort Card is:
Mooncat: “Enjoy the ebb and flow of your emotions. It’s who you are.”

Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for:
Lys of the Shadows is a helping Fae and she has heard your plea. She helps all who need it and she can also make you the instrument of her helping.

Today’s Lo Shu Number is 3 and the Element is wood. The Boar finds conflict today but the Rat has ease. Today is an auspicious day for haircuts but not for signing contracts, gambling or births.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I know I am the sole creator of my reality, and that have all the power I need within me to generate a totally satisfying life. I stop blaming people or outside events. With God’s loving support I tune into my creative power and I bring joy and light into my life and the life of others.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.


This comes under the heading of: Know your enemy. My husband is an easy going, let bygones be bygones, they don’t know any better sort of guy, who has been putting up with s*load of lies being told about him for several years. Well, that’s his world and his karma. Unfortunately for someone, I am the opposite. When you lie about me to harm him and his job, you quickly find out I am one vindictive, vicious Druid. So I suggest you start praying, not because it will help you, but because I like men on their knees. Now where did I put my purple riding crop and the new package of pins??? He should have filed a religious discrimination suit when this started. Then again, I’d like to see them prove the allegations against me as they know they have a record of every person entering the buildings and I have not been there in over a year and only then to pick George up and drop him off when his truck was totaled.
Napoleon has not only forgiven the new micro fiber bedspread but he has decided he likes it. He likes it so much I awoke to discover I was very close to sleeping on the night stand. He had completely pushed me onto the edge of the bed and was sprawled over the whole thing. He also refused to give it up without a lot of complaints and pushing back. I was afraid he was going to have a fit about the ‘light’ Activia but it turns out he likes it, even the blueberry. I never know what that cat will do next.
One day it is cold, the next hot and the allergy forecast is over 10 every day. I could not breathe when I awoke and had to go buy antihistamines tonight. To do that, I have to swipe my driver’s license so the DEA can track me buying a box of sudefed from Target. Do they really think drug dealers buy from Target in quantities of one or is it just another waste of our tax dollars? I am betting on the latter. By the time you drove from one Target to next, getting A BOX of sudefed from each one, you would have eaten your Meth profits in gas. Anyway, anyone who gets between me and that box of antihistamines with the headache I’ve got is taking their life in their hands.
The one item I did manage to find today was some cherry pepper seeds. They are not easy to find and Burpee charges a fortune in postage. But, they are wonderful, stuffed with Provolone cheese and ham. Or, for the really brave person, you can stuff them with anchovies and goat’s cheese. They are hot, but I love the little critters. They also cost a fortune if you buy a jar in the grocery and they are in oil. I am not a fan of oil. I prefer a good brine solution or at the worst, vinegar.
Tonight’s dinner featured really bad for you hot dogs, hot chili and cauliflower topped with mozzarella. I should have just eaten the cauliflower with a little margarine but George corrupted me. Tomorrow I will be better.
I had to order Black Magic Sanction by Kim Harrison today. It just came out and the review had me salivating. I usually buy all her books, but wait for the seconds to come on the market. I bought a new one today but still got the prepublication price. Then I discovered a few more new books coming down the pike and preordered them It will be like getting little gifts until August.

Don't swallow this....

Remember when I said don't complain about congress unless you know what they did today.
well, don't follow the religous right wing and the tea baggers unless you know what they are up to and that is a Christian (their version) Nation and all other get out or be executed or jailed.
Every bit of supporting is a half truth which is what they are feeding you....

Buying challenge

A physics teacher in high school, once told the students that while one grasshopper on the railroad tracks wouldn't slow a train very much, a billion of them would. With that thought in mind, read the following, obviously written by a good American.

Good idea... one light bulb at a time...

Check this out. I can verify this because I was in Lowes the other day for some reason and just for the heck of it I was looking at the hose attachments. They were all made in China . The next day I was in Ace Hardware and just for the heck of it I checked the hose attachments there. They were made in USA . Start looking.

In our current economic situation, every little thing we buy or do affects someone else - even their job. So, after reading this email, I think this lady is on the right track. Let's get behind her!

My grandson likes Hershey's candy. I noticed, though, that it is marked made in Mexico now... I do not buy it any more.

My favorite toothpaste Colgate is made in Mexico ... now I have switched to Crest. You have to read the labels on everything.

This past weekend I was at Kroger. I needed 60 W light bulbs and Bounce dryer sheets. I was in the light bulb aisle, and right next to the GE brand I normally buy was an off-brand labeled, "Everyday Value." I picked up both types of bulbs and compared the stats - they were the same except for the price.

The GE bulbs were more money than the Everyday Value brand but the thing that surprised me the most was the fact that GE was made in MEXICO and the Everyday Value brand was made in - get ready for this - the USA in a company in Cleveland , Ohio .

So throw out the myth that you cannot find products you use every day that are made right here.

So on to another aisle - Bounce Dryer Sheets... yep, you guessed it, Bounce cost more money and is made in Canada . The Everyday Value brand was less money and MADE IN THE USA! I did laundry yesterday and the dryer sheets performed just like the Bounce Free I have been using for years and at almost half the price!

My challenge to you is to start reading the labels when you shop for everyday things and see what you can find that is made in the USA - the job you save may be your own or your neighbors!

If you accept the challenge, pass this on to others in your address book so we can all start buying American, one light bulb at a time! Stop buying from overseas companies!

(We should have awakened a decade ago...)

Let's get with the program... help our fellow Americans keep their jobs and create more jobs here in the U. S. A.

I passed this on... will you???????

Monday, February 22, 2010

Forecast for 02/23/10

Forecast and Faery Finder
By Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit

According to Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac, today’s color is gray and the incense is geranium.
Today is the Roman Terminalia. I’m starting think the Romans had a holiday for every day.


