Sunday, January 9, 2011

Forecast for Monday, 01/10/11

That's a neat date. Bed number two at the front of the shop is being killed as I speak. There is one thing I have learned. A Virgo and a Pisces cannot work together. Yes, you heard me. A Virgo's idea is to tear everything apart and put it back together. A Pisces will rearrange things until they fit. Hence, this Pisces simply returned to the shop to write her forecast before she killed the Virgo. Life is much easier that way.

Today's Tarot Card is the Six of Pentacles. Bills to pay and debts to repay. Remember to share your abundance with those less fortunate.

The Moon is Void of Course from 6:12 AM to 10:24 AM EST. Does it seem like the Moon does this every Monday just to test our driving ability? Be careful out there because people are distracted and confused. The excess of energy was not condusive to sleeping soundly. You may even have had a wake up call in the wee hours with someone screaming at you. But a later wakeup may have been romantic. People are overly emotional and sentimental in the early morning hours and the way it was may seem more appealing that the way it is. Unfortunately, the way it is is the only way we have. The Moon enters Aries at 10:24 AM EST and everything speeds up and people start things. They may not finish them.
A romantic evening brings much some relaxation but be wary, elders and authorities are on the warpath.
For the next couple of days, there is a lot of vague references to romance and some surprise arguments that are way too emotional. Try to not get swept away in the rhetoric. It will just get worse tomorrow until it all dies down on the 13th and we may actually see some prudence. Something big is in the works.

I returned home after 10 PM last night to find Boogaboo just awakening on my pillow where I left him at noon. He claimed he was just sleeping in on Saturday. I claim 10 PM is waaaaay past just sleeping in. Tonight the cats are getting a surprise. I am ejecting them from the bedroom. I discovered last night they awaken me every 2 hours and the only good sleep I get is when they all leave. Thus, we will be starting the night with them all leaving so I can get some rest, get up early and get something done!
It has come as a bit of a surprise that the new rolling chair I bought at a garage sale was a gift for Loki. Here I thought it for me to do readings in.....Silly, silly me....
Well, George is angry at me for leaving him out there, but it was the only way to survive.

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