Friday, November 8, 2019

Old Goals

It's that time of year that Druids look back over their life and see if they have met their goals. At 68, I have quite a distance to look. Let's see memory, what were my goals?
I wanted about 10-15 acres with a dozen avocado and mango trees each plus a large garden capable of feeding us. A house big enough to house my and George's work would have been nice. Perhaps a smaller house for retreats and classes would have supported the taxes and spread the word a lot farther. I wanted to continue publishing Witch Way?/Which Way? I wanted us to be independent enough to pursue our studies. I wanted to have my cats.
What did I get?
I can say I met none of those goals except having the cats. Life got in the way and we got stuck here because of family loyalty. That is something I will not have in any future lives if condemned to return. There was just too damned much work staying afloat to do anything but swim madly.
So if I were to give you any advice, it would be to chuck everything and follow your dreams. Your main loyalty in this life has to be to yourself because I will guarantee, no one is going to be loyal to you.
Everyone always asks why they are here. I think you know the answer but you hide it under family obligations, making money, surviving, being social responsible. From childhood you are taught to do what is best for the family but do they ever do what is best for you? Every aspect of society is designed so if you aren't the rich ruling class, you have to take care of family. Have as many little slaves as you can pop out to help with the work load which increases with each child. You don't see the ruling class with 8 kids. You get work as soon as you can to help out with the family. The other class helps their children with their dreams and ideas. The deck is not only stacked against you, but you aren't playing a game, you are following orders. There isn't even a deck, just rules.
Some day, maybe, the rest of us will realize we don't own our children. We can't live through them because we were forced to do what we didn't want to for the family. We are just producing the same lock stepping robots to continue to underestimate their value and talents to be exploited by someone living their dream because they inherited the money.

When the revolution comes, perhaps we will learn to value people for themselves rather than pieces of gold. You may think you are so much better than everyone else, until the garbage isn't picked up, your clothes don't get cleaned and the farmer goes on holiday. Suddenly, those laborers have value, perhaps more than you.
My new goal: trying to get out of bed in the morning.

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