Astrologically, the Moon enters Cancer at 6:29 PM EST.
For a week, you will finally get the go ahead on some cherished projects from authorities or elders.
Not a good morning pretty much sums it up, thought some people will really be laughing. You see, if you have been a selfish, conniving person, you will get what you deserve from the one person you really wanted to impress and it will not be pleasant. Afternoon is the perfect time for a psychic reading and to get insight on how to solve some old problems that just don’t want to go away. Late tonight, restrictions at home have you upset.

Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.

Today’s Tarot Card is the Knight of Wands: affiliation. “Seek out the one who will defend your views today.”

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say:
Move today. Let your body guide you. Get some exercise.
Today’s Cat Comfort Card is:
Catharsis: “Enjoy the freedom that comes with release.”

Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for:
Ekstasis makes an appearance today just to remind us we are alive! Enjoy yourself.

Today’s Lo Shu Number is 2 and the Element is Wood. The Dog finds conflict today but the Sheep and Monkey have ease. Today is an auspicious day for signing contracts but NOT for births.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I develop my willpower. I connect this power to the highest qualities of my heart and through all my actions I express the Divine Will on earth.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.


I’ve had a really busy day getting to the doctor across town. Now, all my doctor progress in the Palm Beach direction for the rest of the week. My dental surgery is scheduled and paid for the week of my birthday, next week. Might as well, get two bad things over with at once.
I found a blueberry bush and a fig tree at Lowes. I am looking for food plants. My next item I am seeking is a hot cherry pepper.
Napoleon is upset I was missing all day so he is not speaking to me. I am exhausted and calling it a night.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Forecast for 02/22/10

Forecast and Faery Finder and
A Teaser for Magickal Products to Come
By Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit

According to Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac, today’s color is white and the incense is Neroli.
Today is the Roman Caristia.


Astrologically, oh heck, it’s Monday. We have do nasty squares, one to Jupiter (money) and one to Venus (social aspects and love). Not only that but my weatherman promises rain all day. I wish we could all stay home and comfy in our beds but since that simply isn’t possible, keep a really low profile.

Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.

Today’s Tarot Card is the Six of Swords: Ascendancy. Think out of the box. Get rid of anxiety and your new ideas will bring new understanding and comprehension. The future hold challenges but you are now ready to meet them.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say:
It’s hard to detoxify when you want comfort food. One day won’t kill your diet.
Today’s Cat Comfort Card is:
Cata-holic: “Curb your excesses. Everything in moderation.”

Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for:
The Singer of Transfiguration makes an appearance this Monday. You have passed through the gate, passed the test and now are deeply transforming yourself. Inner peace is growing and soon you will emerge revitalized.

Today’s Lo Shu Number is 1 and the Element is water. The Rooster finds conflict today but the rabbit has ease. Today is an auspicious day for haircuts and births but not for starting construction.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “There is no time to lose. I step into action now with energy and determination.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.


