Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Mother of all Conspiracy Theories

The Mother of all Conspiracies

In many ways I am lucky. I have lived in the time that spanned the primitive era of communications of the party telephone line where up to 15 people shared a single phone line and newspaper communications. I saw television come into existence and even computers. I was around when the internet was born and with a very expensive service, you could access databases of information. That was way before Google. Now, more information than anyone can process is available at the click of a mouse in a split second if you have a good connection. We used to have to wait for the library to open and then look it up in an Encyclopedia that was at least 5 years out of date! Not only that, but they were huge and heavy. Now all that fits in the palm of your hand.

BUT....before I was even born, before this country was even in its infancy, the founders were warning of a conspiracy to destroy it and the people of this planet. We aren't talking about some nut cases bowing down to Glenn Beck. We are talking about Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and even our first president, George Washington. Information was hard to come by in those times. Have you ever wondered what they could have stumbled upon to cause them to birth the original conspiracy theory? Those men didn't believe in internet MEMEs...because they didn't exist. They believed in what they could see, hear and touch. They were schooled in logic and reasoning. Where did this come from, you have to ask?

Then we move on to my generation and my parent's generation. President Eisenhower, a decorated military man, warned of the same thing, as did Kennedy when he tried to dismantle the Federal Reserve (a privately owned bank) and then Johnson. No Republican after Eisenhower has breathed the words: Military Industrial Complex. Reagan in a moment of clarity alluded to a Christian Rightwing taking over the country and then slipped back into senility. All these allusions to someone trying to take over the country and the world.

I have sat with some of the most intelligent men simply because a girl of my age asking the right questions was amusing to them. They all spoke of this conspiracy but at no point did they ever nail the conspiracy down, who the conspirators were and how it was to be implemented. All they had because of the constraint of the manner of communications was implication, various threads and a vague “them”.

I asked two questions. Who are they? What is the ultimate goal?

I got no answer because all anyone had was threads...pieces of a puzzle that had no box with a picture. You knew something was going on and you knew it was bad but you didn't know who or really what. You could point to single pieces but not arrange them, every once in a while two piece clicked together and floated like an island in the middle of the rest of the fragments, and you had an overall view that said someone, somewhere was controlling everything to a massive destructive meltdown or something.

Well, we are in the meltdown and no one still has the answers. I've been studying this for over 50 years. Yes, I actually started this study with my father when I was only 8 years old simply because I had the unique ability to connect the dots, i.e. see patterns. My pattern recognition skills were off the charts and he wanted to know what I could see because he couldn't put it together. He had the same talent. Well, it didn't go well until in my teens I realized I was not looking at something that was linear or single dimensional. I was looking layers upon layers of plot and action. The puzzle was multidimensional. I don't expect very many of you to understand that but that is the main reason this conspiracy eludes even the best thinkers of our times and past times.
Let me give you a practical example. Where do you see yourself at 10 PM EST on January the 24th, 2075? Seriously, think about this.
You cannot answer that question simply because you have no idea what will exist on that date. You are reading this on a laptop, desktop, tablet or maybe a phone, none of which existed 50 years ago. I am sitting on a memory foam topper. The very substance didn't exist. You could not have printed the fabric I am wearing or even created it 50 years ago.
Now I have another question or two. Do you even care where you will be in 50 years? Do you have an exact plan including an address or a vague outline or thought? The answer is really no unless you are fooling yourself. Humans do not plan that far ahead because they don't live that long. You may think about planning something in your 20's but you really expect to be dead by your 70's. So, who plans, if we are to believe Thomas Jefferson and the rest, hundreds of years in advance and why? You're going to be dead. Your kids are going to be dead and even your grand kids are going to be pushing up daisies if you have any. That's a big if.
Now I have given you the answer to who they have to be. They have to be something that lives for hundreds of years to even think about planning that far in advance. Yes, we just fell down the rabbit hole and while you visiting with me here, let's think about something else. You would either have to be world's best psychic or futurist to predict what you will be wearing in a hundred years or control the technology that weaves the material and that means the technology has to exist at that time in the past. You might want to read that a few times.
A washed up drunk CIA agent once told me that any technology I saw come out that day was at least 15 years old. I think he was off by a few thousand years.
Simple point about archeology....hundreds of giant skeletons have been found in North America, most in the Southwest where the native Americans have always claimed a race of giants existed and then died out because they were cannibals, and sent to the Smithsonian where they seem to have disappeared into thin air. With the glory of the Internet and scanners, pictures of these skeletons have surfaced. Why were they hidden?
It seems that anything that did not agree with the history (emphasis on story) was buried or destroyed. What do you gain by hiding history? You are hiding what you have already done. That makes it hard to see what you are doing right now and predict what you will do. In fact, it almost makes it impossible.
From my conclusions, we are dealing with a technologically advanced race that lives pretty much forever and has a definite plan for this planet. They are terraforming the planet through global warming by directing the technology into using coal, oil and gas as sole energy providers. Do you really think we weren't capable of solar and wind power at the same time we developed a dependency on oil? Hemp creates more oil, cleaner oil and better building products and it was outlawed. Why? We've been duped and funneled down a narrow path of existence by something that already had the technology they carefully allowed us to think we were discovering. Instead of some huge Star Trek space ship arriving and changing a barren planet into something livable, they just landed and created million of little terraformers...sort of like nanomachines going in and fixing your organs, or vaccines multiplying through your body to prevent you from catching something.
This is really going to stretch your concept of reality. You cannot imagine 50 years in the future. What if you lived for thousand years. A week our time would seem like a minute or two. Think about your dog or cat. One year in your life equals 7 to 9 years in their life and yet, to you it is still one year. If you lived a thousand years, planning for one century would be in your dayplanner. But far more than that, you and I are nothing more than a blink of their eye, an ant crawling across the surface of the planet. We are irrelevant. We simply do the dirty work of building what they already have planned.
We can see we are being manipulated in one or more directions but we simply can't live long enough o see what we are creating and we can't even look back through history to see the pattern unfolding because history is being hidden from us.
What difference does it make that a race of really tall people populated North America and ate each other? What difference does it make there were cone headed people in South America and Egypt and even now the mutation shows up every once in a while? What difference does it make that Neanderthal interbred with Cro-Magnon and became us? It only makes a difference if you start asking who manipulated the genetics for optimum results and perhaps created us out of a bunch of creatures. Did you know a geneticist has found fragments of pig DNA in our DNA? No one wants to talk about that. We might start asking who god is? And if we do that, they lose their best tool of manipulation.

