Thursday, April 7, 2011

Your Forecast for Friday 04/08/11

Every person reading this blog does so by consciously making a choice to join me on Facebook or Merchant Circle or Twitter or other venues. I am now blocked from sharing this blog on Facebook and from anyone on Facebook sharing the blog because someone complained it was spam or contained unacceptable information. I would like to suggest since you have by now discovered there is more than one way to skin a block, that you get out of my friends list on facebook while the getting is good because I will find out who you are. I have never complained about any of the myriad of posts- close to 800 -  I get each day. If I disagree, I just don't finish reading them. I don't even bother to comment. The end. However, if you want to play dirty, I am good at that too and you will find complaints piling up about you. You have been warned. Get out of my friends list, NOW! I will fight this. I will find out who you are.

 Today's Tarot Card is the Hermit. It is time to get out there and advertise yourself.

The morning hours are filled with ideas to get you out of the slump you have recently, or longer, been in. Take them to heart and get to work. Because of all the projects you have going, you find yourself feeling a little unsocial. There is no law that says you always have to be the entertainment or the life of the party. You can take a break.
Good news about finances and property arrives in the afternoon and you are finally feeling like you are winning. Pleasant conversations dominate the late night and lull you to sleep,
The Moon goes Void of Course at 10:24 PM EDT, so call it an early night and get some sleep. Tomorrow will be busy.

Well, folks, I am off to the water machine and bed. My back is still very painful between my shoulders and I can barely lift anything.
However, my van mirror arrived today and it is installed. I can really see everything in the universe now or at least in the lane next to me!

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