I think I shall repeat over and over that I am not as fixed in my ways as Napoleon, but I know I will not convince myself. I have slept horribly for two nights and finally this morning around dawn I saw my little blue micro bead pillow I use to prop my knee up. It is navy blue and it blends into everything. I have been looking for it for two days, certain it could have not gotten far. It was under my dark wood Tarot box and blending in just like a chameleon. As soon as I got it under my knee I noticed it is a different height from the other two pillows by less than a half an inch, one above and one below. It made all the difference and I fell into a deep sleep.
Napoleon finally came down while I was doing the horoscope and laid beside me on the new linens. That lasted about two hours and then he made a whining/angry sound that can only be duplicated by teenagers. It is the; “I am so put out….” sound. Immediately you start petting the cat trying to assuage whatever horrible thing has befallen them. He got up and went back to the old linens which I, now, cannot move as they are his security blanket. Goddess, we have both turned into old men. I just noticed that to compensate for the fact that the linens no longer smell like me as they are just washed, he has dragged a pair of my underwear up into the pile. My other clothes are to big to drag.
George has begun work on…this is the teaser…some new powders for circle casting. Let’s face it, most of us either use chalk, salt or our intent to cast a circle. All those things may have been in a component in the ancient times but they were not be all or end all of the process. He has even come up with a new process for making them that had me so excited I offered up a piece of my equipment and you know how possessive I am of my tools. We are talking ‘cut you fingers off’ possessive here. Anyway, he wisely declined and we will get him some new ones. However, I am really excited about this as hey, be real, nothing new has really come out in the magickal (I just won a fight with the spell checker by highlighting and then adding the word before hitting the space bar!) arena for a while. We are just rehashing old formulas and techniques. They work, but doesn’t something new excite you?
Speaking of oils, powders and their formulas. One of the main differences between buying Wiccan, Pagan or Root made formulas verses the mass produced much cheaper versions, aside from intent, is the base. In all the handmade formulas, a natural and specific base is used. In the mass produced, the oil’s base tends to be a synthetic that cannot spoil and the powder base tends to be talc. None of the ingredients are in the original formulas. Actually, the base was part of the magickal formula, though most people tend to have conveniently forgotten that because vegetable magick is a forgotten art and synthetics don‘t spoil. Now, when you stop and think that the base in the formula is perhaps 90% of the product, don’t you think that it might be a rather important ingredient. Also, in powders, corn starch is highly absorbent and talc repels liquids.
Now for a little lesson I probably should make you pay for. Oh, what the heck, I am writing anyway. The base of cornmeal is used in many powders. There is also a book called the Black Pullet. Now, let me explain the symbolism behind all of it. Black chicken eggs have been used for centuries to remove negativity and disease from people and situations. The egg was then cracked open and if the insides were found to be discolored, the spell was successful Then again, in an era without refrigeration, all you really needed was an old egg to produce the effect or a sharp pin to open the insides to air and bacteria. The latter part of this is nothing more than showmanship. But the first part is sympathetic magicks. Yes, the word is supposed to be plural because a spell involves more than one magickal form. The chicken is black, black absorbs all light and therefore, her egg would absorb disease and all the bad stuff floating around. You will even find in old texts that specific colors of eggs and specific eggs were collected from certain colored birds for these purposes. Corn is something that chicken really get off on. Take that from a kid who used to spend the daylight hours on the porch playing and watching the little suckers so they wouldn’t discover their wings and take off for the eating corn patch as gospel. They say chickens will rid your garden of bugs, but they will also eat your ripe vegetables and sometimes the green ones. Anyway, back to magick, though many a day I did considering cursing those chickens, corn meal attracts the master “Black Pullet” which depending on her use either protects you from “black workings” by eating them (the workings) or can be used to attack another person who is using “black workings”. That is also why anyone keeping a yard of black chickens was looked upon with suspicion as they might be making a deal with the Black Pullet to keep from being attacked by her by keeping her minions in good shape and happy. “See how nice I treat your babies. Leave me alone to my evil work.” was the thought. That is why talc based powers just seem so flat. Talc is a mineral and not an organic compound.
From somewhere Napoleon found a piece of newspaper which he immediately began shredding for a new bed and I immediately began yelling at him as a cat can shred better than any cross cut shredder you can buy. So, he stops and begins to shred the paper really slowly and quietly, as though the noise is the problem. That cat is too smart.
Geez folks, where is the Republican Party digging these people up? I mean really. Where do you get that many really gullible, stupid people who haven’t seen a news’ cast, read a paper, been on the internet or had a thought in years. What is the latest stupidity to come out of their mouths? Please swallow before reading this because I do not want to be responsible for ruining your keyboard or laptop. Al Gore made up Global Warming to make millions selling his book. Once you wipe the tears out of your eyes from laughing, do you remember it was just 9 short years ago that the big issue in the Bush/Gore campaign was how much money Al Gore had and how much money his wife was worth? Yup, they are richer than god. If they went on a spending spree, they would still die independently wealthy. I don’t think he needed to take all the time and work necessary in writing book for the money. Second, you might want to check and see where the money from the book goes. No, I am not telling you. I want you to stop sharing space with an Ostrich.
Now, let me debunk another ‘fact’. There is no global warming because polar bear populations are increasing. Polar bears are a threatened species and have been on the no hunt list since ‘04 in an effort to increase their populations. It has worked and populations have very gradually increased but it has nothing to do with global warming existing or not. It is solely due to the efforts of mankind to preserve the species. People, they are lying to you. Just spend five minutes and check these “facts”. Checking this one took me less than 3 minutes. I timed it.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Forecast for Feb. twentyone, '10

Forecast and Faery Finder
By Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit

According to Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac, today’s color is amber and the incense is hyacinth.
Today is the Chinese Feast of Lanterns.


Astrologically, the Moon enters Gemini at 1:47 PM EST.
For about a week, try to not take it so personally when your ideas for beautification are shot down. It has more to do with limitations and rules than the actual idea.
An unexpected emotional outburst may roll you out of bed early and you discovered old hurts have moved in for the morning.
By evening your energy finally picks up but your sensitivity is on high. Thus, there will be a lot of hurt feelings and a lot of people wondering what they did. All the pain and suffering shows you a way around the limitations but does little to bring any major change.

Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.

Today’s Tarot Card is the Five of Swords: destruction. Easily made promises that were not kept have left you in the no longer trust worthy category. You took on more than you could handle so next time, honor your limitations and your needs.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say:
This might be a good day to practice silence as music gets on people’s nerves at the moment.
Today’s Cat Comfort Card is:
Scaredy Cat: “Face your fears. They will disappear when you confront them.”

Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for:
The Glanconer is about and you had best watch out. If anything seems too good to be true, you can bet it or they are.

Today’s Lo Shu Number is 9 and the Element is Water. The Monkey finds conflict today but the Dragon and Snake have ease. Today is not an auspicious day for haircuts, medical procedures, signing contracts, gambling, starting construction or births.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “”Patience and serenity are now filling my mind and my heart. I trust the Divine Wisdom which is at the source of everything. I stay calm and peaceful. I love, respect and accept everyone and everything around me as an expression of the perfection of the Universe.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.


The new sheets worked out fine for me. I don’t know how much I am going to like them in the summer because they remind me of flannel sheets. However, Napoleon refused to lay on the new linens. How dare I change the bed! I brought the old, now clean linens, in late and stacked them up and he jumped up on them without even giving me the tail flick. Wow, when they don’t even bother to tail flick you off, you know you have an angry cat. He slept on them all night. However, tonight, the desire to be beside Mommy has overridden the hatred of all things new.
I ran out of Activia and Napoleon was beside himself this morning. All I had was the free pint of plain Greek yogurt I got for buying something I wanted. That stuff makes a dill pickle look sweet. In the kitchen, he refused to touch it. So I put a couple of tablespoons in a little condiment dish and took it in the bedroom and held it for Napoleon. He had to close his little eyes but he managed to eat about a tablespoon full. Then he cracked one eye and looked at me as it to ask if that was enough. Heck, he beat my consumption so I let him go.
I am still exhausted and my knee has picked tonight to go out. This is not my idea of a Saturday night date.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Forecast and Faery Finer for 02/20/10

Forecast and Faery Finder
By Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit

According to Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac, today’s color is gray and the incense is rue.
In Tibet, today is the Installation of the new Lama.

