Thursday, October 22, 2009

Forecast and Faery Finder for 10/23/09

Forecast and Faery Finder
By Janice Scott-Reeder and the Bitwit

According to Llewellyn’s Spell-a-Day Almanac, today’s color is coral and the incense is alder.


Deck: Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea.

Today’s Tarot Card is the Two of Cups: harmony. Let the opposition speak without interruption. Do not attempt to control others. Just let them move at their own pace. In the end, truth wins.

Astrological Source: Llewellyn’s 2009 Daily Planetary Guide.
The Moon enters Capricorn at 2:40 AM EDT bringing a somber note to the weekend.
The Sun enters Scorpio at 2:44 AM EDT and now the darkness rules, hides and comforts, but secrets kept can be revealed.
For a couple of days there is a lot of talk about what went wrong and beautiful promises, but whether they are kept remains to be seen.
Ego energies create arguments in the morning hours. Children are very headstrong and caregivers are equally stubborn. Around noon, good news arrives as you reap what you have sown. It is a romantic night.

Deck: Healing with the Fairies.
The Faeries say:
Let go of all things that no longer serve you well.

Today’s Cat Comfort Card is :
Big Cat: “You’re full of awesome power. Anything is possible.”

Deck: The Fairies’ Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth
Today’s Faery Finder is on the lookout for:
Myk the Myomancer says to be on the look out for small signs, so small you might just pass them by. The future is in the leaves. Watch them.

Today’s Lo Shu Number is 2 and the Element is Metal. The Sheep finds conflict today but the Monkey has ease. Today is an auspicious ay for haircuts but NOT for writing, gambling or births.

Today’s Message from the Universe is: “NOW is the time for decisive action.
I let go of my past and I rebuild my life on totally new foundations. The light of my Soul guides me toward new paths and new discoveries for my highest good.” Annie Marquier creating a world of peace one thought at a time.


It was a good night for spells. In the hour of Jupiter on the day of Jupiter I took all those little inserts and stuff they send you with your credit cards, tore them into small pieces and burned them as a sacrifice to the salamanders to make my balances go away. The old raccoon sat and supervised. Once again I had the impression he is something more than a raccoon as he showed no fear of fire and seemed to be blessing the ceremony. Getting rid of all my plastic is something I have been working on since the banks got prissy and raised interest rates for no good reason while giving themselves million dollar bonuses. So, my balances may go with the fire but who knows where those salamanders will ride the energy back to and what they will do. I really don’t care. Enjoy yourselves little ‘manders. After all, they burned your priestess on insurance and interest rates. Burn them however you like.

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