I also began to ask how you hide from a very curious species for thousands of years. I mean it was once really easy. You just declared yourself god, build a city with good security and ruled. However, to achieve your ultimate plan of terraforming, you had to allow the creatures you created to multiply and ruin (I mean upgrade) the existing planet. So at some point, right around the Middle Ages, angels and god disappeared and stopped showing themselves to man. Perhaps it was because we might notice they weren't completely like us nor were they any supernatural creature, just something a few steps above us and probably subject to being whacked with a big stick.
As long as we did not travel the globe, they could just pick up and move every few years to a prepared location and resume their cushy lifestyle.

Google Earth Maps has put an end to that even though it now allows them to keep way better tabs on us. Every advance at this point has a counter point that is not advantageous to our controllers.

Living that long must be pretty boring, eventually. What if you were stuck for centuries with your pets and a few people? You'd be pretty nuts by now. The conversation has reached repetition. The jokes are not only old but rotted. You are probably talking to yourself for an intelligent challenge. Not only that, but whoever sent you here had to know that was going to happen. There is too much chance you might go off the deep and start playing games, not following the master plan, if you remembered it.
Now we have returned to good old Thomas and his crew that only believed in what they could see, hear and touch. Somewhere, there must be a hard copy of the plan and what each step has to be. You don't leave a whole plant in the hands of what was probably young people in their perspective and plan on coming back in a few hundred thousand years without a hard copy plan. That has to be what these leaders at some point have seen and tried to make minor adjustments to throw it off course. After all, you know you can't trust your dog not to steal your shoe when you aren't looking. When the dog figures out how make shoes, it will copy your shoes and chew them. That means , my friends, the ultimate goal is not in our favor. Otherwise, just go with the flow and have fun. These men fought to their dying day to disrupt whatever roller coaster we are on.

As one old TV show started with: “We have the technology....”, and we do. All we have to do is wake up and realize something doesn't have our best interests at heart, take control because we way outnumber them and numbers always win, and then fix our planet and our society.
We can never go back to where we were. Global warming is a fact and we have to quickly adapt every aspect our lives. We have to be the architects of our world. We have to throw the money people, as money has become the new god, out of our temple. We have to change world into a global community in order to defeat them simply because they have controlled us globally since day one. We must become a community of individuals, each with their own talents and each living their own lives in peace to create what we as a global community need.

Rationally, what difference does it matter if your neighbor is purple? Just think about it. Does a white cat care if it has black and striped kittens. No, they are all cats. Fur is just something they wear. Skin is just something we wear. Color is something “they” use to divide us. Does it really matter what your neighbors believe? God or no god doesn't plant the garden, you do. Does it matter what they wear? In the matter of surviving, having enough food and shelter, getting medical care and help when you need it, the only thing that matters is another human helping you, not what they look like or what religion they follow. All that matters is their talent.

Overthrow the overseers by refusing to buy their hatred and division. It doesn't matter what you believe, what your color or sex is or what you wear, to them you are nothing more than an inconvenient worker ant slave that eventually has to be culled to only those who will bow down and service them. You really don't want to make that grade. Your only strength is in numbers, united.

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