Sunday, January 16, 2011

Forecast for Monday. 01/17/11

Janice: Little Bitwit, how can you be so cute and so very evil.
Bitwit: Easy, very easy.

And today we have another episode of KUNG FU TAIL starring Napoleon and featuring Janice catching her new phone in midair!

Today's Tarot Card is the Four of Wands reversed. A friend is lost but not forgotten. Next time you will be more selective.

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr's birthday. The Moon is void of course from 12:57 PM to 2:29 PM EST, so I would have an early lunch. You may be aggravated with yourself starting the morning but are you just playing your parent's script in your head? It is a very psychic and confused morning. The confusion is over emotional issues. Teachers find they are communicating well but getting little emotional support. Logic and heart are at odds.
The Moon enters Cancer at  2:29 PM EST and the focus shifts to home, hearth and family.
Call it an early night because energies are just "itchy" in the evening and by midnight you have a lot of oppositions of communications and change that you would be best sleeping through.
For the next week, expect some nice emotional surprises. For the next couple of days authorities and elders talk about change but it is change that benefits themselves not you. Never trust the government or elected officials to keep their promises. Do trust them to behave exactly as they have in the past.

I am still tired and just did my: I don't want to work..Mantra. Technically, work is over and I have a day off. In reality, you know how that goes when you own your own business. There is the shopping for the house to do, for the shop and for the garden. Then you try to catch up on paperwork, both business and personal. Oh well, that's life. Oops, I forgot the laundry and cleaning.

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