Astrologically, a major aspect lasting a couple of days will have our more sensitive side feeling like people are just running over us and not listening to us scream our protests. We are even at odd with our own more aggressive ego.
After such a lovely night of social interactions, the morning starts with arguments over strange things that make little sense. Maybe it is just your own stubbornness getting in the way? Be more flexible. Change is good. Keep saying that.

Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.

Today’s Tarot Card is the
King of Wands: restriction. Tolerance and generosity are needed today. Visualize the future you want and then take the necessary steps to get there.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say:
Today is the right time to get in tune with your higher consciousness.
Today’s Cat Comfort Card is:
Catapult: “Launch yourself forward. Go for it!”

Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for:
Myk the Myonmancer is sneaking around. He foretells the future by studying the movement of mice. You, on the other hand, need only pay attention to the small things. Napoleon will catch the mice for you.

Today’s Lo Shu Number is 8 and the Element is Metal. The Sheep finds conflict today. Today is an auspicious day for haircuts, medical procedures, signing contracts, gambling and births.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “Despite darkness and difficulties, I continue on my path with strength and courage. I persevere. Obstacles vanish one after the other and my most deep-felt wishes are now fulfilled.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.


We can’t break out the champagne because we can’t afford it, yet, but thanks to the stimulus package, we have now returned the same jobless rate Bush started us on his first month in office. He began with positive job growth from Clinton and there was an immediate downturn when his first initiative hit us. We are now back to that level and hopefully, we will pull out this by the end of the year. It really does look doable! Everyone pat yourself on the back.
We also only hear the screaming, but the truth is the Democrats are now raising more money than the Republicans. People are voting with their wallets. We are winning. Things are going to get better.
I started the morning with quite a shock. Napoleon fell off my back rest and took the TV down with him. I woke up with Napoleon in my left arm, half a sleep, and my right hand balancing the TV, sitting up. In other words, I caught him and the TV while asleep. Goddess, I have good reflexes! He looked up at me through half open eyes as if to say, “WHhhhhhatttt happened? Why are you here?” My reward was a partially sprained right wrist and a toothache from Hades because I clenched my jaw when I caught them. Then came the migraine….but I was still within my weekly limits on aspirin so I could take a pill.
Then I cleaned up everything else that hit the floor and decided it was the perfect day to wash all my bed linens and try out the new micro fiber sheets and comforter. They are super soft but the verdict will have to come tomorrow. First of all, if I had changed everything back to my satin sheets, they would have carried me out of here in a body bag. The micro fiber sheets and comforter are small. I have both stretched as far as possible so don’t buy them if you have a thick mattress. Mine have to reach over a mattress and the memory foam pad and it isn’t working. The second fiasco is the memory foam pad is heavy and that makes it hard to lift the mattress it is now attached to securely. Then I discovered I seemed to be itching from laying on them. They are SUPER SOFT, so why am I itching? I decided to find out what micro fiber is. Well……it is a synthetic fiber made from the left over sludge from refining oil. I have never gotten along with petroleum products much let alone their byproducts so I may be remaking this bed tomorrow. Oh Joy! Why didn’t I do some research? Oh, right, they were on a really good sale and they were soft. Yes, I did wash them and the comforter before using. This comforter is softer than velvet and the backs of my legs are itching where I am sitting on it. This is not good. It is like I am being stuck by billions of little fibers.
In the metaphysical arena, I try to bring you good products. Today I saw a new one and I am not mentioning any names, but I have my certification in aromatherapy and I use my herbs for magical spells, too. Anyway, this thing was supposed to be a fantastic dispenser that atomized herbs you placed in it using steam (that was my guess when I looked at it). Other models seemed to just heat the herbs. Then I saw the price and you know what, my pot of water with a handful of herbs thrown in it looked really good! Does anyone really need a titanium grinder? I think not. This old Druid will pass.

Women and those who love us..READ THIS

Folks, I am calling this to your attention for three reasons:

In '05,
186,467 women and 1,764 men were diagnosed with breast cancer.
41,116 women and 375 men died from breast cancer.
Breast cancer rates are up 40%
1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer.

This is what happens when the 1 in 8 woman does not have insurance. She dies. It is real simple. What you don't see in that number is the fact that you and I will be paying for the ineffective treatment and doctors' visits for that 1 in 8 woman to absolutely no avail. We are talking around half a million dollars or more for each of these deaths.

In all these statistics, one is missing. That is the number of bankruptcies and people reduced to poverty, even with insurance, trying to survive breast cancer. Basic, one breast removal, can cost over half a million dollars. What is the maximum on your insurance policy? Do you know?

What happens when you lose your job due to breast cancer treatment, COBRA runs out and you now have a pre-existing condition?

Even with Medicaide or Medicare, are you aware they determine what treatment you get and how much? There is a big flap that they refuse radiation treatment for what is diagnosed as non-metastasized breast cancer. Between diagnosis and operation, do you how fast that little bugger can spread? Do you know how much time it takes to get an Okay for treatment? You really might want to find out. There is no law stating either government or your private insurance company HAS to give you an answer in a fix time frame. They can take all the time they want. How much do you have?

Do you know that insurance companies regularly postpone making a decisions on treatment and that they can demand each phase of your treatment be preapproved. I know of one woman who has had expanders in her breasts for over 6 months trying to just get an answer from the insurance company on removing them for reconstruction. They are not supposed to remain in for six months! She can't have them removed until she gets an answer.

Now, I want to ask you a simple question. Do you really think ........remember 1 in woman on your side of the block, two if you count the houses across the street in a regular neighborhood.......that a national health care option is more expensive than one million dollars per square block of every neighborhood in every state in this country? Now look at the condos and apartment buildings. How much are you paying in taxes right this moment, both national, state and local, to support a system that doesn't work.

