Friday, August 21, 2009

Forecast and Forecast for 08/22/09

Forecast and Faery Finder
By Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit

I had a great doctor’s visit. I am now on two week visits! My wound care is working. I am healing. I have gone from the big pad to the medium pad on my surgery. That’s graduation day! Even the cats are celebrating by not destroying the house. It is a good day!

Message from the Microwits: I am Boogaboo and Mommy gave Napoleon BACON. I smelled it on his breath. I got none. I am Boogaboo and you had better fear me. I love bacon and I got none.

Due to Cancer surgery on my forehead, I will off indefinitely until I can heal completely, have at least one more operation to remove more cancer, heal….

According to Llewellyn’s Spell-a-Day Almanac, today’s color is indigo and the incense is patchouli.

Today is the beginning of Ramadan.


Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.

Today’s Tarot Card is the Universe: consecration. The doorway to change is open. A voyage is immanent. Get ready for movement in your life!

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2007 Daily Planetary Guide.
Astrologically, the Sun enters Virgo at 7:39 PM EDT. The Moon enters Libra at 11:12 PM EDT.
For about a week, it is hard to know what is expected of you at social events, but if you keep quiet and watch, people will show their true colors for better or worse.
This morning arguments and upsets abound. You would be better off if you just walked away and let every one do it their way. That way you can’t be blamed. Authorities vehemently oppose change and will try paint anyone proposing change as flakes.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say , “MOVE!” Yes, get out there and move today. You need to get the chi, the energy, whatever you call it, moving. You are stagnating.

Today’s Cat Comfort Card is Top Cat. “You’re on a winning streak.”

Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for Tobaira of the Waters. She is the Lady of the Lake, the guardian of all healing waters. You can even ask her to bless a glass of water and she will oblige. Ask her to bless your ponds and lakes and then, keep them clean.

Today’s Lo Shu Number is 1 and the Element is earth. The Snake finds conflict today but the Rabbit has ease. Today is not an auspicious day for writing, gambling, construction or births.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “My difficulties, disappointments or apparent defeat are only signs indicating that my success is near. I use them to move forward and develop all my qualities. My final success will be even greater than I imagined.” Annie Marquier creating a world peace one thought at a time.


Napoleon and I having the screen wars. He wants to tear the bedroom screen out of the window to get the gecko. The gecko is well protected behind glass. I keep a supply of empty water bottles to throw at him. I got him this morning and bottle bounced off him, right back into my hands. I was about 14 feet away. My aim is improving or my telekinesis.
Since I am improving, I may be back to doing readings soon.
I opened a can of worms yesterday and have been hearing from vendors all over the country about how they have been, well let’s say, done wrong at Pagan Pride Day events. (I didn’t get complaints about health fairs or other kinds of events for a darned good reason…they don’t brook any shenanigans. They toss you out.) Just because we are Pagan is no excuse to put on an event in an unprofessional manner or to behave that way. I do professional events and I’ve also put events on professionally. One really big item was in the contract for a booth. It was a space for you to list what you were selling. If you were offering a service, you had to list the price or agree to their pricing. And, if you turned up at the event and did not do what you agreed to, you were told to either comply or remove your booth without a refund. That was in the contract. I have seen people packed up and removed from events. You were also often asked for references, copies of licenses and ID which were checked before you were confirmed for the event. One thing I quickly learned in putting on events was the more someone was pushing for a booth, the slower and meticulously I checked their credentials. People know the faster you go, the more mistakes you make and pushing you is an old con game trick. You gotta buy now to get this unbelievable price! It’s unbelievable all right!

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