Breast cancer is more than a possible death sentence. It is a financial death sentence. We need health care reform and we need it yesterday.

And just remember one really important fact before you think I am lying to you. Breast Cancer is Big Business! Without looking at it as a disease, multiply these numbers into money spent and profit. You are paying twice, maybe three times. Before you go bankrupt and start living on the street, half a million dollars has been made off each breast by someone and just a little hint, it isn't the doctor. It is the manufacturer of the supplies used in the treatment. I'll let you trace that one down on your own because you need learn how to follow the money. I already did.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Forecast for Feb. 19, '10

Forecast and Faery Finder
By Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit

According to Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac, today’s color is purple and the incense is vanilla.
Today is the Spanish Trial of Pero Palo.


Astrologically, the Moon enters Taurus at 5:55 AM. Unexpected people turn out to be the most selfish.
This is an excellent morning to promote yourself but do so subtly or ego energies tend to get out of hand. Noon brings a lot of aggravation as you just can’t thing the way you want them. Later in the afternoon you can make some major changes that will almost immediately bring in some money. Enjoy the late night date.

Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.

Today’s Tarot Card is the Nine of Swords: desperation. Mental conflicts and the feeling you should just give up because it is all too much permeate the date. Get out among people. You are spending too much time with yourself.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say:
Happily ever after really is possible today.
Today’s Cat Comfort Card is:
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof: “Life likes to test your surefootedness. Be Nimble.”

Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for:
Arval Parrot arrives to remind us to communicate, really communicate. Say what you mean.

Today’s Lo Shu Number is 7 and the Element is Metal. The Horse finds conflict today but the Dog and Boar have ease. Today is an auspicious day for starting construction and births.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “Negativity now vanishes completely from my life. Nothing can threaten me anymore, as I am protected by the light of my Higher Self. I am safe and everything turns out right.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.


I am exhausted and wrung out. When the nurse was drawing blood, for the first time in my life, she hit a nerve and the pain shot down my arm all the way to my thumb. I could barely do anything with the hand but I managed to get us home. It is still sore. I am finished with doctors for the week to which I say hallelujah! Then I get to start again next week…..
I finished Kay Hooper’s Blood Ties and it is really good. However, I really think it is time to whack Samuel for good!
Under extremely weird occurrences you can file this one. I had taken my hearing aides out and stowed them in their cases and was sitting here typing. Suddenly something hit the computer and bounced. Since I am on my bed, I felt around and discovered I had been hit with a hearing aid battery rather hard. I checked the case and both hearing aides had their batteries and I can figure no place that battery could have come from. It hit like it had been thrown at me. I was the only person in here. Napoleon was asleep. That is one strange aport.
Now for my question of the week. I don’t normally volunteer psychic information unless I am being paid to read someone because I flat consider it an invasion of privacy. Yes, I pick stuff up without trying but there is no need for anyone but me to know that. This week I met someone new and I looked at her hands and instantly I saw her crippled with rheumatoid arthritis in a few years. Should I have said anything? Would you want to know as there is not much anyone can do for it? What do you think?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Forecast and Faery Finder
By Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit

According to Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac, today’s color is white and the incense is clover.
Today is Saint Bernadette’s Second Vision. I don’t even know what her first one was. Wait a minute, isn’t prophecy against the Christian tenets? I mean, they are always trying to burn me at the stake. I’m confused.


Astrologically, The Sun enters Pisces at 1:36 PM EST.
This afternoon, rewards come quickly for a job well one. The boot comes equally quickly for a job half done. Tonight will bring prophetic dreams and is also an excellent time for a psychic reading. The key to getting over old hurts is there.

Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.

Today’s Tarot Card is the Ten of Wands: oppression. This is a hard card in this deck to read. It signifies fire out of control and it is the most powerful of the tens. Either you center yourself and push your ego down so you no longer require validation from everyone around you for every little thing you do and get rid of the psychological baggage or it destroys you.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say:
Nurture your inner child today. Oohh…I’m going to see if that table is still at the Thrift Shop!!!! Have you ever touched something and it was just happy? That table was happy. I hope I can give it a home.
Today’s Cat Comfort Card is:
Kitten: “Find the joy in simple things. Concentrate on having fun.” A wise man once told me: “You can either enjoy your work and be happy or hate it and be miserable. The choice is yours.” Studies have shown that if your neighbors 3 houses down are happy, your happiness increases 18%. So, if everything in your job is miserable, start changing it by changing you.

Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for:
She of the Cruach is with us today. The Cruach is a cup. She is the mother goddess. From her comes all bounty, fertility and nurturing. He of the Fiery Sword is intention. She is manifestation. He may conceive the plan, but she nurtures it to fruition. The pagan religions always understood that without the female, the male could not bring anything into being. She was more than a vessel for his brilliance. She was that which provided the energy and matter for his energy to manifest within. Without her, there was no form. Without the earth, the sun just sits there and shines. It produces no life.

Today’s Lo Shu Number is 9 and the Element is Earth. The Snake finds conflict but the Dragon has ease. Today is an auspicious day for haircuts, medical procedures, gambling and births but NOT for starting construction or signing contracts.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “The Divine Love of my Higher Self now flows through me in every situation of my life. The more I express this love, the more it returns to me.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.


I crept out of the bedroom for a drink of water and found Flame on the kitchen counter. Normally I would have grabbed her, but George had left several pots of potting mix with his tomato seeds in them on the stove next to the counter and I didn’t want soil on the ceiling. Then I noticed there was a huge Palmetto bug on one of the pots. Now this is a dilemma. Any sudden move and Flame goes for the Palmetto bug and there is soil on the ceiling. So I crept over and she is hovering with one paw up in the air looking at me like: “I don’t want to put my paw in dirt. My paw has never been in dirt.” Okay, that was when the Palmetto bug disappeared. I discovered he was on the side of the pot. So, the theory was, I would grab the pot, shake it, the Palmetto bug falls to the floor and Flame kills it. Like most theories, it didn’t work. You cannot shake a Palmetto bug off anything. They grip like Velcro. So I managed to hit the pot on the side of the counter and knock him off onto the floor on his back. Flame followed within microseconds and is sitting there looking at Mommy again. “His legs is wiggling. I don’t like wiggling legs. Flip him over Mommy!” So, Mommy flips him over and off they go. How do I get myself into these things?
I had my teeth cleaning today. Anything with the dentist wears you out. My dental surgery is scheduled and paid for and I rejoined the ranks of the broke. If I just didn’t need anesthesia, I could have had the top right done, too. As it is, I am going for the broken tooth and a filling. Did you know those old amalgam filling expand as they get old and break your tooth. I didn’t but it sure showed up nicely on the Xray. I have cracked teeth and fillings all over the back of my mouth. I wish I had insisted the doctor remove them while the infamous ‘caines’ still had an effect on me.
New shopping tip for us plus sized ladies who like a little room in the neck of our T-shirts brought to you via Target. I noticed when they put me in the dermatologist’s chair under the lights that I haven’t bought any clothes in a couple of years. Everything was worn and thread bare and I needed something new. Most of you know how much I HATE shopping. I also really hate paying postage. I was in Target and I saw some nice colored men’s T-shirts with a little V neck. So I went over to the women’s department and discovered they were two dollars more. So back to the men’s department where I bought a test one. I could always give it to George. Well, an XXL is a perfect TwoX. They are light weight and will be perfect for summer. I don’t know why they say they are called sport cut but who cares, it fits perfectly. The little V neck keeps them from strangling me. So, I shall get a few more at 7.99 each. They have nice colors, too. The brown was perfect.
Well, once again I am exhausted. I have another doctor’s appointment tomorrow which is my regular one with the endocrinologist. After they grab a couple of pints of blood for tests, I am free for the day and maybe, just maybe, I will get a little rest.
I know I have to do some gardening. I bought a tomato plant today and it has to get repotted. Bush allowed the big chemical companies to invest heavily in genetically engineered food with brand new laws that actually prosecuted the small farmer if by no fault of his own, these genetically engineered strains pollinated with his good food crop and showed up in his field. One farmer actually lost his farm because the neighboring Monsato corn showed up in his field. He should have tried to sue Monsato for raping his corn. I doubt it would have done any good as the Republicans spent 8 years stacking the courts with their judges. Then to fund all his little wars around the globe, he cut funding to Agricultural Department and let us not forget how much that helped his buddies in the oil industry (most insecticides are petroleum based) and most chemical companies are now in the farming business. Now lab rats fed this genetically engineered food are dying of liver and pancreatic failure.
Let me tell you folks, I have been through complete liver failure and lived. I saw someone die of pancreatic failure. Buy a gun because you are going to want to shoot yourself rather than go through that. I bought an heirloom tomato. That means it will breed true from seed. I am not going to buy any canned vegetables as there is no way to know if Frankinveggie is in the can. I will eat what I can grow. I will save seeds and grow the next crop from them. Maybe I will even pollinate the plants myself. It is easy to do and requires one cotton swab. You can bet Bush is not serving Frankinveggies. I bet he eats organic. The rest of you can eat cake.
Oh, after shooting (literally) the executives in China responsible for poisoning their own babies with melamine contaminated milk, they just found melamine in baby formula and a whole host of foods coming out of China. That’s why the cats are getting homemade food. Apparently serious aversive conditioning (killing them) doesn’t work on Chinese executives. Greed is an ugly thing to behold. It also seems to beget stupidity. If I see China on the label of anything, it goes right back on the shelf.
Friday, I want you to do me a favor. When you get up, each thing you do, from washing your face to putting on your shoes, I was you to stop and consider how many people contributed to that single act. What am I talking about? Washing you face require soap, which had to be put on a shelf so you could buy it, bought by a store owner to go on the shelf, unloaded off the truck, transported on the truck, loaded onto the truck, manufactured by someone and then packaged by yet another group of people who had to make the packaging and print it. Then someone had to grow the plants involved in the soap manufacture, sell them to chemical company, which involved more trucking of materials, loading and unloading.
Okay now, notice every step of this involved transport. On your way to work take a really good look at those big trucks trying to run over you. Who makes them? Yup, they are almost all American made. Now what happens if the American auto industry, which also happens to be the truck industry, goes under? How long before nothing moves? With the auto makers go the auto parts. Without parts, nothing gets repaired. How long before the existing trucks stop working? Six months or less is the answer. Now, are you scared? Do you see what we avoided by propping up the auto industry?
Okay, now let’s say your house burns down. You go to your insurance company to get reimbursed and build a new house. All is working out well. Now, your insurance company actually buys an insurance policy from a bigger company to cover their policies. So they then go to their insurance company to get paid so they can give you your check. Guess who that insurance company eventually is? AIG for the most part.
Now, your paycheck was just deposited into your account or your hand. But, before that point your employer had to get the money out of the bank to cover the check he wrote you. Now, your bank thought when Bush got rid of all the banking regulations on loans it was because he actually knew what he was doing. After all, Reagan said it was so. So, they started making risky loans to people who should never have been given loans and didn’t realize they shouldn’t be getting a loan because everyone said it was all right. I mean, everyone was insured. Right? How could it go wrong?
The loan officer was pocketing an enormous commission on the loan. The bank was happy because they had an insurance policy on that loan. Guess who holds that insurance policy? Yup, mostly AIG. Now when all those people default on those loans and AIG has no money, where do you think the bank is getting the money to pay their executives those big bonuses and those big commissions? Yes, right out of your employer’s account. Do you really think they planned to tell all of us to run in and get our money because they were going out of business? If you do, I some property east of Miami Beach I can sell you cheap. But your account was insured…by the FDIC… the government. Where do you think they were going to get the money to pay you but from you and if you have no money because your employer‘s check just bounced??????
Don’t let anyone tell you this was a give away to pay off campaign promises. This was to keep us from being in something worse than the Great Depression. We were already there before the election. Why do you think the Republicans ran a doddering old man with the charisma of a pitbull on steroids and an idiot? They already stole one election. They controlled the majority of money with a well oiled political machine. Winning this election was a piece of cake. They never wanted to win this election. They wanted someone else to try and clean up their mess so they could blame them with the mess. Then they come back in 4 years and finish the rape of the country. The only mistake was, it all fell apart before the election rather than after. As I said with the Palmetto bug, theories seldom work.
My mother and father only gave me two pieces of financial advice. I suggest you learn them. Never take out a mortgage with balloon payments. You will not be able to make them. Always remember, the bank is not your friend. They make their money off your sweat. They will never give you anything they aren’t making money off. Remember that and you will stay out of trouble.
They also gave me one piece of political advice. They asked my why someone would practically kill themselves to get elected and re-elected to a job that pays poorly, is high stress and requires constant travel. Think about it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Forecast for Feb. 17, '10

Forecast and Faery Finder
By Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit

According to Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac, today’s color is topaz and the incense is lilac.
Today is Ash Wednesday.


Astrologically, new methods and alternative healing practices now come into focus. Psychic energies are very high for well over a month. Things are changing and there is a ripple in the fabric of the Universe.
You may have had a really restless night making getting up a hard thing to do. Thankfully, you have a lot of people ready to call you and drag you out of bed. Elders and authorities seems to be immune to the restless night or they spent all night thinking up new things for you to do. Try not to kill anyone this morning. By evening there is enough chatter to make you want to remove your hearing aids. Listen because some really good ideas are being bounced around.

Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.

Today’s Tarot Card is the Suspension: inversion. It is time to work on understanding how your own psyche works. Knowing what motivates you leads you toward the answer you seek but it is still out of reach.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say:
Family harmony provides you with the support you need today.
Today’s Cat Comfort Card is:
Alley Cat: “ Be adventurous. Everything will go your way.”

Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for:
The Lady of the Harvest greets us and inspires fear in many. Although the Fae do not age, don’t let her fool you. She is the Crone or the Old Woman. She comes at the end of a cycle to take our hand and lead us to the phase of life. She brings grief, loss and release. Move on to the next phase of your with dignity and joy. Embrace the adventure rather than cowering in fear.

Today’s Lo Shu Number is 8 and the Element is Earth. The Dragon finds conflict today. This is not an auspicious day for a haircuts, medical procedures, signing contracts, gambling, starting construction or births.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “Every time a door closes, another one opens up toward wider and more beautiful horizons. The space naturally created in my life now brings me even greater possibilities for growth. I welcome any change in my life with confidence and joy.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.


Folks, I do not know what is wrong with me, but I am permanently exhausted. I hope my blood tests on Thursday have an answer because I am barely managing to get anything done. It has become a test of my will to write the forecast every night.
Coincidences are funny, often in the literal sense. As I was checking Facebook, up pops an ad for yet another Republican (Want to know what they do with YOUR money? check Facebook some day. You’ll find a lot of it.). It said simply, “Want smaller government?”. Then you should sign this guy’s petition, send money and get him re-elected. Sounds great but I have few questions. The first one is really simple. What exactly do you mean by smaller government?
Now most of the people in Pompano Beach would like their money back from the governmental Taj Mahal their elected officials built themselves. In Broward County, we have voted them down so many times on the new county office building that they decided to bypass the voters and just do it with our money. Why won’t we let them out of the fungus, rat infested building with a leaky roof they now inhabit besides the fact that it really is poetic justice if you think about it? It goes like this. They have fought us for 15 years to incorporate all the county lands into cities and this year is the deadline for every piece of county to be incorporated into a city. So, I asked, what exactly are you going to do after this happens? You are county government and you are eliminating the county and turning it into a bunch of cities, who have their own governments. The answer I got was oversee the library system. Note, the library system has its own professional manager and building. Another person got: oversee the county parks. The Parks department has a lovely building on Dixie Highway and their own professional managers. The bottom line on this, is all they are planning on doing for their 100,000.00 a year part time job is rubber stamp papers from these departments that function just fine on their own and attend social events designed to get them re-elected and for that purpose, we all think they can rent a room at the local hot sheet motel by the hour and that, too, would be poetic justice. A new courthouse, we are willing to build. However, if they had spent half the budget they spent on redecorating on repairs and maintenance, the building wouldn’t be in its current condition. My house is older and it is just fine. So if you want to eliminate the Broward County Commission, I’ll vote for you.
The second half of this coincidence was a cartoon in the paper with a line from an old song I had forgotten. “Move 16 tons and what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt.” This song refers to a now glossed over part of American history worshiped by the Republicans, where our government was small, capitalism was unfettered and the individual ruled (providing he was wealthy, white and male. Women could not vote.). This is the origin of big government but few people know what it refers to in reality. This was a period just before the Civil War and a long time afterwards when factories began to spring up in the Midwest and North. They were not just factories, they were known as Factory Towns. The factory owned everything in the town. Children as young as 4 years old were put to work in the factory and it was a rare person who managed to survive past 16 with all their fingers and toes, often hands, arms, legs and/or life. There were no worker safety laws. There were no child labor laws. Both husband and wife usually worked for the factory, bought their food from the factory, rented their cubby hole from the factory, bought their clothes from the factory and there really wasn’t much more to life except alcohol which they also bought from the factory. In England alcohol was cheaper than food and people drank themselves to death because they could not afford food. Now you understand the origins of socialism in Europe. Life was really bad for the poor and “middle” class if there was one.
Life wasn’t that much better in this country, except we had more land and could farm. However, people running away from the factory and their debt, were more often than not found in the west, drug back and thrown in debtor prisons. There were no laws preventing monopolies, preventing companies from unfettered price fixing, from strip mining the countryside, polluting every stream and pond or generally from killing you if they wanted to do so. They owned you without actually owning you because once you were incapable of working, you were shown the gate. Since most factories and factory towns were fenced in, that is where the expression came from. They literally threw you out of town or in jail if you owed too much. It has nothing to do with horse racing. Debt was inherited. Thus, your children had no chance of escaping the factory town. You just went deeper into debt and passed it on to your children.
So, is this what you meant by eliminating big government? You might want to rethink your position. Corporations have, since their inception, not had your best interests at heart. Are you certain you want to give them free reign because I sure don’t?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Forecast and Faery Finder for Feb. 16, '10

Forecast and Faery Finder
By Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit
Happy Fat Tuesday and Mardi Gras

According to Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac, today’s color is scarlet and the incense is cedar.


Astrologically, the Moon enters Aries at 7:30 PM EST.
We will start the morning feeling nostalgic, a little weepy and generally prone to getting our feelings hurt easily. And so ends the aspect for the entire day as the Aries Moon burns away the Pisces fog of illusion and has us rushing head first into things without thinking them through.
For the rest of the week, social events can be used for networking and to make money.

Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.

Today’s Tarot Card is the Hermit: exaltation. Trouble have surrounded you but you are learning to isolate yourself from them, quiet your mind and tune into the cosmic opera. It may require a bit of frugality, but you can attain your chosen destiny.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say:
Creative expression is stifled today.
Today’s Cat Comfort Card is:
The Cat with Nine Lives: “Fortune is on your side. Take some chances.”

Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for:
Iris of the Rainbows brings us hope, a promise of a better future and of course, rainbows. Thank her for the improvement in mood with some irises.

Today’s Lo Shu Number is 7 and the Element is Fire. The Rabbit finds conflict today but the Dog and Boar have ease. Today is not an auspicious day for haircuts but it is for medical procedures, signing contracts and births.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “I let go. I free myself from any attachment, illusion and restlessness of everyday life. I look at people and things through my Soul’s eyes in a calm, detached and loving way. A new and powerful energy emerges within me. I am intuitively guided toward the appropriate action and I easily succeed in everything I do.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.


Another cold week in good old SoFl, coupled with an allergy forecast that this 9.9 out of 10 today makes for one miserable Druid. Curse this Celtic nose structure. I have to carry tissues everywhere I go and even with a constantly leaking nose, it still feels like I have concrete in my sinuses. In addition to that fun, the cold aggravates my asthma and I am good for one really short block before I have to stop and breathe.
We started the day off at the doctor’s office and this time it wasn’t me. YES! Sorry George. I learned one thing today. If you go to the doctor’s office’s on the south side of Holy Cross, they give you free valet parking. I wish I had known that before I had to exit Holy Cross’s parking lot onto Federal and circle back around the block. Anyway, the poor attendant had just wrested a mid sized SUV into their micro parking spots when he looked up and saw Vanwitch. You could see exactly what he was thinking. NOOOOOOOOooooooo! I got out and handed him the keys and didn’t look back. I felt I would let him suffer in private. He got her backed into 1.5 spaces. My treat for driving George there when I am usually sleeping was a trip into the thrift store. Turns out Monday’s is half off day. I got a floppy hat, brand new, for 50 cents and a stuffed toy wood chuck. Yes, you read that right. He now adorns the dashboard of the Vanwitch with all the other really strange stuffed animals I have collected. However, my real score was a Royal Doulton plate with a wizard and a dragon on it! That bankrupted me.
Then we had breakfast at the IHOP and I took ¾ of mine home. I can’t wait to see that doctor next week and find out what is wrong with me. Then it was a quick trip into Costco to score George his elixir: Pepsi. I managed some sublingual vitamin B twelve. I hope it sits better on my stomach than the other kind does. Then we went to Target to get the prescription. George gets to play with a week of Cipro. I warned him about feeling like Superman on the second day. No one knows why it happens but it seems to happen to everyone. Then you go downhill again. I got my face cream the doctor ordered although they told us they didn’t have it. When we went to pay, both tubes were in the bag. Go figure. My face immediately felt much better. I took a nap, which is unheard of for me, slept a couple of hours and awoke refreshed. It is amazing what a bunch of minor irritations can do to the quality of your sleep. I have been mildly miserable for three weeks and now it is gone!
Just that amount of travel totally wiped me out so I am headed for an early night.
However, Purrbie has been feeling a little left out in photo department. He is not what you would call a cute cat. He’s a big old tabby. He climbed up on the top of the French Doors in hallway and posed. So today you get to see his picture. He’s a handsome fellow.
My other score of the day came from Target. I have a round folding table, but it is open weave metal and requires I carry a wooden table top, table cloths and a skirt for it to every event where I am reading. Today I found the exact same table with a solid metal top in RED. I am a happy Tarot Reader! Oh, and it was on sale.